The knife slices through the apple smoothly, the silent crunching of the apple plays through the air. I glide the knife through the dark red apple, graciously. Quickly bringing the apple slice to my lips and letting the taste smooth my taste buds.
Everyone is out. I don't exactly know where I had shut down — giving myself an unhealthy three hours to mourn. I look at the time, eleven thirteen. My time is almost up; Then I'd have to go on like my little sister's death doesn't bother me, I'd have to move on.
"My grandfather would have liked you."
I jump slightly at Colt's voice as my head quickly snaps towards him. He smiles softly, almost apologetic. I raise a brow questioning his words.
"Your grandfather?"
"Yes, from what he told me about her, you remind me of Annie," I laugh slightly at his words.
"So, your grandfather was close to Annie?" I tease with a wink causing Colt to roll his eyes.
"Not like that, my grandfather was Beta Daniel, he originally was closer to Navi, but after her fall, Annie and Daniel grew closer, clinging to the memories they had of her," Colt explains. I roll my eyes for the sympathy he showed for the queen, who could be the devil's wife.
"Desdemona was crazy and irrational."
"Navi was damaged and needed help," Colt states back sharply.
I eye Colt strictly before rolling my eyes. "So, I remind you of Annie?" I test, and Colt shrugs.
"More or less, my grandfather says Annie was more soft-spoken, but when she needed to fight, she was ready too," Colt speaks almost knowingly as he looks at me, causing me to scoff.
"Don't tell me you believe I'm Annie?" I say as I look at him as if he had grown another head.
"I believe Ittsy. I think the reason you go through reincarnation is to grow your soul, to the moon goddess your basically a child and each life you go through you get older, or more mature." Colt explains excitedly, and I shake my head at his conspiracy.
That's all it was, a conspiracy theory; I'm not Annie, there is no reason for another Goddess, why would she need two more goddesses.
"Colt, I think you are crazy."
Colt chuckles at my words. " I prefer the term open-minded." I roll my eyes but laugh with him before a blanket of quietness settles over us. Of course, he interrupts it as gently as he can.
"How are you holding up?" I look at the clock on the wall; it whispers to me its time to get over the ordeal. I need to suck up my feelings and move on and try to save other people.
"Fine," My tone is sharp as I walk past him, I walk into a busy livingroom with people buzzing of only the goddess knows want. For some reason, the chatter drives me mad, and I clench my jaw, I suddenly want to kill everyone in the room and burn this place to the ground. I want to paint the pack with their blood, but instead, I quicken my steps needing to escape the living room, I need fresh air.
I step through the hallway and push open the back door, though more people come into view. The back yard is full of people, grilling, drinking, and playing. "Hey, Sin food should be done shortly!"
I don't recognize the man that calls my name, long brown hair pulled up in a bun, tan skin, and medium built. I turn from him and walk out into the field. I scan the area and recognize half of the people, all of them looking older than they did in high school, some with mates, some with just scars, some with both.
I spot my mother and instantly imagine ripping her head form her body.
I really need to get out of here.
The celebration seems to last through the day, they grilled for lunch, and now are grilling for supper. I had done an excellent job of staying in the shadows; I hadn't seen Jacob or Decker. Colt is helping cook, and Destiny is playing ball.
I sigh as the need to pee consumes me, and I walk into the packhouse, down the hall, and into the bathroom. I do my business and wash my hands before running my hands through my hair, easing any knots that had formed out before gathering it up and tying it up into a high ponytail. I then walk out of the bathroom but jump as I see Jacob. "Are you stalking me?" My voice teases as if it could kill with the hostility in my tone.
He puts his hand up in surrender, "I was just looking for you Sin," Jacob explains nervously, "I wanted to ask if you would stay, instead of leaving, I need a Luna, we don't have to be together you can have your own house, I just need a Luna, you can have anything you want." My eyes widen at his suggestion.
"Anything I want," I say, testing the words as I study Jacob. I wouldn't have to be with Jacob, maybe pretend to be with him. I could have my own home, no more bounties or house jumping or nasty motels. No more crazy rogues, no more sleazy rogues. Maybe I could find peace.
"Anything," Jacob confirms as he looks at me hopefully.
"If I say yes you better buy me diamonds," I joke with a small laugh, Jacob chuckles with me.
"Of course," He says before turning serious and looking at me.
"I don't know," I whisper as I look away from him. "I need to think about it," I say as I bite my lip. What would I do with Decker, could I sneak around and be with him? My eyes widen as I subconsciously think of Decker as my lover, I hadn't even sept with him yet. Though there is something there with him, I need to figure out what before I figure out this deal with Jacob.
"That's okay," Jacob reassures as he touches my arm, I take a step back and then turn completely around and walk out into the backyard as I chew on my bottom lip.
I see Jacob walkout, and towards a small stage, the chatter around us instantly stops as Everyone pays attention to Jacob.
"Hello, everyone!" Jacob's voice booms over the crowd; people nod their heads slightly in respect.
"I know you have been getting impatient with wanting a Luna, and with the events that have happened, it seems hopeless, but!" My eyes widen at jacobs words, and my jaw drops. Jacob looks at me with a hopeful smile and leading eyes. "I have reconnected with my mate; these past few days, we have fallen in love!" The crowd rejoices, and my hands start feeling clammy, and my body hot as my stomach turns.
"Sin, bring her up here!" I hear the crowd roar with excitement as I feel hands on my arms, I'm lead to the stage as Jacob takes my hand, my jaw drop, and I seem to be in shock. Jacob smiles at me as he gets down on his knee, my food immediately wants to come up from my stomach, but I thankfully hold it back.
"Sin, These past few days have been amazing," Jacob starts his speech, and I turn away into the crowd, my eyes immediately met Decker's, his expression is stone-cold.
"Do you want to be with him?" I flinch at Decker's harsh tone in the mindlink.
"What?"I question still in shock about what is going on.
"He is your mate if you want to be with him. I will let you go." I barely hear Decker's voice in my head, and I see his posture tensed as I stare into his eyes. My lip trembles at his words, at the sincerity in his voice.
"You would let me go?"I ask surprised that the king would let me go.
"If that makes you happy."
"I ask you Sin, to be my wife, my luna and mate," My head snaps back to Jacob as he pulls out a giant diamond ring. The crowd gasps and cheers. I slowly grab Jacob by the arm and bring him up; he looks at me in confusion and worry.
"I should kick your ass right now," I whisper so that only he can hear. His eyes widen, and I quickly pull him closer to me and wrap him in an embrace. The sparks ignite between us, and I softly smile as his arms tighten around me, the crowd awes.
"In the hate, I had for you, I found love, and that is the only thing, I will ever thank you for," I whisper gently before pulling away from Jacob, he looks at me pleadingly, but I shake my head, I turn and jump down from the stage and walk away.
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