6. The Secret Code
Rodrigo wasn't listening to what the knights said next. He didn't even notice their footsteps leaving the library. Adara's words kept spinning round inside his head.
"That doesn't make sense. Arakaz doesn't have an heir."
But he knew the truth. Arakaz had an heir and he'd just arrived in Karinthia, as Arakaz had done hundreds of years before. He had to find that book and work out what the prophecy said about Arakaz's heir but he couldn't do it now. His friends couldn't find out about his kinship with the emperor.
'Come on, let's get out of here before anyone comes back,' said Darion.
The six of them left their hiding place and began to descend the stairs, trying not to make much noise. When they finally reached the courtyard, they found Kyle and his friends waiting for them. Rodrigo barely even remembered the reason why they had gone to the library in the first place.
'About time,' one of them said. 'Were you thinking about staying up there forever?'
'We had to hide because Adara and Balkar appeared,' Oliver answered.
'Anyway, don't go thinking we're stupid,' Kyle said. 'We know you used some kind of trick. We'll work out what it was and we'll really scare you. You can be sure of that.'
'I'm already wetting myself in fear,' Oliver said. 'Oh, no. Wait. It's from laughing. I'm wetting myself laughing! Where's the bathroom?'
Without another word, Rodrigo and his friends headed off in search of a quiet spot where they could talk about what had happened. After walking for a bit, they sat down in the grass of the gardens between some rose bushes.
'Did you hear that upstairs?' Darion asked, looking at Oliver and Rodrigo, eyes shining. 'You're going to find a weapon so powerful you'll be able to defeat Arakaz! This is the best news Karinthia has had in centuries. You're going to achieve what we've always dreamed!'
'So it's true!' Vega exclaimed. 'You did come from another world! I would never have believed it.'
'They've come to find the Mirror of Power,' said Darion. 'And we'll do everything we can to help you.'
'That would be great,' Oliver said, 'because we can't go wasting our energy on washing up, cleaning the floors, gathering potatoes. We need to save our strength for finding that mirror. It would be perfect if you could do these difficult tasks for us.'
'What a cheek you have!' Aisha laughed. 'But no. Anyway, I bet it's Rodrigo who's going to find the Mirror of Power. If it were you, you'd break it as soon as you put your face in front of it.'
'Ha. I'm cracking up here.'
'They're just words written in an old book,' Rodrigo said. 'We don't even know who wrote them. Maybe it was a blabbermouth trying to pass as a fortune-teller.'
'Balkar and Adara seemed to take it seriously,' said Aisha. 'You heard what the grand master said. The seers' prophecies always come true.'
'I know, but it seems weird to me that someone can predict the future. In our world, fortune-tellers can't even predict if the sun will rise in the east or west.'
'Well, you'd better get used to the idea, mate,' said Oliver. 'One of us is going to find an object so powerful that it will send Arakaz himself running. I'm just wondering how the emperor's crown will feel on my head. I don't think it would look good on you: your head's too big.'
'And yours is too small,' Rodrigo replied. 'So small that I think it squeezes your brain sometimes.'
'Ha! Good one, Rodri!' Oliver said, clapping. 'The bad thing is you're right.'
'I really do hope it's Rodrigo who finds that mirror,' Aisha declared.
'Anyway, how about I continue showing you the fortress?' Vega suggested. 'Maybe you'll find the Mirror of Power hidden in the stables.'
'Thank you, Darion,' said Noa when they began to leave the gardens. 'What you did in the tower was amazing. I would never have dared to walk across that buttress. The illusion you created seemed so real that for a moment I thought that if my double can do it, I could too.'
'That's what you must always think,' Darion said. 'You have to imagine yourself achieving everything you consider. You should never think you can't do something.'
'I know, but it's one thing to imagine it and another to do it.'
'You can do anything you put your mind to, Noa,' Aisha added. 'All you need to realise is that you're braver than you think.'
'Thanks, Aisha, but I know I'm not brave.'
'Ok, but you can start to be at any time, Noa. When you think "I can't do it", you have to remove that thought from your mind and change it to "Why not? There's nothing stopping me."'
'Thank you, Aisha. I promise I'll try,' Noa replied.
'Well, well, well. So it was all an illusion.'
Exiting a passageway, they had come face to face with Kyle and his friends and they appeared to have heard about Darion's trick.
'None of you were brave enough to really cross the buttress,' the boy continued. 'Just as I thought. But I warned you, next time your little tricks won't help you. You tried to cheat me and I won't forget that.'
'What's up, Kyle?' said an older boy who had just appeared. He was tall and muscular. Rodrigo reckoned he was around seventeen years old. 'Practising your favourite pastime?'
'What do you know about my favourite pastime?' Kyle replied arrogantly.
'It's obvious, Kyle. You enjoy intimidating people who are smaller than you.'
'I don't care if they're smaller,' he said. 'That's no justification for being lying chickens.'
'Are you sure you wish to continue this conversation, Kyle?' the older boy said, smiling wickedly. 'Would you like me to talk about what you did when you came to the fortress?'
Kyle's face began to turn red, his expression a mixture of embarrassment and rage.
'Mind your own business, Corentin!' he said, turning to his friends. 'Come on, let's go!'
'That's what you need to do, Kyle. Mind your own business and leave everyone else alone,' the older boy replied.
Kyle and his friends continued walking away without saying a word. They soon disappeared round a corner.
'I'm Corentin,' said the boy, turning back to them. 'I hope that idiot wasn't bothering you too much.'
Rodrigo and his friends introduced themselves and Corentin shook each of their hands.
'If he ever bothers you again, come and see me. I'd love to knock him down a peg or two whenever necessary.'
'Hey, what happened to Kyle when he arrived at the fortress?' asked Oliver.
'I'm going to keep that to myself for now,' Corentin said, smiling. 'It's a powerful weapon. Every time I threaten to tell what happened, Kyle does anything I ask.'
'But if you tell us, he doesn't need to know,' Oliver insisted.
'Don't be so sure. He could be listen to us right now. His power is being able to hear things from far away.'
'Of course!' said Aisha. 'That's how he found out about our trick. He was listening to us!'
'Well, now you know what he can do so be careful with what you say. Kyle is a tell-tale as well as an idiot.'
'So that must mean he finds out everything that's going on in the fortress!' Oliver exclaimed.
'He can't listen to it all at once,' Corentin explained. 'He would go mad. His magic hearing can only focus on one place. If he's listening to what someone's saying in the kitchen, he won't hear what's happening in the metal workshop.'
'Ok,' Oliver said, relieved.
'By the way, Kyle,' Corentin added, 'as I imagine you're listening to us now, I want you to know that if you annoy my new friends, I'll spill the beans. The whole fortress will find out. It's your choice.'
'Exactly. And I want you to know that your hair looks like a cow has licked it,' Oliver added.
'Anyway, I have to leave you,' Corentin said, still laughing. 'They're waiting for me in the metal workshop. See you later, friends.'
'Do you think Kyle will have discovered what... what we heard in the library?' asked Aisha, a worried expression written on her face.
'I don't think so,' Oliver replied. 'He wouldn't dare meddle with us if he knew we're going to-'
'Shh!' Aisha interrupted. 'He could be listening right now!'
'Oh yeah. You're right.'
'Vega, is there a library or reading room where we can go and not be bothered?' Aisha asked.
'Yes, we have both,' she replied. 'The knights' library is on the sixth floor and there's a reading room and study next to the dormitories. Would you like me to show you them?'
Aisha nodded, winking at Vega, as she replied, 'We can see them tonight when we go up to our dormitories. Why don't we go and see the metal workshop now?'
'Alright,' Vega said. 'Follow me.'
Rodrigo soon realised that Vega was really taking them to the reading room and that she had only said they would go to the metal workshop to lose Kyle, if he was listening. When they finally arrived, Aisha looked for some paper and quills, set all the items on a table and indicated that they should all sit.
'We need to invent a secret code so we can talk without Kyle understanding us.'
Rodrigo was shocked when he saw Aisha had spoken without moving her lips. Then he realised that he'd heard her voice inside his mind. She was using telepathy to speak to them so Kyle wouldn't be able to hear them.
'The first thing we need is a code word for when we're referring to the Mirror of Power. Everyone write an idea on a piece of paper.'
They all looked at each other, still surprised at Aisha's idea. Then Oliver chose a quill and wrote,
The nightmare of Arakaz
'I don't think that's a good idea,' Aisha said inside their minds. 'We need to try to avoid giving him any clues. How about if we talk about an object we've lost?'
Rodrigo picked up a quill and wrote,
The others read it and nodded.
'We're also going to need a word for when we refer to Arakaz.'
Oliver picked up his quill once more and scrawled,
Chubby Cheeks.
They all thought the name chosen by Oliver was very funny and they agreed to its use. Then Oliver continued writing,
And Kyle can be Egghead.
This time, none of them could contain their laughter.
'Very good,' said Aisha. 'It's important that Egghead doesn't find out about our powers. Unfortunately, he already knows about Darion's, but let's make sure he doesn't discover any more. We can't mention them at any time. We'll simply say "Noa's power", "Oliver's power"... Are we clear?'
The five of them nodded once more.
'One more thing. When we think Kyle could be listening to us, we can say the opposite of everything to throw him off guard, like Vega and I did when we said we were going to the metal workshop. We just need a code word so we all know we're going to talk in opposites.'
'Crikey!' Oliver said loudly. 'And I thought–'
'¡Shh!' said Aisha's voice. 'Fine. That can be our code word: crikey. What do you think?'
Just then, the door opened and Kyle appeared, looking very surprised to see them there.
'Crikey! Kyle!' Oliver said. 'So nice to see you again! I was just thinking you need to tell me where you get your hair cut. I love your hairstyle. It goes well with your rather... oval face.'
Rodrigo had to bite his lip to stop himself from guffawing.
'You think you're all so brave now Corentin's protecting you,' he said, his face alight with rage. 'Don't go thinking it'll stay like that forever.'
'He's not protecting us,' said Oliver. 'He's merely our friend. He seems nice. I'm sure he's got lots of things he can tell us.'
Kyle was about to say something in reply but he swallowed his words and slammed the door behind him as he left the room.
'Wow. I've no idea why he's being like that,' Oliver said, acting shocked. 'Maybe he's jealous because we're friends with Corentin.'
They couldn't stop laughing for a good while. Every time they seemed to be on the verge of calming down, one of them would laugh and the laughter would draw hoots from the rest.
'Well, I think we should go down to the dining hall,' Noa said. 'Dinner's at nine.'
Rodrigo was extremely happy with the group they had formed. He felt at ease around his friends and they got on well together. On the one hand, he wanted to tell them everything: that he was Arakaz's heir. At the end of the day, it wasn't his fault Arakaz was his great-great-great-great-grandfather. However, another small voice inside him told him it wasn't a good idea. Although they might understand he hadn't done anything, they would no longer look at him in the same manner. In a way, the hatred they felt for Arakaz would be aimed at him. When he finally convinced himself it would be better to keep his secret to himself, he decided to speak to only Oliver about it: he was the only one who also knew the truth.
'Good evening, children,' Adara said as they entered the dining hall. 'How was your first day?'
'Great,' Oliver answered. 'Vega and Noa were wonderful guides and we met some nice people.'
'I'm glad,' she said. 'Here is your task timetable for the rest of the week.'
Rodrigo squeezed between the heads of his friends to take a look. It looked similar to a school timetable but instead of subjects it was filled with chores like 'washhouse', 'kitchen', 'stables' and 'vegetable garden'. It looked as though they were going to be very busy.
'But there's nothing on here about archery or horse riding or fencing,' Vega complained. 'I thought that now we have a group we could start these things. Everyone else does them.'
'To join these classes you must be squires,' Adara replied.
'When do we get to be squires?' Vega insisted.
'If you are convinced that's what you want, we can organise your naming for next week.'
'We are,' said Vega.
'All of you?'
'I'm not,' said Noa. 'I've never liked weapons. I think I would be more useful in other areas.'
'Of course, sweetie,' Adara said. 'Is there anything in particular you would like to do?'
'I would like to be a nurse,' Noa said quickly. 'I've always enjoyed caring for others.'
'Perfect,' Adara said. 'I'm sure Mirena would love to have you as an apprentice. As for the rest of you, I'll prepare your squire naming ceremony for next week. Now, eat. Your dinner's getting cold.'
Rodrigo and his friends sat at the same table where they had met Vega and Noa. When he thought about it, an odd feeling rose inside him: he felt as if they'd been at the fortress for months but only a few hours had passed. He felt as though he had returned to San Claudio Boarding School. It was easy to forget they were in a strange world, living in an invisible fortress on a tiny island in the middle of the sea. Now it seemed the most normal thing in the world to watch his friends using their powers. He was no longer surprised when he heard Aisha's voice inside his head, or when he saw himself walking across a stone archway, or when Vega told them what she could see on the other side of a wall.
'Do you think the toothbrush is inside the fortress?' Noa asked.
'What toothbr–' Oliver asked, confused. 'Oh, yes! The toothbrush! I don't think so. If it were here, someone would have found it by now.'
'So, how are you going to find it?' Noa asked.
'Maybe Balkar's thinking about organising search parties and sending you with them,' Darion suggested.
'But that would be really dangerous,' Noa said, fear in her voice. 'There are...'
'Friends of Chubby Cheeks out there,' Oliver said. 'There are thousands of them but that doesn't bother me. You heard what the grand master said when... when he was in the library. Nobody can stop their destiny from being fulfilled. Not even Chubby Cheeks himself.'
'Don't be reckless, Oliver,' said Aisha. 'The prophecy only said that one of you will find the toothbrush but it didn't say anything about what would happen to the other one, nor what will happen afterwards.'
'Well, I'm sure that Balkar, Adara and the other knights know how to handle themselves out there,' Darion said. 'At the end of the day, they've rescued everyone who is here.'
'I wish they'd teach us how to defend ourselves,' Vega said. 'I've always wanted to learn how to use a bow. I've got great aim. I was the best in the town at darts.'
'Do you know how they name you a squire?' asked Rodrigo.
'A cow licks your hair and you turn into an idiot,' Oliver replied.
'Do you mean Egghead?' Darion asked. 'I hope we don't run into him again. I would rather leave and come face to face with Chubby Cheeks' buddies on my own.'
'The majority of the squires are really nice,' said Vega. 'You've already met Corentin.'
'Yeah, I guess Egghead's the exception,' Oliver said. 'He must have been dropped on his head as a baby.'
'If that's the case, you'll probably end up like him,' Rodrigo joked.
'Why do you always gang up on me?' Oliver grumbled, pretending to be hurt.
'You make it too easy for us,' Rodrigo laughed.
When the six of them rose from the table, their hunger pangs having vanished, Balkar approached them and asked Rodrigo and Oliver to accompany him.
'We'll wait for you in the games room,' Aisha said to them.
Balkar guided the boys in the opposite direction to their friends. When they had walked some distance he began to speak.
'Adara informed me you wish to be named squires of our order. That pleases me, my friends. Although we will try to find a way to get you back home, I am afraid that may take some time. Meanwhile, I would prefer if you were prepared to defend yourselves from any danger. We will teach you archery and the ways of the sword, as well as how to defend yourselves without weapons. We will also aid you to perfect your powers. Of course, Rodrigo, Adara told me you still have not discovered yours. Is this the case?'
'Yes, sir,' he replied.
'I would like you to discover it soon so we can help you to control it and perfect it, as we shall do with you, Oliver. Did you know that you do not need to speak to ask something of an animal? Thinking it is sufficient but you must put all your effort into it.'
'Wow. That will help me and ensure nobody knows what I'm planning,' said Oliver.
'Exactly, my friend. The surprise factor can be the deciding element in a conflict. For this reason, I wish for you to make the most of your powers. That is why I need you, Rodrigo, to discover yours. You must perform tests. Try things that seem impossible to you such as heating objects with your hands, moving things with your mind, seeing in the dark. Anything you can think of, however strange it may seem.'
'I'll do my best, sir,' Rodrigo answered.
'Very good, little one. Just one more thing. I would like you to tell me if anything strange happens to either of you. If you see something special, if you find something unusual, don't hesitate to let me know. Do you understand? No matter how busy I may seem, I will always have time for you.'
When Rodrigo and Oliver promised to do so, Balkar smiled warmly and wished them good night. The two boys took the opposite direction as they went in search of their friends.
'Don't you see?' Rodrigo said. 'He wants us to tell him if we find anything odd. It's obvious he's referring to the Mirr... the toothbrush.'
'Do you think Egghead's listening to us now?'
'You never know,' Rodrigo replied. 'It would be better if we get used to always using the code words.'
'Aren't you curious about what your power is?' Oliver asked.
'I am, actually, although I still find it hard to believe I have one too.'
'Maybe you can make yourself invisible!' Oliver suggested enthusiastically. 'Come one, give it a try.'
'How do you make yourself invisible?'
'Well, I don't know. Close your eyes, grit your teeth and ball your hands into fists and see what happens.'
'If I do that, the only thing I'll manage is looking constipated,' Rodrigo laughed.
'Try whatever you want.'
'There's something else we need to talk about, Oliver,' said Rodrigo, who had been waiting all day to speak to his friend alone. 'I guess you realised, when were in the library and Balkar and Adara were reading that... poem... but they didn't read the last verse out loud.'
'I don't know, whatever you say. What does it matter?'
'It matters because the last verse mentioned Chubby Cheeks' heir.'
'Oh, right. Now I understand,' Oliver said. 'You think Chubby Cheeks' heir could be Egghead, right?'
'You're unbelievable!' Rodrigo shouted. 'Do you really have no idea who is Chubby Cheeks' heir? Chubby Cheeks is Count Zacara!'
'What are you talking about? I think you've lost the plot, mate.'
'Don't you see? Darion told us that Chubby Cheeks ordered the construction of a tower called the Tower of Torment next to his palace. That's where he locked up his enemies until they died of hunger and thirst. Doesn't that story sound familiar to you? Not only that, Chubby Cheeks' name is the same as the count's, but written backwards and with a "k" instead of a "c."'
Oliver was quiet for a moment, as though he were absorbing everything Rodrigo had said.
'You're wrong, Rodrigo. If you write "Chubby Cheeks" backwards you get "Skeehc Ybbuhc."'
'I mean Chubby Cheeks' real name!'
'Oh, right! It's true!' Oliver exclaimed, wide-eyed.
'As well as that, Darion said that Chubby Cheeks appeared in Karinthia five centuries ago and the count disappeared from the tower in the year 1500. The same tower that brought us here, Oliver! It all adds up.'
'Oh my God!' was all Oliver could manage to say.
'So it's clear that I'm Chubby Cheeks' heir and the last verse of that... of that poem is about me. That's why I need you to come with me to the library tower. I want to find that book.'
'What if they catch us?'
'Since when have you worried about that?' asked Rodrigo. 'Anyway, if they catch us, we'll say we're looking for the dormitories. It's only our first day here after all.'
Oliver agreed to accompany him and a few minutes later they were both climbing the stairs to the knights' library once more. Fortunately, the door was still open and they soon reached the department of ancient books but when they began to walk among the shelves they found someone blocking their path. It was Sir Donegan.
'What are you doing here?' he asked them.
'I think we got lost,' Rodrigo lied. 'We're looking for the dormitories.'
'You can't lie to me, kid,' the knight said. 'I want to know what you're looking for here.'
'We wanted to find a book,' said Oliver. 'A book about history.'
'I can tell you're not lying to me about that but you're still hiding something. Why do you want the book?'
The boys remained silent. They didn't want to say anything about the prophecy but it was useless inventing an excuse when faced with Sir Donegan.
'Boys! What are you doing here?' said another voice behind him. It was Adara, who had just entered without them noticing.
'I was asking them the same thing,' Donegan cut in.
'You shouldn't be here,' Adara stated. 'It's time you were in your dormitories. I'll accompany you.'
Rodrigo and Oliver were relieved to be out of the library and, luckily, Adara didn't question them any further. She simply believed they were lost and showed them the way to their dormitories.
'Don't worry,' Oliver said to Rodrigo when they were finally alone. 'We'll go back another day and we'll find that book.'
'I don't think we'll find it in the library,' he replied.
'Why do you say that?'
'Didn't you notice that Donegan had the book in his hand?' Rodrigo said. 'I managed to see the title. It was Chronicles of the First Age.'
'Maybe he was taking a look before putting it back down,' Oliver suggested.
'I'm not sure,' said Rodrigo. 'I saw him try to hide it when Adara appeared. He didn't want her to see it for some reason.'
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