Chapter 11: Chathike Kai Vrethike
Rocky Gone Rogue
BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING, I'M SORRY FOR NOT WRITING A NEW CHAPTER FOR NEARLY TWO WEEKS!! It was a super busy series of days; I had lots of tests and important assignments for school, I had to study for and take my driver's test (I passed, yay!), I had a mental breakdown of depression and anxiety, and most importantly, I felt seriously uninspired. I just wasn't feeling that fire to write, you know? Again, I apologize. Can you forgive me?..................................I'll take that as a yes. Huge thanks to those who reviewed my last chapter, and an even bigger thanks to LP for writing an Adventure Calls story for Zuma to make up for literally torturing my adorable little chocolate lab. I wanted to point something out though LP: when it said, "Dedicated to Charisma" at the beginning of the story, it kinda sounded like you were making an ode to a wounded or deceased soldier on Remembrance Day (the Canadian version of Veterans Day, for you Americans out there. 😉) Side note: I'M NOT DEAD! Trust me. I would know. You don't have to plaster a story on my tombstone, I assure you.
Anyways, I should probably stop flapping my lips and let you wonderful people read now. Again sorry for leaving for so long. Bye!
(P.S. I may have kinda left the idea of Eleftherios kinda speaking two languages like Tracker does on accident. Hope you don't mind. I apologize..........again. 😅 I'm just gonna keep writing the chapters how I have been doing lately, without Elef's accidental bilinguality, though I will continue to put in a small amount of a Greek undertone, lime I have already subtilly been doing.)
Chapter 11: Cháthike Kai Vréthike
Angelica just continued to stare at Zuma. "He's already so far gone he's delusional."
The rational part of her mind retorted, and she half believed it, but something about Zuma's demeanor made her question her own medicinal judgment. He was too confident, too aware.......too sane to be able to say something completely bizarre without knowing exactly what was going on. Still, you can never be too sure. "I'm going to get him on some light medicine and some rest to see if maybe his mind is clear. Then we can see what's going on here." She was still holding, or more like clutching, Jax in her arms, holding him dearly. She glanced down at her slightly deranged son, tears forming in her eyes. She didn't want to put him down, but duty calls. He was sleeping, so she carefully held his head as she slipped out from underneath his head, which she had been holding in her lap.
She glanced up just for a sec and stopped, looking around the room in mounting confusion. Zuma was gone! "Wait......but how!? He can't reach the doorknob to get out through the door, and we're on the third floor, so the window was out of the question. Where on earth did he go??" Her eyes and mind searched frantically for an answer, but nothing came up to indicate where the lab might have gone. The hotel room only had two rooms, and the bathroom door was closed, courtesy of Ryder forgetting to open it before leaving in case they needed to go. That left only the main room, and as far as she could tell, he was not there either.
Angelica was baffled. She began to wonder if he really had jumped out of the window out of suicide or masochist intentions, but the only result of jumping from three stories up could only be death, and there was no dead Zum lying on the pavement from what she could see. Angelica no longer cared that her son was sleeping. She needed to find Zuma. It was her obligation, her duty. "Zuma, where the hell did you go!?"
One minute, Zuma was looking at Angelica's dumbfounded face, courage gleaming in his eyes, and was watching her carefully wiggle her self from underneath Jax, and then the next, he's standing in the middle of the room, now taking a turn at having an equally dumbfounded face, at seeing the adult nurse cat search frantically around the hotel room for him and actually walk through him while he just shouted at her that he was right there in front of her. He could see himself perfectly fine, but obviously she couldn't. He tried everything, stomping his feet, screaming, even trying to knock over furniture, but no matter what he tried, either it had no effect on Angelica whatsoever, or his paw passed right through the solid object he was trying to push. He didn't know what had happened, but he was utterly confused. He walked around the room, wondering what to do, until he heard something......unusual coming from the bathroom. He walked closer and put his ear to the bathroom door, curious as to what he heard. The voices stopped as soon as they had started, and Zuma had no clue who it was, so he tried a different approach.
"Hey, is anybody in thewe?" He shouted through the closed door, and then probably the weirdest thing yet happened. A paw came through the door, grabbed Zuma, and pulled him into the bathroom, the door having never been opened, of course.
Zuma just fell over onto the tile floor, surprise written all over this face. He had just gone through a door! Cool! He got up slowly, looking around the room for whomever brought him there.
And the two people he saw overjoyed him to the point of brain implosion.
"Hi, Zuma! I'm sorry for leaving you so abruptly before. I want to apologi-"
Zuma tackled his best friend to the floor, licking his face all over in absolute glee. "I knew you'd come back! I knew it!" He said in between licks. Rocky just groaned and tried to put his paws up in defense. "Ewww Zuma, wet, wet WET!" Zuma just giggled. "You think that will stop me? Think again!" And continued slobbering over his pal.
Meanwhile the black and white cat laughed. "You weren't kidding when you said your friend misses you. That's an understatement!" The two pups just continued rolling around, happy to be in each other's company. "And what's even better, you're not even a werepup anymore!" Shouted Zuma, who had gotten off of Rocky and was now sitting next to him. "I know, isn't it great? Me dying reversed the effect!"
Just then, a harsh knock resounded from the bathroom door. "Zuma, is that you? Why were you ignoring me? I've been calling your name now for fifteen minutes!"
"Oh no, she can hear me? I thought I was still invisible and stuff!" Whispered Zuma, who now began to panick. "What do we do?" "I already told you that I was back silly, didn't I? That means that as soon as you saw me, both you and I reverted back to our mortal selves.She won't be able to see Piccolo here," he gestured to the cat angel,who was slowly starting to fade from view, "But she will be able to see us. The only way to confront this situation is to tell the truth. There's nowhere to hide in here, plus she already knows you're in here anyway." "Uhhh, I, uh, well......Oh, alright, fine, but only because we have to. Sorry Angelica! I'll be right out!" Piccalo froze, unbeknownst to his friends in the room. "Did Zuma just say Angelica? Is Angelica?" He was beginning to feel scared. He didn't know that Rocky and his own wife were working together!
"No young man, you come out right now! I need an explanation from you." Angelica replied, banging on the door in frustration. Rocky hoisted Zuma up to the doorknob so Zuma could open the door. As soon as Zuma unlatched it, Angelica shoved open the door, fury etched on her usually gentle face. "Why the hell did you not answer me Zuma! I was so worried! I thought you had jumped.....I thought......I....?" Her voice trailed off as her gaze shifted to the mixed breed sitting next to Zuma, her jaw open. "R-R-Rocky!?"
"A-Angelica! Oh my Lord, it's you! It's really you! My beautiful wife! If only my bond was strong enough to you like that of Rocky and Zuma's that I might return to your embrace!" Piccolo tenderly stroked his dearest's face, tears streaming down his face. He sobbed, "If only you could see me again."
A/N I'm sorry if this chapter didn't really make sense or just wasn't up to par with the rest of the story. I'm still getting back into the swing, so please give me time to gather more inspiration, and hopefully then I'll be able to spit out a worthy literary piece. That's all for know, I'll see y'all later! (Let's just hope it's sooner than two weeks this time. 😉) Peace.
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