The Beginning of Cybertron
In the beginning of their time there was Primus and Unicron. They were like brothers. They are the gods of The universe created by The One. Unicron is the God of Chaos and Destruction. Primus is the God of Creation.
When the two battled Primus realized he cannot defeat his brother on his own. So he created the 13 original Primes to help turn the tides. Primus gave each of the 13 special powers and abilities.
Unicron was thus defeated by Primus and the 13. The planet eater vanquished. Eventually dust and debris collected around Unicron's dead corpse and eventually became our Earth. He became our earths core. Sleeping. If he wakes up our planet will be destroyed. (Transformers Prime)
In other realities Unicron is trapped inside a spherical prison. A form from which he cannot escape. But as he grows stronger, he over comes the metal bindings and the planet merged with his body. Soon he is able to transform into a planet as his alt mode. He is known then and now as Unicron the Planet Eater, bringer of Chaos. (G1 and other universes I believe)
Primus became Cybertron. The Well of Sparks leads down to the planet's spark. (Primus's spark or so it has been told) Which is the heart of the planet. (In some universes the Allspark is considered the heart of Cybertron) It fuels the planet and allows life to thrive. In some universes Quintessons are the cybertronians' creators. (G1 )Or Quintessa who made them from a metal formed by turning organic life into their metal. (Bayverse)
The first Cybertronians were Vector Prime guardian of time and space , and Megatronus better known now as the Fallen. Considered the first Decepticon. Basically the 13 were the first Cybertronians. ( separate chapter)
Alternatively Megatron named himself after the Prime and refitted the name Megatronous to Megatron in the gladiatorial pits of Kaon when the crowd was chanting his name. (From exodus)
The Fallen Prime betrayed his fellow primes when he wanted to destroy a planet for their sun. (Bayverse)
They had a weapon that harvests the energy from the sun. But if a neighboring planets with inhabitants are near, then they shall not destroy their sun. But the Fallen didn't like this. He despised the humans. An epic battle took place where the weapon lays.
The primes defeated The Fallen and took the key to the weapon. The Matrix of Leadership. In a place where the location was secret they made a tomb out of their own bodies to keep the Matrix from the wrong hands. Hoping the weapon will never be activated.
The lore is very complex and even more complex with alternate realities which can be found later in future chapters.
Brief overview of sparks.
Cybertronians have sparks. It holds their memories and is their life force. If ripped out, the cybertronian immediately dies. There is a chapter dedicated to the Cybertronian anatomy.
This is a brief overview of the function of Energon.
In their purest form, Crystal Energon is their lifeblood and fuel. They are in abundance on Earth. It is green. Or blue depending where you see it. It fuels their weaponry. Allows them to function.
There are different types of Energon.
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