Chapter 7: The Fault in Our Scars
Rocky Gone Rogue
Hey guys, Charisma here! Just wanted to say hi, because i don't know what to say for my intro, sooo........ Yeah. Awkward. Ummmmm, well..... Hey, check out LightningPelt's stories, they're far better than mine. I'm currently reading Pups and the War for Puplantis, and I gotta say, it's one of the best stories out there for the PAW Patrol genre. Read it! It's good stuff. And now to the story! (P.S Jax's mother's clinic actually has a lot of stuff she could use for professional medical work, even though it's just a rundown clinic. Don't ask how, just roll with it, ok. Please? Thank you.)
Disclaimer: I don't own PAW Patrol, but I do own both Eleftherios and Jax, so if you wanna use them in your own story or something, just ask (PM me.) Most likely I will agree.
Chapter 7: The Fault in Our Scars
Jax and Eleftherios had run all the way to the animal clinic to help Rocky, and were completely out of breath, but were definitely relieved to know that their friend was in good hands. As they were running down the narrow alley getting ever nearer to help, Jax suddenly remembered that he had not been home since yesterday night, before he had transformed into a werecat. "What will mother say?" He muttered to himself, seriously contemplating whether or not to continue to his home; but, upon seeing Rocky still flopped over Eleftherios' back, blood trailing from his injured head and out of his mouth, he decided that the mixed-breed's condition was far more important than what his mother would say when she saw him. That being said, he still felt uneasy and nervous as he and the courier collie jogged to the clinic "entrance" and quickly stopped to catch their breath while Jax looked around for his mother. Eleftherios noticed the incredible amount of blood covering his back where Rocky's head and mouth had been resting, and his intense fear grew ever stronger over the probability of his companion's survival. Jax, meanwhile, had found his mother, and after telling her the situation and abiding her questions about his appearance, led her to the dying pup. "My oh my! He really is bleeding out! Quickly Jax, fetch some adhesives and some antibacterial wipes. Yes, we are going to use them; this is a serious enough situation." And with that, Jax disappeared into the maze of boxes that was the clinic. Jax's mother turned to Eleftherios. "First of all, what is your and the casualty's names?" "Uhhhh, yeah, uhh I'm Eleftherios, and he's Rocky." The collie spluttered nervously, gesturing to the gray werepup. Jax's mother knelt down next to Rocky's face and said calmly "Rocky? Can you hear me? My name is Angelica, and I'm here to help you. Can you move?" No response. "Ok, I'm going to perform some emergency medical procedures, is that ok with you?" Again, no response. "Jax, hurry up! Oh, and bring the stitching kit and the bags of blood!" She hollered over her shoulder. "Just a minute, mother!" Jax hollered back. "Ok, uhhh..... Sorry young man, I've seem to have forgotten your name, but it doesn't matter at the moment. Would you be a dear and with your forepaws hold his neck and head straight?" She said warmly but firmly, and Eleftherios just nodded. "Ok, now I'm going to count to three, and on three, we're going to apply even pressure to the top of his head, where you are holding, and I will do the same on his chest. This will hopefully cause the infected blood to come out, and we can give him a blood transfusion." She said evenly. "Ok, ready?" Eleftherios nodded. "Alright; One, two, THREE!" and with a doubly mighty push, they managed to squeeze out some very sooty looking blood from Rocky's system. Jax had just arrived, and as she stitched him up on both his head and wherever else he was cut, Jax hooked up the blood pump and began pumping more blood into Rocky's veins and arteries. Once Jax was done, and his mother was stitching up the IV pocket in Rocky's wrist, the mixed breed twitched, coughed, and slowly opened his eyes.
Eleftherios saw it first, and with a jubilant "ROCKY!" He ran over to his werepuppy bud and gently hugged him, trying not to hurt him but still earning a wince and a groan from Rocky, alongside a weak smile. "Hey, Elef. Nice to see you too. What happened?" He said groggily, slowly looking around at the small area of the animal clinic. "You hit your head after you fell of the shelf when I jumped out and scared you." said Jax, turning his head down in shame and embarrassment. "You started bleeding out, so Eleftherios carried you here and me and my mother stitched you up right." Rocky was just now noticing the other black cat next to Jax, who looked as calm and collected as a professional human doctor. "You'll be alright, Rocky. You just need plenty of rest and you should make a full recovery." she said, smiling now. Rocky looked as astonished and grateful as one should after having almost died, and uttered a weak but heartfelt "Thank you" before passing out from sheer exhaustion and a slow return of pain. Jax's mother saw the pain in Rocky's face as he slept, and told Jax to get some Ibuprofen 400mg from their stockpile to ease the agony. Jax's mother then turned to the collie. "Sorry, hon, but what was your name again?" "Eleftherios" said the pup, wagging his tail. "Well, Eleftherios, thank you for helping my son take this young man here. It was very brave of you." "it was nothing." said the now blushing Eleftherios; "Jax did most of the work, assessing the situation, remaining calm while I hyperventilated in the corner, and forming a plan to help Rocky." Jax's mother beamed with pride over her son's quick thinking. Outside the alley, though, sirens began to blare as two pups in vehicles along with a young boy on an ATV screeched to a stop outside of the darkness looming in the alleyway. He and the two pups, along with a cat now, ran to the clinic and knelt down next to Rocky, Eleftherios, Jax's mother Angelica, and Jax, who had just returned with the medication to find the area filled with even more people. Eleftherios stopped in between Ryder and Rocky, growling threateningly, causing Ryder and his team to back down as Chase got in front of Ryder, growling equally as fiercely. But Wildcat would have none of it. "Stop it Chase! This white pup saved Rocky's life! He's Rocky's friend and the other werepup I was talking about!" Chase stopped growling and looked at Eleftherios, who had also stopped growling and now looked at the cat in front of him in confusion. "How do you know that?" he said inquisitively. "I've been watching you and Rocky, and now the black cat, for a while now, and I know your no threat to us. We're the PAW PAtrol, a rescue team that helps people in trouble. Rocky is one of our founding members." said Wildcat matter-of-factly. Eleftherios smiled. "Yeah, he told me about the team he works for! Cool!" His tail wagging vigorously behind him as Jax and his mother watched with cautionary fascination.
After Ryder and his team had introduced themselves to the duo of black cats, and vice versa, Eleftherios still had one question on his mind. "So, if me and Rocky couldn't find a sunflower in the lady's flower shop, where will we find one?" Ryder and his team looked at each other, shrugging their shoulders and giving questioning looks. "What will we do?" "I don't know, Eleftherios." said Ryder, which resulted in a sad whimper from the white border collie, "But, we won't stop looking till we find one. I guess since Jax also needs a sunflower, and Rocky needs to stay and rest, we will just stay around here in Chattilan and search for a sunflower." Ryder didn't know what else to do. He couldn't take Rocky anywhere in his condition, he didn't want to leave Eleftherios behind so suddenly with letting him have a proper goodbye to the injured pup, and he thought that it might be a welcome break. Eleftherios was overjoyed. "You're going to stay for a while!? Woo hoo!" he barked and howled as he ran around the cramped alleyway in excitement, ecstatic that Rocky and his friends didn't have to leave right away. He had never really had any puppy friends before, and now, according to what Ryder said, he had the opportunity to make a bunch of them, now that the whole PAW Patrol was going to stay and search for a while. "We'll stay in the hotel a couple blocks down." said Ryder, and Eleftherios stopped running in shock. "Y-you're n-not going to stay with m-me? But why!? I'll be all alone! I can't have Rocky for company because he's hurt, and he can't come with me to my house!" the white werepup, obviously highly distressed now, looked at Ryder in pain and sorrow. "I never said you couldn't stay with us in the hotel, Eleftherios. The pups would love to have you around. Who knows, maybe you'll even learn a thing or two." Eleftherios was now back to being a very happy pup. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! This will be soooo much fun! I can't wait to get to know you guys, and the other pups as well!" said the collie, who was now almost in a hyper-active state of joy at this point. Chase, Marshall and Wildcat grinned as they led their new friend to the hotel. Ryder stayed for a little while longer, to ask the cats if they wanted to come too. "I cannot go, I have too much to handle here with Rocky; but Jax can go if he wants to. I have everything under control by myself." Jax looked at her surprised, and Ryder added, "We do have a trained EMT on our team. You would hav plenty of help at the hotel, a warm place to sleep, and Jax might even make a friend or two." Jax's mother put her chin on her paw in thought. "I don't know, Ryder. It may not be a good idea, what with all Rocky's condition." But Jax wasn't about to ruin this chance; "PLEASE can we go mom? I've never had any real friends, and this PAW Patrol sounds like fun! You'll have more food, more help, and a warm place at night. Please?" he pleaded. Angelica laughed, "Ok, you win. We'll go, but we need a way to transport Rocky there as well. His condition has stabilized substantially since he first got here, and he looks like he's not in any real pain, but he's still got a head injury. Do you have a way, Ryder?" "Yes, actually, that same EMT has an ambulance with the necessary training and equipment to get Rocky to the hotel as safely as possible, so we don't need to worry about it." "Splendid. Alright then. I'll stay here until the EMT gets here, help him get Rocky into the ambulance, and drive to the hotel with him. Jax, you and Ryder can go on ahead; I'll be fine, I promise." Jax looked mortified. He couldn't leave his mother! Not like he did his father! He couldn't bring himself to leave after what he had done in the past; no, he was going to stay behind with his mother. But then his mother calmly said, "I know that this is bringing back painful memories, but you have to trust me. I know Ryder has already called the EMT, who'll be here really soon. You have no need to worry; now, go!" And with that, Jax's mind had been made up for him. He had no choice; his mother wanted him to go, so he had to go. "But I won't look back; that's what'll break me. Just keep going straight and don't look back." he fought his own will as he and Ryder walked to the hotel, Ryder casually whistling a tune while occasionally casting nervous glances at Jax, while the Jax just stared straight ahead, focusing on the sidewalk in front of him. "I'm sorry for what happened Dad. I really am." Jax thought, tears threatening to squeeze between his eyelids clamped tightly shut. "I won't ever fail anyone ever again. I promise."
A/N And that was chapter 6! Hope you enjoyed it! To be honest, I found it hard to focus on this chapter, and I'm sorry if the writing and plot wasn't as good this time; today I just feel off. Hopefully it'll wear off over time though. Anyways, that's it for now, see ya guys later, and remember to spread the chaos! Ta léme tin epómeni forá!
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