Tw:detailed suicide attempt,mention of hypnotism,use of hypnosis,mention of guns,mention of intrusive thoughts(remus),mention of breakdowns,Mention of toxic parenting
Ship: Roceit
Requested by: oohgodthatscringe
Notes: Janus and roman have been friends since the start of highschool,After a month of being friends janus tried out hypnosis and roman volunteered to be the test subject. it worked and janus used it whenever roman got to stressed over something or had a panic attack.He uses a code word to get control.
Roman smiled at his brother,who rose an eyebrow.He never smiled at him like that sure they had their moments but he only smiled like that if Remus had a breakdown cause of his intrusive thoughts." You ok ro-bro?" Remus asked the usually peppy twin. Roman stayed quiet.
"He yelled at you again didn't he...?" Roman gave a slow nod." I'm fine rem,your big bro can handle it." Roman smiled ruffling remus' ginger locks (remus look like a male Anna) "If you say so...." The younger twin sighed,he knew he couldn't make his brother break.Their dad was an asshole,just in general,had been since their mum ran off with some woman.
Roman walked remus to school,he went to a special needs class,he wasn't like most of the kids in their but due to his unpleasant intrusive thoughts,Roman thought it might be best if he had a teacher who actually knew what to do if he had a breakdown.
"See ya rem " Roman smiled. Remus tugged on his sleeve twice. " hey,I'll message you when I'm in class ok? Now go talk to virgil." He nodded in the direction of the anxious male. Remus nodded before waving by to his brother.The twins set up a system where if one of them needed something they gave so many tugs to their shirt. For example 2 meant they needed reassurance.
Roman walked to the outside of the school and messaged remus he was ok and that he loved him. Receiving a response not a minute after saying something about dead bodies.Roman just chuckled at his brother's antics.
Roman slid down the wall of the building. He could go home now and their dad wouldn't notice he's probably already at the bar.
Roman messaged remus telling him he's headed home cause he felt sick.
Roman stared at his dad's revolver that sat on his bed. He got a message saying remus was staying at vee's for the night. So he didn't have to worry about remus stopping him.
He sighed as tears made their way down his already drenched cheeks. He loved his brother,he really did but if Roman's gone,then maybe,just maybe their dad would be nicer....Seeing as he hated roman.
He grabbed the already loaded gun and pulled back the safety, making sure the bullets where in before placing the barrel into his mouth. He pointed the barrel up and went to pull the trigger.
"Prince." Roman stopped his movements all together.His eyes seemed to glaze over as he lost control over his body. " Remove the gun from your mouth." Roman did as told." Hand it over" The male held his hand out expectedly,watching as the controlled male did just that.
Janus clicked the safety back on. Using his spare hand to wipe away tears. He carefully removed the bullets and put the gun in his pocket for now.He'll put it back in the safe later.
He walked over to roman. "Come back." He said softly, looking at the shorter male. Roman blinked rapidly and stumbled a bit, he would've fallen if janus hadn't caught him. Roman refused to look up, His ginger locks falling infront of his eyes as tears streamed down his face. "Roman? Talk to me buddy...." Janus said quietly. "I-Im sorry,I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry-" Roman rambled on gripping his hair. " Hey shh shh, none of that, I'm not mad,but please tell me why?" Janus said softly, lifting the smaller males head to look at him.
Piercing green eyes,shimmered with tears yet they looked so dull. "I-I....I wanted t-to get away!M-My dad has been getting worse,t-the bullying is getting worse. I-I can barely protect remus anymore jan!I-I can't b-be the brother he n-needs,The thoughts have been getting worse!I can't be the brave,handsome,kind prince y-you always say I am!!I just can't anymore!" He cried. Janus pulled him into a tight hug.
"Darlin' listen to me..." (Texan janus-) Janus said,his Texan accent becoming more prominent. "Remus is still here isn't he? He's still ok yeah? You've been a great brother to him. I know it's hard to ignore the thoughts that's why I told you to call me.So I can help distract you from them. You're always going to be my handsome,brave kind prince. I love you for you I wouldn't change ya..." Janus said lifting Roman's head up slightly. Roman sniffled and looked at janus with a bright blush.
They slowly leaned in before they knew it their lips where on the others.Kissing softly.
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