Heaven searched everywhere for the owner of the school but the prospects she interviewed all gave her the same answers;
His name is not to be mentioned.
No, they don't know where he is.
Heaven went back to the room to change her clothes and saw it was only black clothes in the wardrobe and it happened that black was her favorite color. After being dressed up she stood in front of the mirror, then the mirror cracked and black smoke came out from the mirror. The face of a man appeared and said;
Heaven! This is your school and you're just what I need to destroy Rockie, I am Raphaal, your lover.
He said and disappeared alongside the black smoke. Heaven got scared I'd left the room downstairs to where everyone was, she saw Madam Adeline and asked her;
Who's Rafaal???
Immediately Heaven mentioned the name Madam Adeline put her hand over Heaven's mouth.
Shh..... He's name is not to be mentioned, he is the master of all evil and the owner of the school of Yfel.
Madam Adeline said in a whisper.
Why build a school of Yfel??? Yfel means evil...
To bring balance to the world.
Madam Adeline replied.
Now go on, no more questions.
Madam Adeline said, pushing Heaven away.
Heaven said and left.
Heaven knew she wouldn't get answers from people, she had to find them herself. She went to the room where a party was going on, everyone was dancing and enjoying themselves.
Hey! Let's dance.
A guy who approached her said.
I'm not a dancing type....... sorry.
She said and the guy sat next to her at the table.
My name is Raiden.
He said, bringing out his hands in order to give a hand shake.
I'm Heaven.
She said, shaking his hand.
Heaven, huh?
He said with a smile.
The bell rang and everyone exited the room and Heaven had to go with them. They all entered a class and took their respective seats.
I hope you all enjoyed the party?
Madam Adeline said, holding up her staff.
Yes Madam Adeline!!!
They all chorused.
Today, we're gonna learn how to dress evil.
She said to the pupils.
You, come out!
She said, pointing at Heaven and Heaven came out.
Your hair needs to be taken care of, have a seat.
She said bringing a sit for her to sit.
What's wrong with my hair???
Heaven asked.
Really, nothing was really wrong with the hair. The color black and red which touched her waist. Madam Adeline grab the pair of scissors and gestured for Heaven to sit.
No way!!!
Heaven said running towards the door, unfortunately Adeline brought out her magic staff and used her dark magic to bring heaven back and held her still on the chair.
Let go of me.
Heaven cried out and she was cutting her hair.
When Adeline was done she let heaven go and a mirror appeared right in front of her and heaven screamed after seeing the mess they did to her hair.
Amelia was hiding at the back of the school, and as she was walking, she heard someone call out her name in the shadows.
The voice called out again.
She ran to where a light was and saw a cage with a beautiful girl trapped in it.
Help me... Amelia please help.
She said and Amelia looked around for stone or a key to unlock the lock but found none.
Use your powers.
The girl said.
I can't.
Amelia said.
You can, you just don't know it.
The girl said and Amelia held up the lock in her hands and closed her eyes and it was unlocked.
I did it!
Amelia said happily and helped the girl out of the cage.
What were you doing in there??
Amelia asked her.
Rafaal..... Rafaal encaged me in here, so I wouldn't be able to age, die or reincarnate to destroy him.
Destroy him??....Who are you really??
Amelia asked.
I'm Rockie.....I didn't die, that story was written in order to trick Rafaal but it sure didn't work. He found me, locked me here along with Velvet's spirit.
Rockie said.
I thought I was Rockie?
Yes, Rafaal made everyone think Rockie was born by bringing the two of you, you and Heaven, to deceive everyone. I have to find Velvet and get out of here.
Rockie said, standing up.
I'll help you.
Amelia said.
Rockie said as she stood up.
Rockie and Amelia left the room and Amelia took Rockie to her room and gave her a yellow gown and shoes and styled her hair beautifully. Then Amelia saw a locket on Rockie's neck.
Your locket, it's beautiful.
Amelia said.
Thanks, Kyle gave it to me.
She said opening it.
It had a message in it saying;
So what are we going to do now?
Amelia asked.
Firstly, I'm gonna take my story back and write it myself.
Rockie said.
Take it back from who?
Amelia asked.
Hey diary, it's me Rockie, I'm back, this time the real Rockie, not any reincarnations and this time, I'm gonna defeat Rafaal for good.
So what are we doing now??
Amelia said.
I'm gonna have to look for Velvet.
I said.
Then she went to look for Velvet.
We have to look for the time traveler.
I said.
And go back to what year?
Amelia asked.
Year 2022
I said.
Which means I would no longer exist.
Amelia said.
Yes, sorry but it's the only way to fix all this.
I said.
Yes I know, don't worry.
Amelia said a little bit hurt by the fact that she wouldn't exist anymore. We searched for the Time traveler.
Where can we find it???
She asked.
In the school of Yfel.
I said.
In the school of Yfel.
I said.
No way, we can't go there, that school has evil lurking at every hallway.
I don't know Amelia but we don't have any choice, do we?
I asked but she remained silent.
We ate and decided to go at night in order not to be caught.
Night came and we had a change of clothes. I wore a yellow short ball gown and she wore blue with flat black shoes, so did I.
We snucked out from the window. I made a portal open and we hopped in and appeared in the school of Yfel.
Hu......... This place is creepy.
Amelia said.
Shhh..... you have to keep it down.
I said.
After a long search we found a door isolated in the shadows.
It wouldn't open, it was locked.
Amelia said.
Then I placed my hand on the lock and it gave way and opened. We went in and closed the door behind us carefully. Then suddenly the whole room lit up. We started to search for the time traveler.
I've seen something.
Amelia said, drawing my attention to a smaller room. I used my powers to open the door. I saw it, and it was really something.
The time time traveler!!!
I exclaimed with relief.
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