'whatever whores'-
I had spent the entire night locked up in my room and not even responding to anyone's texts. God knows how long had I been crying for till i fell asleep.
Forcefully, I dressed for school, totally dreading for whatever was to come. I put on a cap to hide my face a little bit. Or maybe I shouldn't have gone at all.
I wanted to be brave and prove that all that didn't effect me, but it did. Oh it fucking did.
That morning, I left for school without any breakfast. Probably would have barfed out all the food anyway.
My legs were trembling the entire walk to school, the anxiety making me feel sick. There were a million texts from Darna and Penny and John too, but I wasn't bothered to even read what they had said to me.
When a couple of faces came into view near to school, I changed my mind. There was no way I was going to face any of those people who left those horrible comments on the video.
Turning at my heels, clutching the strap to my bag and holding back my tears I made my way back to where I had come from when someone stopped me.
"Sila, Sila please listen to me," it was John Miller. He seemed like he hadn't slept all night but served him right for doing something as horrible as that.
"Let me go!" I jerked his hand off my arm biting my lip trying not to cry in front of him. Could not let him see how vulnerable he had made me.
"Sila," his voice softened and I started to walk away without hearing what he had to say. But ofcourse he wasn't going to give up.
"What the fuck do you want, Miller?" I cried letting my stupid water work flow. "Havent you done enough?"
"I did not do this," John replied frowning and I could see he was clenching his fists in anger. "That's exactly what was wrong with us Sila, you just never fucking trusted me!"
"I had a good reason not to!"" I shot back, sniffing.
"Oh yeah? All the bullshit your pathetic friends fed you about me. That was your reason."
"HOW DARE YOU MILLER?" I raised my fist, wanting to punch the living shit out of him. Oh how i hated him.
"Oii dickhead, leave her the fuck alone," I heard Darna's voice call out from behind me. Never had I ever been so glad to see her. Penny and Darna had the most stern look on their faces.
"If she doesnt want to talk to you, take a hint and stop harassing her." Penny added and John scoffed in reply.
I sniffed as Darna took my hand in hers squeezing it.
"After the shit you pulled, you sure have the balls to show your face," Darna spit out in disgust.
"I don't even want to give you the satisfaction by replying to your slutty ass," John rolled his eyes making all of us gasp.
"Miller, just go!" I cried and he sighed shaking his head. To my relief he didn't argue further and just walked away.
"I am sorry, flower," Penny gave me a hug while I held on to her tightly. "We're here for you."
"I am going to get the bottom of this," Darna growled through her gritted teeth. "Just you wait." And i absolutely believed her.
It was a nightmare. School was a nightmare. I had no strength to even look at anyone in the eye, especially not Dylan. It was embarrassing knowing how everyone had seen me half naked at school. Fortunately, John left me alone for the rest of the day.
Darna and Penny didn't leave my side though and that was pretty much all I needed.
The three of us sat at lunch together when Mona Heffley showed up to take her shot at bullying me. She was the most popular girl in school, partly because her dad was rich as fuck and sponsored the school. So no one could do shit about her being a bitch but yeah, she was Darna's biggest enemy.
"I can't believe little miss perfect Sila Sabanci has a weakness," Mona grinned running her perfectly manicured nails through her perfect brown hair.
"Fuck off Mona," Darna rolled her eyes. "Before I smash your face in."
"Don't be so hostile," Penny whispered to her and I swear Darna could have smacked her too.
"I had to bear listening to John Miller worshiping the fucking ground you walked on," Mona shook her head smirking to herself. Everyone knew she had a thing for him and tried her best to seduce him into breaking up with me.
"Leave me alone, Mona," I replied in a dull voice. "He is all yours."
"Atleast you can stop trying to put on the innocent act," she said crossing her arms. "Everyone knows what a bunch of whores ya'll are."
"Okay that's enough!" Penny slammed her hands on the table and jumped to her feet. Darna and I gasped at her sudden outburst knowing how rarely she lost her cool like that. "Get out!"
"Whatever, whores," Mona rolled her eyes and left.
"Thank you," I laid my head on Penny's shoulder holding back my tears.
"fuck that bitch," Darna snorted. "I will rip John Miller apart."
"Don't listen to Mona," Penny squeezed my hand calmly. "She is just bitter."
I sniffed, nodding softly. "By the way guys, Dylan has a girlfriend."
"What?!" Penny and Darna cried in unison.
"I know right?" I sighed covering my face with my hands. "Like my life couldn't get any worse."
"Oh and I just broke up with Cameron," Darna shrugged casually scrolling through her phone while Penny and I glanced at each other.
Penny sighed in defeat and shoved $5 into my palm underneath the table as I winked at her. Probably the only good thing that happened to me the whole day.
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