Hey diary! It's March 3rd 2022. Raiden stopped coming to me and Velvet also stopped appearing to me. I started to wonder what could have happened. I went downstairs and went to the kitchen to have a cup of tea.
Mom!!... you're home?
I said to her as I saw in the kitchen.
I thought you left early this morning?
Yeah I got a cold, so I took a day off.
Cool. Now I'm going to be home all day receiving lectures.
I said to myself.
Why aren't you in school???
She asked.
I don't feel like it.
I answered.
What do you mean you don't feel like??? Look, Rockie, if there's anything bothering you, you can tell me you know?
I can???
I'm your mom, you can!
Why did you give me the name......
She said immediately.
She cleared her throat and walked out of the kitchen to the dining room and sat down. I followed her in curiosity, she opened a drawer handed me an album filled with my pictures growing up. were so tough, so adamant, nothing could get through you, you were kind, benevolent, strong and above all you were my little Rockie..
She said.
I asked, wondering why she used past tense.
Yes, were.
Because I don't know you anymore Rockie.
What do you mean???
I asked, confused.
Rockie is an Italian name with it's origin in the germanic hrok, meaning ""rest"".
She said.
I said, now more confused about the whole thing.
She stood up and said to me.
It's your name Rockie, only you can find out what it really means.
She said.
She left without waiting to hear me out. I went upstairs to my room and brought out my laptop and searched for the name Rockie.
I found out that Rockie means a lot. It means rest, rock, stone, grit, determination and also means abounding in or consisting of rocks and difficult to impress or affect and insensitive and lastly Rockie means I believe.
Difficult to impress huh!???
You, me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life but it ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.
I said, standing up, looking into the mirror, then the mirror cracked and a ray of black light came out of it into my room and the black smoke turned into Rafaal.
I whispered in anger.
It's good you remember me Rockie....
He said, gazing at me from head to toe.
What do you want??
I asked.
I've been portrayed to you as evil.
He said.
What do you mean?
I asked.
Haven't you ever wondered why I'm after the generation of Raya??
She killed my only son.
You're a liar!!!!
I shouted.
Oh, do you mean I'd just be killing all of you for nothing?
Evil doesn't have a reason to strike.
I said.
At least I have a reason, what's your reason for accepting to defeat me.
I'm a descendant of Velvet.
That's not a reason!!
It is!!!!
Listen Rockie, a dead man revenges not injuries.
He said.
I run a school.
A school???
The school of yfel
and they want to bring it down.
School of yfel?? Why???
I should be asking you.
He said.
Come with me. He added.
Why should I come with you!!? Why should I even trust you??
You want to find answers don't you??
He snapped his fingers and my outfit changed to a beautiful black ball gown and he stretched out his hand and I held it and we teleported into the mirror and appeared into a big building that looked haunted.
This is the school I run.
What do you teach here??
He answered.
What's yfel??
He replied.
You teach people evil!
And very soon, evil would rule the world.
I don't blame Velvet at all.
I don't either, why should good always be praised, why should evil always have to hide in the shadow. All this could change if you work with me.
And what??
And we rule the world together.
You're crazy!
I said.
I want to go back home!!!
Not so fast, Rockie..
He said.
I need your powers.
He said.
What powers???? I don't have any powers!!!!
I said in a loud voice.
You don't know yet, do you?
Don't know what?
I said.
Lucky me.
He said.
I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I ran in circles around the hallway and got dizzy and fell to the floor and Rafaal appeared in front of me.
Why do all Raya's generation always like to take the bad and painful way??
He said.
I packed up the gown I wore because it was too full and made it difficult for me to run fast. I became so scared and stood up and wanted to run but instead I teleported and appeared in a huge cage.
You made it so easy for me.
He said, standing in front of the cage.
Did I do that?????????
Oh yes you did, oh yes you did........
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