Christmas special
Tw: None,pure fluff
The twins- 3
Virge- 9
Patton- 32
Human AU
Ships: Familial drlamp romantic Moceit (parents)
the others are children
Patton hummed happily as he put the cookies in the oven,He could hear the giggles of the kids in the background. He sighed as he set the timer and left the kitchen hanging his apron up on a chair as he left. He couldn't help but chuckle slightly as he watched his two oldest chase eachother around the living room. Both held one twin each on their shoulders,both of the 3 year olds had an elf hat on their head.
"Boys!" Patton said. "Yeah dad?" Virgil,his eldest asked. "Cmon upstairs and get ready for bed,otherwise Santa won't be coming." The father smiled."It's nearly the twins' bedtime." He said looking at the clock on the wall. The boys giggled and ran up the stairs to their shared room.The eldest wanting to be able to keep an eye on his little brothers and logan because well virgil had the best bedtime stories ever.
Patton smiled as his boys ran up the stairs before turning to clean the living room.
About 5 minutes the front door opened allowing the chilling winter air to blow through the house. "Papa!!" The kids yelled from the stairs. They charged towards the door Virgil carrying the youngest,Roman, since he was half asleep. Janus picked remus and Logan up," hey boys! have you been good for dad?" Both boys nod whilst Vee rocked roman little. "is roro tired?" Janus asked his eldest while patton takes Remus from him. "yeah,it is nearly his bedtime..." Virgil smiled at his papa.
"Ok boys upstairs,I'll read you a bedtime story." Janus smiled putting Logan down. " We need to get Santa's cookies and milk!!" logan said pointing to the kitchen. Remus nodded. Both parents chuckled. "ok but then it's bedtime."
the two middle children scampered to the pantry,while vee went to the fridge to grab the milk. "You wanna carry the cup princey?" he asked the little boy in his arms. The boy gave a sleepy nod. "I carry it..." he mumbled. The older brother smiled and poured a glass before putting the milk back in the fridge and closing it. He let the toddler grab the glass but kept a hand on it so it didn't spill.
The went to the living room and set the glass next to the plate of chocolate chip cookies on the coffee table. "ok off to bed you 2 the others are already up there." Patton said kissing both boys on the head.
Vee walked into the room and attempted to put Roman in his bed yet the three year old had fallen asleep with a tight grip on his shirt. "well looks like you're with me he whispered. Ge climbed into his bed ,taking Roman's pillows with him,using them to create a wall on the other side of him incase roman turned in his sleep and nearly fell out of bed. Logan and Remus where in Logan's bed,both of them cuddled together as janus walked into the room.
"ready boys?" he asked his sons,taking note of the already flat out roman ontop of virgil's chest. "story." remus smiled cuddled against logan.
Janus smiled and sat in the rocking chair inbetween the two beds. He opened the book he brought with him and smiled at his husband who peaked in from the doorway before he walked in and sat on the bottom of Logan's bed.
"Twas the night before Christmas..."
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