Ch. 2 *Envy*
With people stationed, Cassandra, Iron Bull, Solas and I run around the castle, searching for more Templars who aren't under the influence of this Elder One.
So far, we've found three, and now we're on our way back to the others.
I follow behind my crew until I notice a shadow in a doorway.
Instinct has me stopping, slowly walking towards the figure. It disappears into the room.
I step inside, noticing a statue head of a woman. Empress Celene? There's a dagger in her forehead with a piece of paper stuck to it.
I pull the knife out, and read the paper.
"The Elder One wants her dead."
The sudden voice makes me jump, only to see Cole standing behind the desk.
He's here?
"Empress Celene. He hates her, haunts her, wants her dead, but hides. He hid other things too."
I stare at him. "Cole?"
He walks around to the other side.
"Why couldn't the others see you?" I ask, his back facing me.
He doesn't respond, he only crosses his arms and stare at the ground.
I open my mouth to speak, but another voice fills the air.
I turn to see Cassandra standing in the doorway, blood dried on her face and in her hair. "Who are you talking to?" She asks.
I almost say his name, but when I see that he isn't here, I just stare into the empty space by the corner where he was standing.
"No one..." I whisper, before she aggressively grabs my arm and pulls me outside.
"We must return to the others! You can hear the fighting!"
The whole time she has to drag me, because I can't help but look over my shoulder at the empty room that he was in. What is he? Is he just some figment of my imagination? A ghost?
Why can't the others see him too?
When the magic barriers are broken down and all the Red Templars are killed, the four of us run outside to confront Envy.
We walk in a group, eyes scanning the area for the demon. But we don't see anything of such... it's empty.
"I touched so much of you...but you are selfish with your glory. Now I'm no one!" It shouts, before suddenly emerging right in front of us, letting out a piercing scream.
I unsheathe my daggers, ready to fight, but something catches my eye.
"Dark and desperate. Death to make yourself alive. I used to be like you. I'm not shouldn't be either."
My eyes widen to see that he's standing beside me, but Cassandra pushes me aside to attack. I didn't realize that I wasn't moving until she pushed me.
"Nalia! To your left!"
I look to see Envy trying to strike.
I stab him multiple times before I jump/roll when he throws one of his arms straight at my head.
I get up instantly, rushing to where Iron Bull is fighting. I can see Cole fighting as well, swinging his daggers, dodging whenever he senses the slightest movement. He's Rogue...just like me.
I glance every now and then at my companions. Solas is literally a foot away from Cole, but to his eyes, there isn't anything standing there.
We fight as hard as we can. I get hit by Envy in my arm, but it's only a scratch. Iron Bull uses his full strength, swinging his blade as hard as he can. He hit's it in the waist, amd Envy screams.
All five of us corner him, and soon, Envy's screams begin to silence, and he falls to the ground, bleeding and lifeless.
I breathe heavily, wiping the black blood off my forehead.
Envy is dead...
"You succeeded!" The Templars run up to us. "Thank the Maker!"
They crowd us suddenly, and I can't help but have my eyes scan the area, only to find that Cole once again has disappeared.
I wanted to thank him, for his help defeating Envy. Then again, no one can see him. People would stare at me as if I was insane, talking into nothingness.
"We are forever in your debt," one Templar says, holding a fist over his heart and bowing his head.
"How can we thank you?" Another asks.
I stare at them all. Everyone who was not affected by Red Lyrium. They're useful, and the whole point why we came here was to have them join the Inquisition.
I'm not leaving empty handed. The Breach is a ticking time bomb, and we need all the people we can get.
I may get disapproval from the others...but I don't care. They need to trust me.
I take a breath in...
They all bowed before her, swords laid out front of them.
They pledged there allegiance to her cause.
Inquisition? Is that what it's called? Strange...the Inquisition isn't real unless it has something real to make it she the one?
I stare at them from a faraway distance. At her, mostly.
"Nalia? Are you sure about this?"
"We don't have much of a choice, Cassandra. We need every man we can get to close the Breach."
I can hear people's thoughts, feel there pain as if it's my's my way of helping. Come into there life, only to help and make them forget.
It would scare them if they didn't forget.
But she, the one they call Nalia, she didn't forget...
She kept seeing me. Even when I didn't want her to see me.
I stare at them all as they begin to leave. Should I...let her forget?
The Inquisition can help people. And I want to help people.
I need to follow them. Join them, if she'll have me.
So when I see them return to there horses, I jump down from stone wall and follow them, hidden in the forest brush.
We all rode for about two hours before we got off our horses to make camp for the night. Haven is still a long journey, and we all need rest. Today was...bad. For the Templars, for us...
I'm just thankful we were able to ally with them.
I crawl out of my tent, walking to the woods. I found a little stream, thank goodness. Envy's blood is stuck in my hair from the fight, and I don't want any piece of that thing on me longer then necessary.
I dip two hands in the water, bringing it up to wash my long black hair. Doing this reminds me of home with my clan, how'd we always travel throughout the Exalted Plains, settling near a river or creek.
I remember being just a child, playing in the water with my friends. I feel a sting of pain in my chest, I wish I could go home...but I can't. There isn't a home to go to anymore.
I inhale a sharp breath, "no, don't think about it."
I scrub at my scalp for several moments, unaware of the one who watches me from behind a tree.
"Worry fills your head, you think you've made the right choice, but do the others think so as well? It's about approval, when it comes to shouldn't be though."
I jump up, and see Cole standing there.
How did he get here? I would've seen him on the road.
Then again, he's surprised me multiple times already.
"Cole...wh- what are you doing here?" I stutter the words. This boy scares me, honestly. Even though he's helped us a great deal, I'm still wary. I don't know what or who he is. It's obvious he's a man, in his early twenties no doubt, but his powers...and the fact that no one else could see him?
It screams spirit.
He steps closer to me. "The sky is broken, hurting. Demons spill from it's gaping wounds, killing innocents. The Inquisition can stop that."
"How did you-"
"I want to help people. I want to join you."
He refuses to look into my eyes, a habit I've noticed the very moment we met.
"I don't even know what you are," I point out. "You could be a demon."
He stares at the ground. "Yes, I could be. But I could be a spirit."
"Are you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "A spirit?"
He's hesitant. "Maybe...yes? I, I don't know," he answers, a tone in his voice that makes me realize that he truly doesn't know the answer.
"but I know that I want to help."
"Can I trust him? Or should I just kill him where he stands?"
"I can leave, make you forget, if that helps," he whispers.
I get a strong feeling that he's a spirit. A good one...but perhaps Solas can help explain him when we get back to Haven.
After all, he did help me...
But if he's a threat, he'll be dead before he takes a breath in.
I stretch my hand out. "Alright, you're in."
He stares at my open hand, confused. Does he not know how to shake a hand?
I pull away, clearing my throat awkwardly before I straighten my shirt. "Well then, do you need a place to sleep or-"
"I don't sleep," he says. That and only that.
An awkward silence stretches between us.
"I should go," I tip toe my way around him as if he's a predator. "I'll...see you later."
He doesn't say a word, and I run off to camp.
I need to find Solas.
I scan the tents, only to see he isn't in any of them.
"Solas?" I whisper call, looking around for him.
A shadowy figure leans against a tree, staff in hand and his back facing me.
Yeah, that's him.
I run up beside him. "Solas!" I grab him by the shoulders, which shocks him a great deal.
"Nalia!" he turns, "what's wrong?!"
I start to stutter.
"Th-there's a man—spirit—demon, I don't know what he is but," I swallow, "he was in my head, helping me defeat Envy and...he followed me here, asking if he could join the Inquisition."
Solas raises a confused brow, but pushes past me.
"Where is he?"
Solas and I creep our way to where I left Cole.
I only hope that this time, Solas will actually be able to see him.
I bring a finger to my lips to quiet him, as I gently push aside a bush for him to see what I see.
Cole, sitting by the creeks edge, fingers delicately tracing the water.
Solas's eyes widen. "Incredible," he whispers.
So I guess he can see him now.
How...I have no idea.
I glance from Cole and Solas. "Well, what IS he?" I whisper.
Solas looks at me. "I sense the energy of a spirit, but at the same time..." he shakes his head. "He's too much of a man."
"Can't you study him?" I ask, only for him to purse his lips.
"Possibly. But it's questionable. He may, or may not allow it."
"I'll use force, if necessary," I whisper, looking at Cole again. "I need to know if he's a threat or not."
"I don't think he's a threat," Solas responds, staring at Cole like he's something worth studying, finding out who or what he is. "I'll see what I can do."
"Thank you," I exhale, giving Cole a side eye.
"That weird. But, he does have a nice build, body wise."
"Thank you," Cole says, before his head turns and looks at me.
At that point, I get up and run out of there and to my tent, cheeks burning as I bury myself under the blanket.
Good God this is going to be awkward.
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