Slight snores hit the back of my neck; a heavy arm acts as an anchor to hold me down, Decker's relaxed body tells me he is in a deep sleep, and it is time for me to make my escape. Nerves jumble up in the pit of my stomach, though I had escaped a mans sleeping embrace many times.
I quickly slither from Decker's arm and put a pillow in my place; I sigh in relief at Decker's still sleeping figure, I smile at how peaceful he looks. He doesn't look like a king; he doesn't look like a man who has millions of people looking at guidance, he certainly doesn't look like a man who would want to be with a killer rogue like me.
I sigh as I turn and put on my black cargo pants and a black sports bra, I then grab a few essential weapons out of my bag and stick them in my cargo pockets. I don't need to take my bag; I'll be back before Decker wakes up. I slip on my black boots and move out of the door and quietly rush down the hallway.
I get to the back door before a voice breaks the silence in the house, causing me to jump a couple of inches in the air.
"Running away after getting some dick from my brother, I see." I groan internally at Destiny's annoying voice. She seems to have become my stalker.
I turn, harshly glaring as I give her a pointed look. "Stalking seems low even for you," I grit out as I cross my arms. Did she stay up all night to see if I would try to leave, granted old me would have left and not come back, but I do plan to return.
"I just wanted to see you leave for myself so I could tell my bother that I was right."
"Well, you are wrong. I will be back by morning." I determine as I flip a strand of hair behind my shoulders. My words cause a confused look to cross Destinys face before she sneers.
"I don't believe you, what reason do you have to leave?" Destiny questions as she places a hand on her hips.
"Well, if I weren't coming back, you would be on the tippy-top of the list because you are a big pain in my ass!" I growl lowly, causing her to take a threatening step towards me while growling. "But if you must know I'm going to Valentine and talking to him about the Lunas, I'm doing it on my own because I don't want to get caught up in another love triangle."
Destiny's eyes widen before she runs a finger through her hair. "Fine, then I'm coming with you." My eyes widen in shock at her words before I chuckle and shake my head.
"Absolutely not, I am not taking a princess to the king of the rogues, sorry your highness," I spit at her causing her to roll her eyes.
"Oh, bite me."
"Eat shit."
Destiny throws a glare at my words before sighing. "Fine. Let me go with you, or I'll tell Decker I caught you trying to leave." My eyes widen at the audacity of her, how dare she threaten me.
Destiny could quickly get herself killed around these rogues, and my reputation would shatter if people knew that I was working with the royals. Though at the same time, I don't want Decker thinking I was trying to leave him.
"Fine, but you have to do as I say, you can't act like a spoiled brat," I say pointedly, causing her to look sightly offended, she opens her mouth but I shake my head. "We are losing time, come on."
Destiny nods and we take off towards the woods quickly and quietly making sure not to get caught by a patrol.
The loud thumping of music makes me slow down as we burst from the trees into the party city of Rogues, Malkigh.
"Is this- Is this-"
"Yes it's Malkigh, City of rogues, that never sleeps," I say looking around at all the people running around, high, drunk and dancing or dry humping each other. I then look at Destiny with a stern look on my face. "Do not and I repeat, DO NOT," I say emphasizing my words. "Take anything from anybody, food, drink, nothing. You will be drugged, I don't care if its a water bottle and the seal isn't broken, do not take anything from these people." Destiny looks slightly concerned as she looks around at the people around us skeptically.
"How do you know that?"
"Because I've lived here and both done drugs and sold drugs," I whisper as I look around at the familiar place. I've done almost every drug here, I've overdosed and had to be brought back as well. After that, I mostly focused on alcohol and sex.
"Oh," Is all Destiny says as she takes everything in.
tippy-top"Don't cause too much attention to yourself, don't look anyone in the eyes, they act friendly and like they are having a good time but there are still killers here disguised in the high of drugs and happiness of alcohol. " I warn as we start walking through the crowd.
"Do you even know where we are going?" Destiny asks unsure as she tries not to stare at the people dressed oddly or barely dressed at all. Some had tribal make up on, others more demonic as they seemed to hail the death gods and reapers.
"The Goddesses have almost risen, they will bring balance to us all!" One hippie screams as he does a dance around a fire. I roll my eyes at the druggie as I look around and carefully guide us through the people.
"I know where I'm going I use to sleep with Valentine, I was his right-hand bounty hunter," I explain as we continue through the crowd as I look at the buildings around us.
"You mean his right-hand whore," Destiny corrects with a condescending tone.
"That too," I say with a shrug. I won't deny it, though Valentine and I were an item, at least as close to a relationship as you can get when you are both killers with toxic habits.
"I'm sure you let him drug you up and pimp you out, probably beat you a couple of times too," My blood boils at her condescending words and soon I have her by the throat against the wall.
"Looky here princess, I had a high-end alpha hit me and throw me out to my death, I had a rogue king help me up the ranks and treat me like a queen, You are a Princess don't act like you know anything of us peasants," I spit, our noses touch as I glare into her widen eyes. "Stay in your fucking castle and leave us out of your shit pail."
I then quickly drop her and turn, quickly continuing my walk to Valentine. The nerve of her, I was tired of her 'holier than thou' attitude just because she is royal. This kingdom is lucky she isn't the Queen, she would shit on everyone beneath her. I can't seem to even understand how she and Decker are related, Decker obviously treats people with more grace.
I look up at the huge building, the tallest building in the city, I quickly walk in. I don't bother holding the door open for Destiny and smirk when I hear it slam in her face. I look at the guards beside the elevator as they eye me. I didn't recognize them, probably new. "Is Valentine in?" I ask politely causing one of the guys to raise a brow as if I were crazy.
"And you are?" I roll my eyes at his threatening question.
"You didn't answer my question. Is Valentine here?"
One guy's eyes glaze over before snapping back to me. "Valentine isn't expecting anyone. Leave immediately or we will kill you."
I smirk at the useless threats from the men. "Ah, so he is in, good. Now if you will excuse me I need to see him," I say casually as I walk to the elevator, immediately the men step together getting in the way of the elevator. "Boys let me through," I command politely, almost motherly. They look at each other in confusion at my tone. I start walking towards them and one of the men put a hand out to stop me, I grab the hand and twist it and force my elbow down on his arm hearing a swift crack as he screams in pain, the other man quickly lunges and I bend down letting him tumble over me, I then bring my foot down on the guys leg, breaking it. I then push him away as I push the elevator button going up. I then sidestep and grab the other man's shoulders as he tries to tackle me from behind and slam his head in the wall, knocking him out cold.
I step over the man and walk in the elevator, I turn looking at Destiny who looks like a deer caught in headlights. "Come on, you don't want to be here when they recover." My monotoned voice gets her moving as she quickly gets into the elevator, the doors close swiftly and I feel us moving up.
"Do not say anything to Valentine, I will do the talking, one wrong move and you will screw everything up," I explain, my voice hard to show I am not bullshitting, Destiny seems to understand and nods her head.
As we get closer I quickly crouch to the ground, I look to Destiny and nod at her to do the same, with a disgusted look on her face she bends down to the ground. I hear the ding of the elevator doors and as the open endless gunshots fill the elevator making Destiny scream and duck completely to the ground and cover her head. Though at her scream the gunshots stop and I look to see a shocked man.
Dark green cunning eyes that have seen more bloodshed than the devil himself, looks at me in shock, His ink-black, curly hair is slicked back slightly and barely grazes his shoulder. His caramel skin looks slightly darker than I remember. He wears a perfect dark navy suit and holds two machine guns pointed to the elevator. His eyes soften as he spots me. I stand slowly with my hands up lightly. Destiny stays on the ground.
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Baby update:
We got to see the baby yesterday and hear the heartbeat! SO exciting! now if I could stop feeling sick that would be amazing!!!!
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