They Come Home Drunk pt. 1
In this series, I'll be doing the band of Queen, then in the next chapter I'll be doing the cast of 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. Sorry if some are longer than others!
Freddie- You sat on the couch watching the television, watching tapes of Queen performing their live concert in Montreal. Currently, you were watching Roger's drum solo, which you were admiring quite profoundly. Just as the tape was about to finish, you heard the door unlock to the front of the house. You stood up to walk to the television to pause it, then turned around to see who was walking through the front door.
It was very late at night, about 1:00 in the morning, and you were up simply because you couldn't sleep. You wondered who it was, and you couldn't possibly believe it was Freddie, simply because you thought he was still on tour.
"Hello?" You called out, inching away from the television. "Hello?"
Suddenly you heard the door slam, and someone fumbling around with the keys, trying to lock it. You smiled, possibly realizing that it was in fact, Freddie. You quickly rushed over to the door and found Freddie fumbling with the keys just as you assumed.
He wore a blue jean jacket over his Flash Gordon shirt, blue jeans, sunglasses, a black baseball cap, and his Adidas.
"Hey Fred, let me help you, " you chuckled, surprising him, which made him drop the keys.
"Oh (Y/N) you startled me. Thank you loooove, " he slurred, giggling.
You rose an eyebrow, picking up the keys and locking the door. "Fred are you okay?" You chuckled, placing the keys on the counter, and you helped him take his jean jacket off.
"Well of course darling! I'll always be ooookay." He tried twirling to get out of the way, but he utterly failed, falling down. Unfortunately for you, he grabbed on to your shirt on the way down, pulling you down with him.
"Fred!" You squealed, laughing. You ended up landing on top of him, which made him groan from the pain. "Oh sorry, " you muttered, trying to get up, but Fred pulled you back down.
"Nonsense! There is nothiiiing to be sorrrrrry for, " he giggled, smiling at you. You smiled back, admiring his goofy smile. You stared into his deep brown eyes, being utterly and totally in love with him. You hadn't met anyone quite like Freddie before, and you loved his personality. It brought you joy.
"Love of my life..." He sang, bopping your nose with his finger. He continued humming his song, waving his finger in front of your face, as if he was directing a choir.
You chuckled, humming along. You couldn't stop smiling at Freddie, as you knew that you were actually in love with him.
"What issssss it my love?" He slurred, playing with his mustache.
"Nothing, Fred. Just keep being you, " you responded, laying your head on his chest.
"I will!" He promised, grabbing your hand and held it. He squeezed it, then kissed the top of your hand.
"I love you, Freddie Mercury."
"I love you too, my love."
Brian- It was about midnight, and you laid in the bed, asleep. You were sleeping very soundly until you hear the bedside phone ring.
Brrring brrring!
You groan, groggily waking up. You squint and rub your eyes, yawning. Who could be calling at this hour?
Brrring brrring!
You finally twist over to see the phone on the nightstand, flipping on the switch of the lamp, then finally picked up the phone.
"Hello?" You yawned, propping yourself up on your pillow.
"(Y/N)!" You heard your name being yelled through the phone, which made you wince.
"Good grief Brian, it's twelve in the morning, what is it?" You groaned, rubbing your forehead for the earache.
"Oh, sorry beautiful. I just wanted to say I love you!" He chuckled, then you could feel him get serious. "I miss you."
"Brian, " you sighed, smiling. "I love you, and I miss you too."
You didn't hear a response, except for a laugh coming from behind the phone. You could recognize it anywhere: Freddie Mercury.
"Brian, " you started, concerned.
"Where are you?"
"Oh we're just a few blocks away! I couldn't wait to talk to you so I decided to go ahead and call you! I'm in a telephone booth at the moment! Freddie is beside me, Roger is banging on the door, and John is trying to make Roger stop. I think he's the only sober one at the moment, " he explains, then says something to Freddie that you couldn't make out.
"Wait, you're drunk?"
"Yesssss. Sorry about that beautiful."
You laughed, shaking your head. "Just come home, Brian. Don't get yourself hurt."
You hear Freddie laugh, which made you giggle. "Hey, Bri, tell Fred, Roger and John I said hi!"
"Will do-"
Suddenly you hear the clattering of the phone, and you hear very girlish giggling. "Hi (Y/N)! I love you more than Brian does!" Freddie shouted over the phone.
"Nuh-uh!" Argued Brian.
"Uh huh!"
You smiled at their bickering, then sighed, deciding that you should probably hang up. "Okay boys, I have to go. See you soon?"
You hear the phone clatter again. "Yes! See you soon beautiful!" You hear Brian respond back.
You smile then remove the phone from your ear, placing it back into its receiver, falling back asleep.
About an hour later you hear people stumbling around downstairs, so of course, you wake up, not surprised at the fact that the band Queen was drunkenly stumbling around your house.
After the stumbling around quieted down, you heard loud, racing footsteps rushing up the stairs. After all of the commotion, you see all four of them arrive at your bedroom door, but John looked at you with a sorry face. You chuckled, waving it off.
Brian's face immediately lit up when he saw you. He ran over to the bed, jumping on to it like a superhero. You laughed, then rolled over and hugged him, which resulted in him hugging you like a bear.
"Oh look at them!" Admired Freddie, who started to run over to the bed, but John caught his jacket collar and pulled him back.
"Oh no you don't, " he muttered.
Roger let out a wolf whistle.
"Come on you two, let's go home, " John sighed, with Freddie wrapping his arm around John, and John grabbed on to Roger's hand, pulling him along like a five-year-old.
Brian waved goodbye to the band, then looked at you. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too, Bri. At least you're home now."
John- You sat home in your pajamas, looking through magazines, all of them critiquing the band's recent album, Day At The Races. Most of them were pretty bad, as the critiques always were, but you thought the album was nice.
Just as you were about to grab another magazine, you hear a knock on the door. You raise an eyebrow, wondering who it could be. You placed the magazine down on the couch and walked over to the front door, looking out the peephole. Unfortunately, you see someone staring straight back at you, which made you jump. You just sighed and unlocked it, knowing exactly who it was.
"Hello, darling!" Greeted Freddie, engulfing you in a big hug.
"Hi there... Fred..." You coughed, hardly unable to breathe.
You looked at John who stood behind Freddie, awkwardly swaying with his hands in his pockets, closing the door behind him. You rose an eyebrow at him, basically asking John why Freddie was there.
"Oh don't worry about him, (Y/N), Fred's alright, " he assured you, going to lean his arm on the counter, but failed as he seemed to miss it, which made hm trip over himself falling to the floor.
"Wait a second, " you muttered, pulling Fred away from you. Almost immediately you smelled alcohol on his breath, a heavy bit of it. "Are you both... Drunk?"
"Yeah... Fred took me day drinking. Brian and Roger were out doing an interview, so Fred asked me to go out with him, " he explained to you, his words stumbled out of his mouth.
You shook your head, letting go of Freddie completely as he hopped over to the couch, and plopped himself down on it. You and John stood next to each other, watching Freddie as he grabbed magazines, skimming them.
"So John-"
You turned your head quickly, as you heard Freddie smack the magazine. "These fucking critics don't have anyyy idea what they'reee talking about!" He huffed, throwing the magazine down.
You chuckled, about to turn back to John, but saw him on the other side of the living room, placing a vinyl down on the record player.
You heard the familiar scratches of the vinyl, the song soon coming on. John spun around to you, pointing at you with finger guns. You laughed but stopped when you recognized the song; Jailhouse Rock by Elvis Presley. John came prancing over to you, holding his hands out, asking you to dance.
You rose an eyebrow, knowing this wasn't like John at all, and you weren't familiar with this side of him. Not that you weren't complaining, of course.
You held your hand out for him, letting him grab hold of you quickly. He pulled you into a spin, which spun you inwards towards him. He grabbed both of your hands, moving and dancing to the beat.
At that moment, you couldn't think of anything better to do, than to dance with John. He was an amazing dancer, you had to admit. Almost better than Freddie.
"Oh goodness!" Fred sat from the couch, watching you both in awe. "My new favorite couple."
You laughed at Freddie, continuing to laugh as John spun you around, keeping you very close to him as if you were only allowed to be his. You stared into his curious, joyful hazel eyes, embodied into the beauty of them.
As all good things have to come to an end, the song had finished, and John had you in a dip. He smiled at you, his cheesy smile made you giggle.
"I love you (Y/N), " he chuckled, giving you a quick peck.
"I love you as well."
Roger- It was late at night, and you were taking a nice hot shower to end a long day. It was very tiring and you were quite exhausted, and all you wanted to do was lay in bed and sleep in peace.
Eventually, you finished showering, and you even shaved which made you feel very accomplished. You moved the shower curtain out of the way, stepping out on to a mat, grabbing a towel next to you, you wrapped it around your body.
Just as you were about to finish things up and get dressed, you heard someone coming to the bathroom.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit..." You cursed, unable to find your clothes in the bathroom, so you turned around and hopped back into the shower, closing the curtain, hoping that nobody would see you.
You heard whistling, and drum noises someone was making with their mouth, going to the tune of Keep Yourself Alive. As they continued walking to the bathroom, the noises grew louder and louder until they arrived at the bathroom, the door unlocked.
"Keep yourself alive... Keep yourself aliiiveee!" Sang Roger, who apparently was walking in.
Even if he was your boyfriend, you still didn't want him to see you naked, simply because he was probably drunk, and you were tired, and you weren't in any mood for him to try anything.
You closed your eyes and crossed your fingers, hoping he was just in there to pee or something.
You heard the faucet turn on, and tapping on the counter. You wondered what Roger was doing, but you didn't dare move. As Roger was doing whatever he was doing, you heard him change songs to Flash. You wanted to laugh but held it in.
"Do do do do do do..." He was humming John's bass part. Unfortunately, you snickered, but caught yourself and placed your hand over your mouth.
"Hello?" Roger called out, turning the faucet off. "(Y/N)? Is that youu?"
You could hear him slurring which made you want to laugh more but you knew you couldn't.
Suddenly the light is removed, as the shower curtain is pulled back, revealing Roger with a pair of sunglasses on top of his head, his shirt unbuttoned, shorts, and socks. He looked very drunk.
He smiled and held out his arms once he saw you. "My dear it issss youuu!" He laughed, carefully stepping over the tub and into it. He quickly engulfed you into a hug and started peppering kisses all over your bare skin.
"Roger it's nice to see you too, but I'm ready to go to bed and I-"
Just as you were about to tell him how tired you were, Roger tripped over his own feet and fell down on the bottom of the tub, sending you to fall on top of him.
"It's okay, we can stay here!" He laughed, adjusting to the situation.
He chuckled, looking you up and down. "Well don't you look marvelous." He tapped your forehead, kissing it.
He cleared your throat, pulling up your towel to hide your decency. "Thanks... And you look drunk, " you laughed, smirking.
"Oh, thanks?" He wrapped his arms around you, sitting up against the tub wall.
You nodded, not really responding because of how out of it you were, but you hadn't cared anymore.
"Hey I love you, a lot, a lot, a lot, " he confirmed, with a serious look on his face. You smiled, admiring his beautiful eyes. It's as if they were jewels.
"I love you a lot too."
"Good! Good!" He laughed, squeezing you tighter, then kissed your lips. "You are also very beautifulllll although, I'm not sure if you neeeed to knowww that, because I'm sureeee you alreadyyy do."
You nodded, just going to agree with whatever he was saying.
Roger smiled and tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear, and kissed you deeply. "I love you, (Y/N) (L/N)."
Part 2 will be up soon, thanks for requesting cs063004!
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