"you look..slutty" -
"Penny you aren't eating any waffles?" Mum asked the next morning at the breakfast table. She was always more than happy to prepare a lavish breakfast for my friends everytime they came over.
She shook her head munching on some cereal. "Thanks, Mrs. Sabanci. I love my cereal."
Mum sighed and placed another waffle into Darna's plate who had already devoured the last one.
"Gosh, take a breath!" I poked her side making her grunt.
"Let her enjoy her food," Mum scolded and I rolled my eyes.
"Good morning, girls," my Dad walked into the kitchen and joined us at the dining table.
"Hey dad," I greeted him but he seemed to nod towards me with a much more serious look than he normally did. Or maybe I had just imagined it.
"Morning, Mr. Sabanci," Darna greeted him excitedly. Dad always loved having Penny and Darna come over. He said it felt like having three daughters besides just one.
"So, girls, what were you up to last night?" Dad asked sipping his morning coffee.
Everyone seemed surprised by his sudden interrogation and Penny shot me a look while I shrugged in reply.
"Oh, just have your breakfast honey," Mum chuckled trying to dodge the question.
"No," Dad said firmly and looked right at me. "What were you up to Sila?"
"What are you talking about, Dad?" My heart was racing and I thought in any moment i would explode.
"Fuck." Darna muttered under her breath, and I thought she knew too what was coming next.
"We were just having a girls night, Mr. Sabanci," Penny added quickly quite clueless in that moment of what was about to hit me.
"Dear," Mom placed her hand on my Dad's shoulder trying to calm him down.
Clearing his throat, he pulled out his phone and proceeded to show something on it to Mom. The look on her face was quite enough to let me know I was dead. I was fucking dead.
"I CAN EXPLAIN." I jumped too my feet, my body shaking, arms trembling. "Its not what it looks like."
Mom and Dad stared at me like I had completely lost my mind.
"Sila, explain what?" Mom frowned at me.
"T-the video that.." I stuttered and Darna grabbed me by the sleeve to shove me back down on my chair.
Dad started to laugh. "Oh dear, you want to know what I was showing your mother. Go outside and look."
Penny, Darna and I looked at each other in real confusion. We got to our feet and I led them outside to see a huge surprise awaiting me in the garage.
I shrieked as soon as I set my eyes on it, a brand new car.
"OMG!" I shrieked in excitement jumping up and down on my feet.
"Damn lucky bitch!" Darna exclaimed slapping me on the back.
"I call dibs on the front seat!" Penny yelled and Darna groaned.
"Thankyou thankyou thankyou!" I ran to hug mom and dad for this amazing present they had got me.
"We know you work hard and always stay out of trouble," Dad kissed the top of my head. "So why not an early graduation present."
"I love you guys!"
Mom and Dad laughed proudly and I swear I could have cried happy tears.
"We love you too!" Penny and Darna exclaimed in unison resulting in a glare from me to them.
"Holy shit!I cant believe I almost told them about the video." I cried looking through my closet.
Penny rolled her eyes braiding her curly hair. "It was obvious they had no clue."
"In my defense, my dad was acting totally weird."
Penny chuckled looking at herself in the mirror. "Do I look okay?"
"Send Micah a picture and ask him why dont you?" Darna said while laying on my bed in her bra and snapping tons of selfies.
"Get up you bimbo," I punched through her tummy. "Atleast get dressed already. We can't be late for the party."
"Honey," Darna sighed rubbing where I had punched her. "I understand you're horny but please, let me excite my new lover a little."
"Ugh please," Penny groaned, pretending to gag. "You got to slow down."
I chuckled. "You guys got to help me what to wear. Dylan asked me if i was going to the party tonight."
"Ooooo," Penny smirked at me mischievously.
"You have to show off your gorgeous boobs if you want to get laid," Darna finally jumped to her feet clawing at my chest.
"Hey!" I covered myself defensively. "I am not trying to get laid!"
Penny rolled her eyes. "Okay maybe land a kiss from Dylan."
"He has a girlfriend!"
Darna frowned. "Oh just shut up and let me dress you up."
"I'll do your hair!" Penny clapped her hands in excitement.
"Guys, this isn't my wedding." I sighed.
"Who knows, after tonight, Dylan might ask you to marry him," Penny chuckled.
"Barf!" Darna grunted and i pinched her arm.
"Uhh, Darna, I am not sure about this," I said covering my chest with my arms after trying on one of her shirts. "My mom's never going to let me go out like that."
"Fuck you look hot," Penny winked.
"So hot that even I'd fuck you," Darna smirked and I flushed at how revealing my shirt was. I had never been confident in flaunting my body like Darna had and this was making me a little overwhelmed.
"Come on you could just cover it with a blazer on when you leave the house and take it off once you get there," Penny advised looking absolutely gorgeous.
"I don't know you guys."
"Come on," Darna pleaded. "All the hot guys and girls are going to be there. You know Aiden Miller throws the best parties."
Aiden was John's older brother and as much as I wanted to avoid him, I also wanted to go to the party badly. Sighing I gave in and decided to go with the outfit.
Left: Sila's outfit. Right: Darna's outfit
Penny's outfit
I had the 12 o clock curfew to be home and I thought it was pretty long enough my parents had the heart to agree to. They did not let me take the car though, so we had to call an uber instead.
Ofcourse, Darna was the life of the party and she knew exactly where to lead us when we reached the party. We could see almost everyone from school and the music was blasting everywhere.
"Ugh man, I miss Micah," Penny yelled to me over the music.
I smiled as the three of us danced to the music. My eyes kept searching for Dylan the whole night, but there was literally no sign of him anywhere.
But there was one particular person who's attention I had caught and you guessed it right, John Miller.
Mona was all over him but his eyes kept meeting mine and my mind darted back to the last party I had been to.
It was exactly at this house where his brother had thrown a party before going off to college.
As soon as he took me to his room, I remember I felt his hands on me everywhere and there wasn't anything else I had wanted in that moment. No one had ever made me so turned on for them the way he had.
He gently laid me back down on his bed and we cuddled before he even made any other move on me.
"I love you, Sila," he had whispered with his mouth against my neck. And I remembered feeling a wave of euphoria sweeping over me.
"Sila?!" Penny's voice pulled me back into reality. "Earth to Sila!"
"Oh yeah!" I shook my head. "What is it? Everything okay?"
"Yeah Darna's gone," Penny shrugged and it was expected she would probably have gone to enjoy the night while Penny and I were left with each other to dance the night away. We weren't complaining though.
After almost thirty minutes of dancing to some EDM, the music softened bringing all the couples together.
"I am just gonna go find a bathroom," Penny announced. "Come with?"
I shook my head still searching around for Dylan. "I'll catch up."
She smiled probably understanding and nodded.
Pulling out my phone, i decided to text him.
Sila: are you at the party?
I waited a couple minutes for his reply before I felt someone walk up to me.
"what the fuck are you wearing?" John Miller winced looking at me.
"Excuse me?!"
"Wanna dance?"
"No, I don't!" I shot at him but grabbed my arm pulling me towards him.
Heat rose up inside me as I felt him so close to me. I hated that he still had that effect on me and the look on my face must have been too obvious cause he smiled.
"Everyone's been looking at you tonight," he whispered against my beck sending shivers down my spine. Memories of being in his bed flashed in my head, turning me on. Niall Horan's Bend The Rules played in the background while I melted into his arms.
"Miller," I managed to choke out.
"I don't want them to look at my girl like that," he whispered firmly while we danced to the beat unknowingly. My heart was begging to let him back in and it felt amazing to be held by him like that again. The music was probably clouding my judgement and I kept giving in to his touch.
"Miller, I.." I struggled with my words but he shushed me by interrupting.
"Don't dress like Darna again," he said slowly clasping his fingers through mine. The way his cheeks were flushing, I could tell he was just as nervous as I was. "Fuck, Sila. You make me want you so bad."
"Miller!" I exclaimed trying to make sense of his words and a lame attempt at bringing the words to my mouth. Everything I was feeling in that moment I could not say.
"Its not like you to dress this slutty," he continued making me gasp. "Don't be like Darna."
That was it! I shoved him off me angrily. How dare he call me and Darna slutty.
"Fuck off, Miller." I scowled and he seemed surprised at my sudden resistance.
"What the fuck, Sila? You do this to me everytime. I pour out my heart to you like a fucking pussy and you push me away!"
"You called me and my friend a slut!"
"I never called you a slut for fucks sake!"
Everyone was staring at our drama now and this was a total disaster.
"You're a dickhead," I mumbled holding back my tears squeezing my way out of the crowd of people watching us. A part of me wanted him to chase me but he didn't. I knew he wouldn't.
Sniffing, I pulled out my phone to text Penny but saw I had a recent text from Dylan.
Dylan: I am right behind you :)
I jerked my head around to see Dylan standing there, with his one hand in his pocket and he waved me a tiny hello. My smiled formed back onto my mouth and I forgot all about John as soon as I saw him.
Dylan walked up to me and I noticed his eyes darting from my face to my chest and back again. "You look.."
"Slutty." I scoffed completing his sentence for him.
"No! Beautiful. I was going to say beautiful," he replied quickly raising his hands defensively.
"Thanks," I sighed, my shoulders slumping.
"I saw that, you know, with Miller," he looked at me apologetically and I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment.
"I am such a doofus."
Dylan chuckled moving my hands away from my face. "Come on, lets get you out of here."
Clasping his hand in mine, Dylan led me out of the house away from Aiden's party and I remember my eyes meeting John's last time before I left. And I had never seen such desperation before that. Or maybe it was guilt, I couldn't tell.
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