Ch. 5 *It Is A Demon*
I walk down the stone steps of Skyhold.
Solas led us here, to a castle that's been lost. When we first arrived I gazed at everything.
"How was a place like this ever lost?" I ask myself, awing over everything. It's all a mess, and it'll take time to clean. But we have our stronghold to fight against Corypheus.
I walk past a solider. "Inquisitor," he says, nodding, before disappearing behind me.
The word still sends me into shock.
After we got settled, Cassandra led me to Leliana who was holding a sword. When I looked to my right, everyone was staring at me.
They needed a leader. And since I had the Templars ally with us, they chose me.
The Inquisition became mine. I am there Inquisitor, and the stress I felt just doubled in size.
I got half of Thedas to protect...and if I fail? Fingers would point at me. A blessing, and a curse, this title. But there's nothing I can do about it. I can only take a breath, think hard, and trust myself and my decisions.
Let's only hope that I'll do right for these people...
I walk across the ground, seeing an annoyed Vivienne discussing something with Solas, and Cole, sitting on the ground, picking at the dirt.
"This thing is not a stray puppy you can make into a pet. It has no business being here."
"Wouldn't you say the same of an Apostate?" Solas asks, the smart ass sinking in his voice.
Vivienne glares at him right when I approach them.
"What's going on?" I ask, before Cassandra turns to me.
"Inquisitor," she says, "I wondered if Cole was perhaps a Mage. Given his... unusual abilities."
"He can cause people to forget him, or even fail entirely to notice him. These are not the abilities of a Mage, it seems that Cole is a spirit," Solas points out. Me and him have already discussed this, and I've already decided to have him stay and help us. What's the point of this?
"It is a demon," Vivienne says with a hint of acid in her tone. She's glaring at Solas like she's ready to attack him for standing against her. Vivienne's always been sassy to those who don't agree with her.
Personally, she's a bitch to everyone. But she's smart.
We need some brains in this journey. We have enough brawn.
Solas shrugs. "If you prefer, although the truth is somewhat more complex."
I speak up. "Cole helped us expose Lord Seeker Lucius and defeat the Envy Demon. He's earned his place here."
I almost point out that he was the one who found me after the battle at Haven, but I bite my tongue.
People would think that I'm intentionally trying to defend him, when really, I'm trying to be as neutral as possible.
Vivienne laughs, a cold, soft laugh. "And what will it's help cost, my dear? How many lives will this demon later claim?"
"It's not a demon!" I want to shout at her, but Solas speaks before I can.
"In fact, his nature is not so easily defined..."
Cassandra sighs, annoyed and impatient. "Speak plainly, Solas. What are we dealing with?"
They make it sound like Cole isn't a being at all, that he's this problem that needs to be dealt with. Spirit or not, I trust him. He's shown to be loyal so far...why can't the others see it too?
"Demons normally enter this world by possessing something. In their true form, they look bizarre, monstrous," Solas says after a moment of silence. He's correct, and Lord Seeker Lucius is perfect proof of that.
I shudder thinking about it.
"But you claim Cole looks like a young man. Is it possession?" Cassandra asks, pulling me from my thoughts.
"No, he has possessed nothing and no one. And yet he appears human in all respects."
Solas turns towards me. "Cole is unique, Nalia. More then that, he wishes to help. I suggest you allow him to do so."
I look at the ground. "I should see what Cole has to say for himself. Excuse me," I walk away, slowly, leaving behind a furious Vivienne. She's shouting at Solas, but he doesn't shout back, he keeps his cool.
I walk over to the tents where wounded soldiers lay. I feel a pain in my chest, seeing them all like this. They have families, wives, children...they are sons and daughters to mothers and fathers. And they all could die...and it would be because of me and my decisions.
I stand in front of a solider, when Cole suddenly appears beside me.
"Haven. So many soldiers fought to protect the pilgrims so they could escape..."
I look at him.
"Choking fear. Can't think from the medicine, but the cuts wrack me with every heartbeat. Hot white pain. Everything burns. I can't, I can't, I'm going to... I'm dying, I'm..."
The solider grunts in front of us, before his arms fall flat and his head lays sideways.
My eyes widen. "You can feel there pain?" I whisper, feeling my insides shake, standing before him. This man, who just felt the soldier die...
"Yes," he whispers, before walking off to the others. I follow him, like a little puppy, fascinated yet cautious at what he's doing.
"Every breath slower, like lying in a warm bath. Sliding away...smell of my daughters hair when I kiss her goodnight."
Another solider dies.
"Gone," he whispers, staring at the lifeless body, an emptiness in his eyes.
"Cole, we could leave if this is-"
"Cracked brown pain, dry, scraping. Thirsty." He walks to a woman, whose hand is over her stomach as she sits up.
"Here," Cole gives her a drink of water. She swallows every drop, gasping softly at the cool drink going down her dry throat.
"Thank you," she whispers through a labored breath, before letting herself fall backwards and closing her eyes.
"It's alright. She won't remember me..." He whispers, still knelt beside her.
"Your using your powers as a spirit to help people?" I ask softly, beginning to understand everything. Slowly, but surely.
"Yes," he stands up, "I used to think I was a ghost. I didn't know. I made mistakes...but I made friends, too. Then a Templar proved that I wasn't real...I lost my friends. I lost everything. I learned how to be more like what I am. It made me different, but stronger. I can feel more, I can help."
He stands there, hands clenched at his side, his eyes refusing to leave the woman.
I slowly approach him, standing just arms length away from him. I want to understand him more, I know deep in my heart that he truly does want to help people...
No matter what my other party members say, I know what I'm doing.
"If you're still willing, the Inquisition could use your help," I whisper, staring at him like he's something sacred and rare. Something so fragile, yet so strong...
I feel as if he can make or break me if I stand to close...
"Yes, helping. I help the hurt, the helpless, there's someone..."
He walks to a man whose not doing well at all.
"Hurts. It hurts. It hurts. Someone make it stop hurting, Maker, please."
He unsheathes a dagger, and my eyes widen.
"Cole?" I ask, knowing exactly what he's going to do.
He stares at me. "The healers have done all they can. It will take him hours to die. Every moment will be agony. He wants"
My eyes widen. He's waiting for me to give the order, to let him die now, or let him suffer.
" him," I whisper, bringing a clenched hand up to my chest, staring at them both.
Cole kneels. "It's okay," he says to the man, bringing the knife to a vein.
I look away.
It was quick, quiet, and painless. The man laid still, not breathing, or opening his eyes again.
Cole sheathes his knife, standing back up to look at me.
"I want to stay..."
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