Trails | A Roleplay Oc | Penelope "Penny" Elaine Griffin
So here is her full form with the extra details I felt I needed to add.
Role: The Adele
Name: Penelope "Penny" Elaine Griffin
Current Age: Sixteen
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Social Clique: The Artist - Glee
Face Claim: Bree Kish
Personality: This girl is one of the best people you will ever want to hang out with. She is easy going, a people person, and an all around the best friend everyone wishes for. She speaks music, her whole life revolves around it and depending on her mood, is the type of song she will act like. She loves telling dad jokes and even if they aren't funny, people still laugh because they know she is only trying to lift the mood. She is a very confident person, she loves herself, her body, and everything about her. She doesn't tolerate anyone tearing others down, she builds people up. She is all about self acceptance and loving who you are with flaws and all. She she truly a caring person, has a huge heart. It sometimes comes to bite her in the butt though she doesn't really care. Her whole goal is to just make everyone around her happy. She is just a joyful, uplifting happy-go-lucky person. She is very optimistic and is always ready to help anyone with anyone no matter what it is. She will listen and help talk it out, make them feel better. She was born for the stage, her personality is just that, big for her and her outspoken nature does well when she is on stage. She puts her all in everything and never backs down from anything. You also can't get anything past this girl, she doesn't believe lies. She is really good at telling when someone is lying to her, growing up around lies she knows a thing or two.
Likes: Singing, it is her passion, her one passion she loves in life. She puts her whole being in music and could never see herself without music. | Cats, she is adores cats. Whenever she has spare time she is spending it at the animal shelter taking care of the kittens. | Juice, she is a huge juice fan. Her favorites are passion fruit, hibiscus and lemonade. | Flower petals, she does keep enjoy throwing petals up in the air and letting it fall down around her. It seems to be so beautiful as they fall down, and standing under cheery blossom trees when the flowers fall off are where she can be found at certain times. |
Dislikes: Embarrassment, she doesn't like it when people embarrass her or embarrass others, she will call them out for it and give them a lesson or to for it. | Being sick, she hates being sick, she feels miserable and just wants to sleep all day. She doesn't like the feeling and how it delays her life having to wait to recover. | Severe thunderstorms, she isn't fond of them. They are really loud, scary, she has always had a slight fear of these bad thunderstorms. Not only that but it makes her job even harder having to redo and fic everything that had been destroyed during the storm. |
Fears: Heights, she does not like being up high. Yes the fear of falling is what gets her the most but just the idea of being up in the sky where whatever you are on could fall from the sky was not her forte. |Bugs, she hates all bugs. She doesn't like them and will scream when they are in her vicinity. Everyone knows how much she hates them, and she carries bug pray with her everywhere. |
Backstory: She grew up in a very musical family, so it was no wonder she loved music. Her mother was a concert pianist, her father a music teacher. She was an only child and she didn't mind she loved all the attention she got from her parents. She is quite close to them, always talking to them, hanging out with them. She is so blessed to be close to her family and she would do anything for them. She aspires to be a singer, which she does write her own songs and keeps them in a song book. She knows it is probably a fickle thing to think about but it is her one dream that her parents are supportive of her.
Other: She knows ASL. | She adores Mariah Carey. | She can speak Spanish fluently. | She uses lyrics into her regular conversations and comments. | She always has at least one ipods in her ears at all time no matter when. | She has a job baby sitting in the summer so she can save up for a car. |
Theme Song: No - CLC
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