I rush up the steps and bang my fist against the damned door; luckily, it doesn't take long before the door opens, a young girl growls at me and gets into a defensive stance. I roll my eyes and push the wolf to the side, "Jacob!" I call out.
"That's Alpha to you rogue," I look at the young she-wolf standing up.
"I would vomit if I called him that," She opens her mouth to retaliate.
"That is enough Kaila," I snap my head to Jacobs, he looks at me with hope, thinking I have come back to him.
"I found the Luna's, but I'm going to need an army, call every Alpha you know, tell them its the meadow before Malkigh. It's 7 miles from there." I command, Jacob nods his head quickly, he rushes off, and I turn and rush up the stairs, I stop in my tracks as I spot Decker, his face is emotionless as he looks my way. I immediately think of his sister, and I wince at the fact I have to tell him I couldn't save her. I seem to beg him with my eyes to forgive me. He cautiously walks to me until he is arm's length from me.
"What happened," Decker croaks, and I wince at the shakiness of his voice.
I immediately want to run, I open my mouth but shake my head as though I can't speak. My eyes water in guilt as the image, of Destiny falling off the cliff, plays over in my head.
"Decker, I was too late," I whisper. He must have felt their connection break when she died.
"What happened, Poppy," I lower my head in shame at his disappointed tone in voice.
"I left to speak to Valentine, Destiny demanded she come with me, and I let her, on our way back Rose found us and took us both, she has the Lunas."
I lick my lips as I look back up at Decker, "But she was mad that I was alive, so she took me back to where I died the first time, and I died again. I came back and heard Destiny scream," My lip trembles, and I can't stand to look into Deckers watering eyes. "I came, and they pushed her off the cliff," I choke as I shake my head. "I'm gonna kill Rose, though, and stop all of it, Decker, I promise."
Decker watches me for a moment before he shakes his head. "Honestly, Sin, I think you've done enough." He pushes me to the side and walks off. My mouth falls open at his words, and I shake my head in disbelief. I turn to him and watch him quickly walk away towards the meeting room.
"Fine, I'll do it by myself," I whisper as I walk down the hall and the stairs out of the packhouse. I pickpocket someone for their phone and quickly dial Valentine's number.
I smirk at his tough and commanding tone. "I need your best bounty hunters sent my way; I'm outside of my former pack, I need them right now," I command. It's silent for a moment before I hear his confused voice.
"Yep, now hurry up I don't have all day," I say as I walk into the woods and hang up the phone.
I smirk as I reach the border I see well over eighty rogues.
"You bitches ready to dig your teeth into some poodles wolves?" I ask, causing them to chuckle. "Well, it's time I kill that bitch that killed me," I smirk and the rogues, some familiar faces, hoot and holler.
"Listen up for real; She has kidnapped Lunas, you are to bring the Lunas to their homes, if any of you get funny with them I swear I'll kill you, they have been through enough already." The rogue's nod, and soon enough, I lead them out. We take off towards rose's hideout.
The rogues and I spread put in the woods as we look at the hideout, Three poodle wolves stand guard at every entrance. I look at a rogue and point at one poodle wolf and hold four fingers up; he nods in understanding, four wolves to one poodle wolf. He goes to pass the information along. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Bradley, a rogue I used to run with when I was younger. He motions me to follow him, and I quickly do so. We come up to a small clearing out of the poodle wolves' hearing range. I spot Colt, and he gives me a small smile.
"Hello Sin, I see you are also ready to fight." I nod my head at his words, ready to stand my ground if he tells me to leave.
"Good, I am sure you want Rose to yourself." Again I nod my head at his words.
"Good, revenge is what you need; I'm sure, we have every army of the packs, they are also ready, what is your plan?" Colt asks, and my eyes widen slightly at his consideration.
"I have four rogues to a guard poodle wolf. They will take them down, and the rest will follow suit, I have a team of ten rogues working on getting the Lunas out if you can put and extra ten warrior wolves for the muscle that would be perfect. They should have no problem getting the girls out, and the rest is making sure no poodle wolves escape." I say, and Colt nods, "I also have the higher end bounty hunters going with me to take care of the poodle wolves guarding Rose."
Colt nods his head, impressed at my plan, "Tell us when, and we will attack on your command."
"I don't have to tell you, just watch, when the rogues attack the guards, then tell your people to go, the wolves going after the lunas will go as soon as the fight starts, using the fight as a distraction," I explain and Colt nods.
"I can hear your heartbeat, Sin," Colt states in confusion.
I nod, " I upset the reapers; they gave me one more life, and restored the life energy."
Colt nods at my explanation, "Well, good luck, Sin," I nod and quickly turn and walk away back to the rogues.
I crouch back down into the bushes of the tree line. A rogue squeezes my shoulder, letting me know they are ready.
I eye the wolves once more and then nod my head giving my rogues the signal, The groups of four take off to the guards, and I watch them, thankful they listened to my about not shifting so they have speed on their side, after that, I see a mix of rogues and pack warrior rush to help push through the guards. I smirk as I quickly slither through the fighting and make my way inside, I spot the group going to save the Lunas and go the opposite direction, looking in each room quietly.
"Looking for me?"
I turn quickly and spot Rose, she chuckles. "I didn't think you would be so mad about your friend, not my fault she slipped off the cliff." Rose chuckles sarcastically.
"Do you ever shut the fuck up?" I growl.
Before she can reply, I growl while lunging at her.
With that, the end began.
Hi everyone how are you with this Quarantine? I will be stuck in my house for another month or so. I already am tired of it.
anyway what did you think?
I should update soon!
Baby news:
We found out we are having a baby girl!
I am 18 weeks and we get to see her on an ultrasound today hopefully!
don't forget to vote comment and follow! I update soon!
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