Chapter 8 ~ Good
You sighed as you closed the door of your car. You drove home. Once you arrived, you started the usual night routine. You finished then got into bed. 'I still really like Rockstar Bonnie. But I just can't stop thinking about Rockstar Freddy. I hate the fact that I hurt him. But you know what? Maybe I just shouldn't worry about it. Rockstar Foxy'll talk to him. He's got my back. Let's see. Bonnie. This time we sang Photograph, by Ed Sheeran. That was fun. The way he held me was different. I felt more passion from Bonnie than usual. Hmm. I wonder he felt anything from me. I hope so. I wish I could tell him. I mean, I can, but it'll be weird because he's not even a human. Or- I could wait until he tells me. I think he likes me. I hope he likes me. I want to see him again. I can't wait until tomorrow.' You thought. Then eventually you fell asleep.
"Day 5!" You yelled, popping up from the bed. You decided to play music while you got ready. You put on a random playlist that you didn't even know you had, and put your phone on the counter while you took a shower. You got out and started eating, with the music still playing. Of course, Thinking Out Loud started playing. You smiled when you recognized the song. You started to picture again how you and Bonnie were dancing that day. You smiled the whole time. The ended and you finished up your meal. You stopped the music and ran out the door to your car. You started to drive to the restaurant. You got anxious because you remembered you asked Foxy to talk to Freddy. "Shoot." You exclaimed. You arrived at the restaurant and walked in. "Hey guys! Good morning." You said. "Good morning!" Bonnie yelled. You chuckled and went into the Parts and Service room to hang your bag. You walked back out. "Y/N." Foxy whispered. You looked at him. He directed his eyes toward the Parts and Service room then back to you. You nodded. You both walked into the room. "Okay. So, I talked to Freddy last night and he said that he is still sad, but he actually wants to talk to you again." Foxy explained. "Wha- Really? Great! I'll talk to him tonight when the place closes. Thank you, Foxy!" You yelled, hugging him. You gently swayed him back and forth. His eyes widened and he slowly hugged you back. Foxy's bird squawked. You released the hug and looked at his bird. "Yarr, me bird likes you." Foxy smiled. You laughed. You both walked out the room and back to the stage. You walked to Bonnie. "How are you, Bonnie?" You asked. "Good! Really good. How are you?" He asked. "I'm good, too!" You answered. "Oh! By the way, I have another song for us." Bonnie said, then winked. You smiled.
The restaurant opened and you had to go back into the Parts and Service room. You were so nervous but also so excited to talk to Freddy. You were also really excited to see what song Bonnie chose for you both to sing. You grabbed your phone from your bag and started watching Netflix to pass the time. A few hours later you got bored and peeked outside of the room. You saw kids sitting on the tables, eating pizza and watching the animatronics' show. You smiled at how they were all mesmerized by them. You closed the door. You sighed. "I love working here." You whispered. You looked at the extra animatronics parts on the shelves. You saw Bonnie's head and picked it up. "It's not even creepy anymore." You said. You turned it around then turned it forward again You put it down. You saw Freddy's on the shelf above it. You picked it up. "Oh Freddy. I am so sorry." You said, tearing up a bit. You put it down before you started to sob. Chica's head was next to it. "Hey, Chica. Nice lipstick." You laughed. Foxy's head wasn't there, because the one that had been there, you put on Foxy the other day. That was all. You sat on the table and continued to wait.
You were distracted with a YouTube video, then you remembered the restaurant already closed. You ran out of the room and to the stage. "We were waiting for you, Y/N!" Rockstar Freddy said, smiling. You looked at him with wide eyes. You smiled. "I know, I know, heh. I'm sorry. I completely forgot." You said. You looked at Foxy. He nodded. "Um, okay. First I'm gonna check Freddy." You said. Freddy's head perked up. He looked at you. You started walking to the Parts and Service room and he followed behind. Freddy went inside but didn't sit on the table. You closed the door and sighed. "Freddy. I can't think of any other way to put this, but here it is. I don't want you to be sad, I don't want you to be mad. You were the only person that I could count on. The only person I could talk to and tell anything to. And I'm so, so sorry. I just want things to go back to the way they were. I want my best friend back." You said, voice cracking at the end. Freddy looked at you. He hugged you. You hugged back, sobbing. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I'm so... sorry." Freddy said. "It's okay. I don't care, as long as I get my best friend back, I'll be happy." You cried. Freddy quietly laughed. You both let go and stared at each other. "So, are we good?" You asked. "Yeah. We're good. For real this time." Freddy smiled. You giggled. "Okay. So, what's been going on with you and Bonnie?" He asked. "Well, we sang and danced, again! And we're gonna do it again today." You answered. "Haha, that's cool. I'm really happy for you guys. Tell me about it tomorrow." Freddy said. "Yeah, I will. Okay. Let's do your checkup now." You chuckled.
After you checked Rockstar Freddy, you went out and got Rockstar Bonnie. Bonnie came in and sat on the table. "Hey Bonnie!" You said. "Hey! You excited?" Bonnie asked. "You know I am." You smiled and walk towards Bonnie. You checked him a bit. After only a few seconds, you finished. "You're good. Are you feeling okay in there though?" You asked. "Yeah, I'm good." Bonnie answered. "Alright, cool." You said. You filled in the required info, then you heard quiet footsteps, obviously Bonnie's. You pretended not to notice. He picked you up then swung you. You laughed as he put you down. Bonnie took a deep breath. "My head's under water but I'm breathing fine. You're crazy and I'm out of my mind. 'Cause all of me, loves all of you. Love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections." Bonnie sang. "Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you. You're my end and my beginning, even when I lose I'm winning. 'Cause I give you all, all of me. And you give me all, all of you." You both sang along. "How many times do I have to tell you, even when you're crying you're beautiful too. The world is beating you down, I'm around through every move. You're my downfall, you're my muse, my worst distraction, my rhythm and blues. I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you." Bonnie sang alone. "My head's under water but I'm breathing fine. You're crazy and I'm out of my mind. 'Cause all of me, loves all of you. Love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections. Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you. You're my end and my beginning, even when I lose I'm winning. 'Cause I give you all of me, and you give me all of you." You both sang. Bonnie smiled. "Wow." You said. "I know." Bonnie said. You stopped dancing. "Hey, Y/N, can I- tell you something?"
HAHAH CLIFFHANGER BECAUSE I'M REALLY TIRED SO GOODNIGHT! ❤️ thanks for reading guys i really appreciate it :)
Picture: Waddlepop on DeviantArt
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