4. Flight
Rodrigo felt something heavy fall on his legs. He was certain it would be the lifeless body of one of his friends. Tears began to slide down his cheeks while he thought it would soon be his turn. He only wished for it to all be over. He couldn't wait any longer.
'Come on, get up! We need to get out of here!'
It was Darion's voice. With great effort, Rodrigo overcame his fear and opened his eyes. The first things he saw were bloody eyes just a few centimetres away from his face. Then he realised that the weight crushing him was one of the varblins who was undoubtedly dead. An arrow had pierced its disgusting neck, having entered one side and exited the other. He immediately pushed it aside and discovered that the other varblin was also lying on the ground, his neck pierced by another arrow. With his vision still blurry, he made out Oliver's hand as he helped him to his feet. He felt a bit dizzy. His friend supported him as they walked towards the simorg, which was stretched out on the ground once again. Darion and his sister were mounted on its back.
'Be careful with your orders this time,' Darion warned while Oliver climbed up in front of the three of them. 'Animals carry out everything you say to the letter.'
'So I've found out,' Oliver replied. 'Listen to me, poodle, take us far away from here and don't throw us off again.'
The simorg unfurled its great wings and began to beat them and walk at the same time. A moment later, its whole body left the ground with the four children on its back and it started to make for the treetops, breaking dozens of branches around it. As soon as it broke free of the forest, flying above the tree canopy, a gust of freezing wind stung their faces like hundreds of needles piercing their skin. Even still, the relief they felt at being free was so strong that Rodrigo couldn't stop himself from gazing around them, challenging the assault of the wind. Up in the sky, everything was brighter than it had been in the forest. In fact, the splash of pink on the horizon served as notice that the sun was on the brink of rising. The night had passed incredibly quickly. He reckoned that time didn't pass at the same speed in Karinthia as it did in his own world.
Soon, the forest became a simple green stain below while around them an endless succession of mountains, valleys, forests and rivers extended. The animal was gaining more and more height until everything below seemed like a miniature toy, even the highest mountains.
'Thank you for helping us, boys,' Darion's sister said once the simorg stopped ascending and set its course. 'My name is Aisha. You must be Rodrigo and Oliver, right? Nice to meet you. If it weren't for you both I think we'd be on our way to Arakaz's palace.'
'I think we'd all be dead if it weren't for...' Rodrigo stammered. 'What happened? Was it you who fired those arrows?'
'No, it wasn't either of us,' she replied. 'The arrows came from our left. I have no idea who saved us. Normally no one helps those who are fleeing from the emperor. It must have been a child who hasn't yet sworn the oath, or someone like us, someone who managed to escape. Have you two also escaped? You both look like you're older than twelve.'
'I didn't have time to tell you,' Darion broke in. 'Oliver and Rodrigo are from a different world. They say they've never heard of Karinthia, nor Arakaz, and that nobody has a gift in their world.'
'But of course they do. At least Oliver does,' she said. 'We've all seen it.'
'I know,' Darion admitted. 'The clumsiness with which he uses his power is proof that they're telling the truth. It's obvious he's just discovered it.'
'Hey!' Oliver protested, feigning indignation. 'Next time you want to escape, call a taxi.'
'Don't pay any attention to him,' Aisha said. 'He's just joking. Both of us will be forever grateful for what you've done, right Darion?'
'Of course,' the boy agreed.
'Now what are you going to do?' Aisha asked. 'Are you going to return to your world?'
'We would like to,' Rodrigo answered. 'But we have no idea how to get back.'
'How did you get here?'
'We were exploring a tower when the floor disappeared beneath our feet and we appeared in the middle of that forest, covered in snow.'
'Wow,' she responded, deep in thought. 'I guess there must be somewhere in Karinthia that will take you back to your world. Maybe another tower...'
'As long as it's not the Tower of Torment–' Darion said.
'What did you say?' Rodrigo interrupted. Darion's words had cut his breath short.
'The Tower of Torment,' Darion explained calmly, 'is a tower that was constructed next to Arakaz's palace on his orders. He uses it when he wants to punish someone. They say when the emperor locks some poor soul in his tower that he blocks up the door and leaves the person to die of thirst and hunger.'
Rodrigo felt as though his head was spinning. It was the same story again. Everything seemed like a bad dream. It was as if Count Zacara, his great-great-great-great-grandfather, was following him wherever they went. Then it hit him.
'Arakaz is the same as Zacara, but written backwards and with a 'k'!' he exclaimed, unable to control himself.
'What does that mean?' Darion asked.
'But he can't be the same person,' Rodrigo pondered, oblivious to the confused faces of his friends. 'It's impossible! Unless... How old is Arakaz?'
'They say he's been the emperor of Karinthia for more than five centuries. One of the powers he stole with his murderous sword was that of eternal youth. The emperor can't die, unless someone manages to kill him. Why do you ask?'
Rodrigo understood it all, but he couldn't explain it. Darion and Aisha were the only friends they had in Karinthia. What would happen if they found out that Arakaz, the cruel emperor who suppressed his people, was really one of Rodrigo's ancestors who had reached Karinthia the same way they had? Although he would have liked to have been truthful with Darion and Aisha, he couldn't dare do it.
'Eh, no reason,' he responded, trusting that Oliver wouldn't reveal his secret. 'I was just thinking...'
'Sorry, but I think they're following us,' Aisha interrupted.
'What do you mean?' Darion asked, surprised.
'It's an eagle,' she explained. 'It's been following us since we left the forest. Oliver, can you ask it to go back?'
Rodrigo looked behind them and distinguished the eagle Aisha was referring to. Oliver began to give it orders but the eagle didn't obey him.
'Maybe it can't hear you,' Rodrigo said.
'I don't think that's the reason,' Aisha said. 'I don't think it's really an eagle. I reckon it's a person.'
'You mean there are people who can turn themselves into a bird?' Oliver asked.
'Exactly,' she answered.
'Do you think it could be somebody working for Arakaz?' Rodrigo queried.
'It must be,' Darion said. 'Here, everyone is a servant of Arakaz. From the moment you swear the oath, you can do nothing else except obey him forever.'
'But someone helped us in the forest,' said Rodrigo. 'It could be the same person.'
'That's possible,' Aisha said, 'but it would be better not to risk it. If we land, the person could retake his human form and attack us.'
'So what are we going to do?' Oliver asked. 'Continue flying until it gets tired of following us?'
'I'm afraid so, unless anyone has a better idea,' she replied.
'Well, I could ask the simorg to attack the eagle,' Oliver suggested.
'That might be a good idea,' Darion nodded.
Rodrigo felt something inside him oppose the idea.
'But what if we're attacking the person who saved our lives?' he said. 'At the end of the day, the eagle is only following us. It's not done us any harm.'
'We should try to lose it,' Darion suggested. 'Oliver, tell the simorg to turn to the left.'
The moment the animal began to turn, Rodrigo watched in surprise as an identical simorg appeared alongside them. Upon its back was Oliver, Darion, Aisha and himself. Although he knew it was only an illusion, it seemed so real that he was tempted to reach out his arm and touch them in order to convince himself they weren't really there. While they were turning to the left, the false simorg did the same to the right, getting further and further away.
'It didn't work,' Aisha said. 'It's still following us. Try again, Darion.'
Once again, another simorg with a brown-haired boy, a black-haired boy and two blond children appeared beside them. This time, the false beast began to ascend in height, but once again, the eagle stayed behind them.
'Try again,' Aisha said.
'Oliver,' Darion said, 'when I give the word, order the simorg to turn around.'
The blond boy turned to look behind them and focussed his gaze. Suddenly, a dark storm cloud formed between them and the eagle.
'Now!' cried Darion.
The simorg traced a wide semi-circle in the air and began to head for the dark cloud. Just as they were about to pass through it, the cloud disappeared and in its place nine or ten simorgs appeared, each one with four children on its back, flying in different directions. The eagle seemed confused for a moment before it began to follow the wrong animal.
'Tell it to land as soon as possible,' Darion said.
The simorg started to fly lower and lower, while the illusions also began to descend towards other points in the surrounding mountains. Finally, when the paws of the enormous winged lion touched the ground, Darion appeared exhausted.
'I think I managed to maintain the illusion up until the last moment,' he said. 'I hope now that it has no idea where we are. In any case, we should hide under the trees.'
The four friends hurried towards a small copse of trees nearby.
'What will we do with the simorg?' Oliver asked.
'I think it would be best if it stayed with us,' Aisha said. 'If it flies off again, it will reveal our position. Anyway, we'll probably need it again.'
Oliver guided the winged lion towards the wood and instructed it to lie down beneath the densest area of trees.
'Now what do we do?' Oliver asked.
'I think we should stay here for a while,' Darion replied, 'until we're sure we've lost the eagle.'
'And after that? Where are you going to go?'
'Anywhere. We've been wandering from place to place since we turned twelve.'
'Can't you go back to your parents?' Rodrigo asked.
'Arakaz took our parents three years ago,' Darion explained. 'Since then, we've been living with our uncle, but I assured him we have no intention of going back to live with him.'
'What do you mean, he took them?' Rodrigo asked, fearing the worst.
'He recruited our father for his army and sent our mother to work in a mine. Unfortunately he realised how useful her power could be in extracting gold and precious stones.'
'What power does she have?' Rodrigo asked.
'She can draw objects towards her simply by calling them. She can say the word "gold" and it separates itself from the other rocks and flies into her hands.'
'If she can do it like that, it can't be all that difficult,' Oliver said.
'If they make you work from sunrise to sunset and they don't let you leave, not even to see your family, does it still seem easy to you?' Aisha answered angrily.
'Sorry,' Oliver said, surprised at the girl's vehemence. 'I had no idea Arakaz could do something like that.'
'Arakaz is capable of anything that will enable him to obtain more power and riches,' she replied drily. 'Everyone knows it.'
'Anyway, we have nowhere to go,' Darion said, calming the situation, 'so we'll try and help you in the meantime.'
'Help us with what?' asked Oliver.
'Finding the way back to your world, of course. It's the least we can do after what you've done for us.'
'But we've no idea where to start looking,' Rodrigo said.
'We'll travel all across Karinthia, from tower to tower, until we find one that will take you back,' Darion stated.
'I don't think that's a good idea, crossing Karinthia from one end to the other,' said a woman's voice. 'The four of you are in grave danger.'
Rodrigo spun round and saw that a woman had appeared behind them. She was quite tall and had long, wavy black hair.
'Who are you?' asked Aisha, becoming defensive.
'Relax, darling. I only want to help,' she replied. 'My name is Adara, and as you can see, I don't have the emperor's mark either.' She showed them the palm of her hands.
'The eagle that was following us. Was that you?' Darion asked.
'Yes, it was me. I wanted to make sure you didn't come to any harm. I have to say you were very clever. For a while, you managed to lose me.'
'And in the forest...' Rodrigo started saying.
'Yes, it was me who shot the varblins,' the woman finished.
'Why do you want to help us?' Aisha asked.
'Because we're on the same side,' she replied. 'Because we dream that one day, Karinthia will return to how it was before Arakaz arrived.'
'We?' Darion appeared puzzled. 'Who is "we"?'
'Have you heard of King Garad?' Adara asked.
'No,' Darion and Aisha replied in unison.
'That doesn't surprise me,' Adara said. 'For centuries, Arakaz has ensured nobody has spoken of King Garad such that today, very few people even know he existed. King Garad ruled Karinthia before Arakaz arrived, and we enjoyed times of peace and justice under him. Sadly, King Garad fell, but we, his knights, still fight back from his stronghold which is hidden from the eyes of the emperor.'
'If that were true, you'd be hundreds of years old,' Aisha pointed out.
'You're right, of course. Luckily, I'm only thirty-two years old,' the woman replied with a pleasant smile. 'When I was your age I also refused to swear the oath before the emperor. Then someone appeared and helped me escape, offering me the chance to join King Garad's knights. That's how we work. We help and protect anyone who opposes Arakaz and, generation after generation, we keep the memory of the true King of Karinthia alive. Our hope is that, one day, we'll find a way to end Arakaz's reign and restore peace.'
'So, you want us to become this king's knights as well?' Oliver asked, while Rodrigo stifled a smile. Oliver had never been good at remembering kings' names.
'That is up to you,' Adara responded. 'Right now, I'm merely offering to take you to a place where you'll be safe. Then, if you would like to join us, we will name you squires and teach you everything you need so you can become true knights when you turn eighteen.'
'But Oliver and I–' Rodrigo began.
'I know, darling,' she interrupted. 'I heard your conversation. I know you must return to your world, but you can't travel across the entirety of Karinthia looking for a tower that will take you back. It's too dangerous. You'll be safe in our stronghold while we help you with your search.'
'That's seems like a good idea to me,' Rodrigo said, not wishing to involve Darion and Aisha in a dangerous and probably futile search. The offer of help from this woman seemed sincere and something inside him said they could trust her.
'How do we know this is not a trap?' Aisha asked.
'If I were a servant of Arakaz, I could have brought a whole army here,' Adara replied.
'No need to say any more,' Oliver said finally, approaching the simorg. 'Let's go to the stronghold of King What's-his-name's knights. All aboard and don't forget to fasten your seatbelts.'
While Darion and Aisha looked at their tunics, wondering what belts he was talking about, Rodrigo started climbing onto the animal. The two twins followed and did the same, puzzled expressions still etched on their faces.
'Where do we need to go?' Oliver asked. 'Third cloud on the right?'
'I think it would be best if you follow me,' Adara replied, smiling. With that, she transformed into an eagle and took flight. Oliver ordered the simorg to follow the bird and, a moment later, they were once again soaring across the skies on the animal's back.
'I never imagined a place could exist where the emperor can't find us,' Darion said. 'I thought we would be condemned to hiding and wandering the lands for the rest of our lives.'
'We're lucky Adara found us,' Aisha said. 'I wonder how she did it.'
'They must secretly watch Arakaz's patrols,' he replied. 'She can easily do it by transforming into an animal.'
Their enthusiasm and excitement gradually dimmed as the hours passed and they became uncomfortable and hungry. Rodrigo was almost certain that if it weren't for his discomfort, he would have fallen asleep. After a while, with his head bowed and his eyes half-shut, he lifted his head and saw that the horizon had turned completely blue.
'Are we flying over the sea?' he asked, startled.
'No. We've just reached the coast,' Darion replied. 'I think we're landing here.'
Indeed, the eagle had started to descend, tracing wide circles in the air. When the simorg began to do the same, it was as if they were riding a roller coaster. Rodrigo looked down but couldn't make out a fortress or anything like one. There was just a rather precipitous coastline splattered with clusters of trees and green meadows before the immense sea disappeared into the horizon. Then he thought that perhaps they were making a brief stop to rest and eat something, and his stomach began to rumble louder than before.
The steep cliffs got closer and closer and soon he started to hear the deep roar of the waves smashing against the rocks. Finally, the eagle landed next to a ruined stone cabin and the simorg touched down by its side, lying on the ground so they could dismount. Rodrigo looked around him but apart from the cabin, there was nothing else. Only meadows and cliffs.
Maybe she wants us to hide in this ruined hut? Rodrigo thought to himself.
Adara appeared before them again where the eagle had been a moment before. She smiled at them.
'I'm afraid it's time to say goodbye to our flying friend,' she said, pointing to the simorg. 'After this point, he won't be able to follow us.'
'Follow us where?' Oliver asked, looking around them.
'To Garador Fortress,' Adara replied. 'We have to continue on foot now.'
'Oliver's face clearly indicated his disappointment.
'Don't worry,' she said. 'You can ask him to stay nearby. That way, he'll always reappear when you call him.'
Oliver nodded, relieved, and turned towards the beast, scratching it behind the ear.
'We have to leave you now,' he said to it, 'but don't wander off. Pay attention in case I call you again.'
The simorg gently inclined its head then took off towards the nearest forest.
'Very good, children. Now, allow me to welcome you to Garador Fortress, the only place in Karinthia that continues to resist the tyranny of Arakaz.'
With that, Adara knocked on the ramshackle door of the ruined cabin. The children looked at each other, alarmed. Had they placed their trust in a madwoman?
The answer to their question quickly appeared before their eyes. In the middle of the sea, in the same place where there had only been water a short while before, a small rocky island appeared with a grey stone castle rising from it, its high towers seeming to touch the clouds. It looked more like a walled citadel than a castle due to its sheer size. A narrow stone bridge extended from the cliff to the entrance gate of the fortress, next to which two red banners fluttered. Adara confidently began walking across the bridge so the four of them followed her, looking at each other with expressions of amazement.
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