Im half and half
(dad's muggle mum's a witch bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out-) if you get this. ILY.
Ship(s): Moxiety,Intrulogical,Roceit.
Tw: accidental Unsympathetic lightsides,excluding someone,making someone feel unwanted, big bro Remus(this is now a warning cause he's very protective)
Requested by: Athena-Pallas10
Based on the head cannon that all darksides have an animal characteristic,e.g: remus-octopus,janus-snek etc
And my Roman headcanon
Roman sighed as he ran a hand through his hair avoiding his horns that poked out of his for head,they twisted and turned and looked somewhat similar to maleficent's, who by the way is a queen she is along side Julie Andrews.
His dark red wings with flecks of shimmering green scales folded against his back.His tail,that followed the same pattern flicked across the floor. He sighed, he hated being a dragon sometimes. (shuddup I like this idea and you can't stop meeeeeee!!!!)
His canines pointed into fangs to go with the deadly beasts affect. He sighed and hid his form once again, he threw on his shirt leaving the sash hanging over his bed frame.
He creeped down the stairs trying to sneak some cookies only to spot the other three on the couch watching a disney movie, patton and virgil cuddled up together with logan third wheeling reading his Harry potter book,not paying attention to the movie.He felt tears well up in his eyes as he ran back up the stairs.Why was he crying? this is the fifth time this has happened.
He started feeling like he wasn't needed after the third time, thinking the first two where an accident.
Roman slammed his door shut and locked it. Letting out a scream even though it came out as a roar, a roar that shook the entire mind palace.
The three lightsides fell off the couch in shock. Janus fell out of bed and Remus sprung up off the couch. "Roman?!" He shouted running to the lightside. Janus following behind,wearing sweatpants and a tank top.
Remus raced past the lightsides who where scrambling to their feet. The roar wasn't dying down. It only grew louder.
All of them followed Remus to Roman's room, The roar was deafening,yet remus didn't seem bothered by it whilst the others covered their ears.
Remus opened the door slightly slipping in,the others following.
Only to be met with bright yellow eyes.
"shit." Remus huffed before a deafening roar was sent their way along with a burst of flames. Remus was quick to summon a shield.
"Did a dragon escape the imagination?!" Patton questioned.
"ROMAN!" Remus yelled at the dragon. The beast tensed slightly. Remus handed the shield to janus and walked towards the dragon slowly. "Roman buddy you need to calm down ok?" He said quietly but enough for the dragon to hear. Remus placed his hand on the dragon's snout. The dragon moved and wrapped it's head around remus, the dragon started to shrink.
The others watched gobsmacked as the dragon shifted and shrank,eventually turning into the prince. He hugged his brother tightly as Remus pet his wings,calming him down. He rested his head on Remus' shoulder,his horns very obvious."I-I'm sorry, I-I couldn't c-control I-it and ...and-" Roman sobbed. "Shh,it's ok,you're going to be ok..." Remus told him.
"what...?" Virgil asked breaking the silence,Roman his further into Remus' shoulder. "I thought only darksides have animal traits?" Logan asked his boyfriend. Remus nodded. "I'm half and half.So is Remus." Roman said looking up.
Janus slowly came over and placed a hand on one of Roman's wing. "Their beautiful...." Janus said, blushing a light pink.Roman blushed brightly. Remus and Virgil noticed and snickered.
Roman slapped Remus' arm playfully.
"Now why where you upset Ro?" Remus asked. "I-I...." He took a deep breath grounding himself as he felt anxiety rise up in his chest. "I saw the others watching a movie without wouldn't have bothered me, i-if it wasn't the fifth time it's happened...." He mumbled. "I-I started feeling as if I wasn't wanted....." He whispered the last part.
"WHAT?!" Remus' voice boomed,it echoed and sounded corrupted.His tentacles coming out on instinct to seem more scary.
"Patton you said you where going to invite him!" Logan said. "I wasn't even watching the movie I was minding my own business!" Patton looked worried "I-I thought I did Invite him!Roman I'm so so so sorry kiddo I didn't mean to make you feel unwanted!"
"I-I'm sorry too princey, I should've made sure you where invited...." Virgil said shuffling a little when he felt Remus' glare burn into his skull. "I apologise too Roman..." Logan said. Roman smiled a little. "It's ok guys..."
Janus stole Roman from Remus earning a squeak from the shortest side. "Mine now." Janus said before racing out the room with Roman in his arms. Remus glared. "JANUS DECEIT SELF PRESERVATION SANDERS GET YOUR SNAKE ASS BACK HERE!!" Remus shouted chasing after him. Logan sighed before running after his boyfriend to prevent him from ruining his ship.
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