roll the dice: (6)
Chatterbox woke up with his head growing heavier and his hands tied to the back of the chair. He couldn't move, the drug he ingested had numbed his senses. He could hardly see anything. All the lights except lights in the funhouse were switched off. The rest of the clowns were dead. Ratchet, Kirk, Mini - all of them slaughtered. They lay in the pool of their own blood, bullet holes in their heads and their bodies. Vinny's dead body was still there and on the other hand, there was no sign of Yuno.
Chatterbox tried getting out of the tightly knit ropes but couldn't. The pain and anger intensified when he saw Twinkles tied to the other chair. He moved his legs to hit the clown and get some reaction from him, but he couldn't move his feet. Twinkles didn't seem like he was dead, but he wasn't conscious either.
"Don't worry. He is not dead." Ray Mond's chirpy voice made Chatterbox to raise his head towards her. "I would never kill my baby Twinkles. He means a lot to me." She giggled, dressed in a new set of clothes - white tank top over her baggy brown jeans. She played with her bloodied wrench as she sat on the wooden stool.
The tables had turned, tides had changed. And unlike Chatterbox, Ray Mond would not hesitate to kill him.
"You outplayed me." Chatterbox said, chuckling and laughing. "I am impressed."
Ray Mond did a mock bow. "Thank you." She balanced her wrench to the side, leaning on it as she smirked at the helpless clown King. "I learn from the best."
"How did you manage to outdo us alone?"
"Alone?" Ray Mond rolled her eyes. "Have you met my boys?"
Ray waved at Yuno who was leaning on the wall, his helmet on and his glowing shoes outlining his chill personality. "My twin, Yuno - the best hacker in town. He infiltrated the Funhouse and has been working his way for seven days now. You didn't catch him Chatty, he wanted to be caught." Yuno saluted Chatterbox and even though Chatty could not see Yuno's face, he knew he was smirking behind that helmet.
"And that's Vinny - my Papi." Vinny stepped on Ratchet's dead body, crushing whatever remained of him under his heel. "You know Vinny is known as a master of disguise. The blood wasn't real, the body that is lying there isn't real. I can't even tell if this is the actual Vinny."
Chatterbox glanced at the prosthetic body that still remained where Vinny once was. He couldn't have guessed how swift Vinny was with his art. He truly was impressed by the trio's actions, knowing well that they did outsmart him.
"Let me guess." Chatterbox chuckled, unafraid of death. "You did this for your precious Chang Gang. The CG princess being loyal to motherfuckers who would betray her instantly."
Ray Mond laughed. She put her head back and laughed when Chatterbox accused her. She almost fell from the table when she couldn't stop laughing at Chatterbox's naivety. She ran her hand through her hair and shook her head, holding Chatterbox's face with her hand and leaning forward.
"You are so naive and cute, Chatty." Ray pouted, whispering words of venom. "So cute. I wish I could box you and take you with me, you know." She let go of his face and sat back on the wooden stool, playing with the wrench. "You really think I'd let Chang Gang win this game. You think I'd let anyone from Las Santos taste this sweet victory?"
Chatterbox thought he knew Ray Mond in and out, but her crazy eyes and the evil in her sweet voice - all of it was a surprise to the Clown King and honestly, a turn on. He thought he made Ray Mond into Hiccups, his Clown Queen, an insane clown with killer instincts. But he failed to see that Ray Mond was always a step ahead of Hiccups.
"I came to this city to find my twin." Ray narrated her tale, legs crossed, and gaze fixated on Chatterbox. "Not to have a cutesy family reunion, pffft." She licked the dried blood on the jaw of the wrench. "To give this city a payback for what they did to our parents. Kill every single one of the cunts who dared to destroy our family. We knew that our parents were killed by the measly gangs of this city, and that the city didn't know they had twins because we were separated at birth. They kept Yuno and put me away to keep us safe. When Yuno arrived in the city - acting all cute and sweet, the people in the city thought they could train him as their puppet. But guess who was training whom..."
The twins wanted to avenge their parents. And they did. They infiltrated known and powerful gangs in the city and worked their way up for five years. While Yuno associated himself with the likes of Dundee and Mr. Lang, Ray got herself a free entry in Chang Gang - the most powerful gang of the city. Their loyalty was tested, their caliber was questioned, and lives were endangered but they stayed true to the very end. But when the clowns came in the picture, the twins found an easy way to eradicate the rest of the city.
Make the Clown King lose his shit. Once he was back to his true self, they knew that the city wouldn't last much longer after that.
"So that is how I became Hiccups." Ray Mond shrugged, tilting her head. "It wasn't anything personal, Chatty. At least not towards you."
"What happens to Chang Gang?" Chatterbox asked.
"You helped eradicate almost all of them." Ray Mond answered, a coy smile on her face. "Mr. K and the rest of them will die..." She glanced at her watch. "Oops. They are dead. Vinny helped plant explosives all over their safety base. All that remains of CG are their ashes. You're welcome, by the way." She winked, the same evil smile playing on her red lips.
Chatterbox glanced at the gun that lay beside him. And then at Ray Mond who was also eyeing the rusted revolver.
"Do you want to finish the game, my King?" Ray Mond raised her eyebrows. "We don't have much time though." She leaned in again, whispering against his lips. "The Funhouse blows in exactly ten minutes." Her fingers slid through his cheeks, running against his scars. "The things we could do in ten minutes..."
"How did you drug me?" Chatterbox was stalling, even though Ray could tell that he was from a mile away. "I checked you."
Ray groaned, sitting on the floor with her knees around her chest. "You ask a lot of questions!" She narrowed her gaze. "We can do so many other things than this, Chatty!"
"You really think I'd do anything with someone like you, Cups?"
"Baby your hardened cock says otherwise." Ray touched his throbbing erection. "It's waiting to rail me. I can tell how much you want me." Chatterbox was sweating, the drug and his erection were causing his body to melt. "And as much as I want you in me, I think it's time to say goodbye, love."
Ray took the revolver and placed the bullet in the next chamber. She aimed the gun at the clown and almost pulled the trigger. "Wait." She found the dice they played with earlier on the cold ground and shuffled them in her hands. "I should end this properly."
"Ray Mond - we need to leave." Vinny said from the side. "The explosives will go off soon and we need to be out of the radius."
"We will!" Ray assured, giggling. "But I have to give Chatty a last goodbye. He deserves it."
Chatterbox watched her shuffle the dice and throw them on the ground. He wasn't looking at the dice, rather soaking in whatever was left of his Cups. But when her smile faltered, Chatterbox looked at the dice that lay in front of him.
6 5 6
They met each other's eyes. 17 had always been their number. 17 was their destiny. Their red string. Their fate. Ray composed herself and threw the revolver on the ground, the evil smile was back on her face.
"The 17 saved you. Geez." Ray sighed, clicking her tongue. "You will have to burn with the fire then. Gah, so boring." She called out to the boys and was ready to leave when Chatterbox called out to her.
"You're not going to grant me a last wish?"
Ray turned to face the clown. She knew he was trying to stall, maybe play another trick on her. But she couldn't back out from a challenge. Not when the opponent was Chatterbox. "Tell me your last wish. Let's get this over with."
Chatterbox tilted his head, a grin on his scarred face. "Kiss me."
Ray simply chuckled. "You can't trick me with my own play."
"I am not you, Ray. I cannot play mind games. I am a simple man, my Queen. I kill when I want to. I fuck when I want to." He met her gaze, and Ray could see her cold reflection in his dark eyes. "So, be a good girl and let me kiss you."
"Don't do it." Vinny yelled from behind her. "That's a trick."
"We really need to leave, Ray. Time's ticking."
"Go get the car, boys. The Queen has some unfinished business with His Majesty."
Ray should have listened to Vinny and Yuno when they were warning her, but her heart knew how much she craved and missed Chatterbox. And even though it was all pretend, she knew that the Cups in her would always love and belong to her Chatterbox. She knelt on the wet grass and wrapped her arms around the clown, her mouth drawing closer to his ears.
"You didn't check my mask, Chatty." She whispered, her hands had found their way inside his pants. "The drug strips were taped to my mask..." She stroked his cock which stood erect the moment she touched him. "And when we were having sex, I stuck them to the back of your neck..." She leaned closer while her hand fisted his cock, moving in a faster pace. He was crumbling under her hold, and she enjoyed every second of it. "It takes ten minutes max for them to work their magic... just like this..."
At once Chatterbox came all over her hand and Ray Mond proceeded to wrap herself around him, placing her lips on his dried, cold ones. Before she could even begin to kiss him, Chatterbox hungrily devoured her cold, red lips. They remained seated on the cold ground, kissing the other until they were breathless and wanted more of it. And just when Ray Mond forgot all about the explosives and the time that was running out, she snapped out of the trance when she felt the cold metal of the revolver against her skin.
She dared to meet Chatterbox's eyed and then his hand that sneaked his way out of the ropes and inside her top. The gun was pressed against her skin and all Chatterbox had to do was click it.
Ray simply smirked, shaking her head and proceeding to kiss the clown. He could click it for all she cared, and even though he wanted to - he didn't.
"I had a bet on the roll too, Cups." Chatterbox whispered when they were out of breath. "17 back at it again."
Ray Mond pulled herself from the clown and tied her messy hair. She pushed her soiled underpants that lay on the ground towards the clown. "Parting gift."
She called out to the boys who were ready in the car, waiting for her signal. She glanced one last time at the funhouse and the man who drove her insane, quite literally.
"Goodbye, Chatty. Say hi to Giggles for me."
The car sped off from the funhouse at lightning speed. They rolled down the hill and escaped the darkness that spread over and around the funhouse. And after a minute, a loud boom was heard.
"Phew, I thought you'd never let go off him." Vinny commented from the driver's seat. "That was something..."
"Nah, Ray was enjoying herself a bit too much." Yuno said from beside an exasperated Ray Mond. "I can't believe I had to watch my twin sister have sex."
"You could have shut your eyes, scumbag." Ray rested her head against the side. "Yet you watched us go at it. So, who was enjoying more?"
The car drove past the chilly roads and ghost city. There was nothing that remained in Los Santos for the twins to steal. Everything they wanted was done.
"Which city should we go to now?"
Ray smiled with her eyes shut. The cold breeze brushing over her face and adding to her bloodlust.
"Hmm, what about San Fierro?"
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