Read me to sleep
"I get it I screwed up!" The brown haired nation groaned at his mother.
"Go take a shower." The mother said taking a wift from her vape pen.
The Chinese man turned his heel and walked up the red wooded stairs.
This night had gone great.
His phone had been off in his black, and white leather book-bag so he did not know that his mother called him to tell him that his stepfather was coming to pick him up from the library.
So when Ivan, his boyfriend, left him at his porch after making sure Yao got home safetly; he had a wonderful greeting from his mother.
"Where have you been?" She demanded
"Why have you not been answering your phone?!"
Yao calmly explained why he had not been answering his phone when his stepfather came through the door.
Yao felt himself shift under the mans gaze. The brown haired man was nkt afraid of many things. His stepfather though was an exception.
Though the man surprised the teen.
"I'm glad you're safe." The long blonde haired man saod sitting down in his comfy bright red recliner.
Then his mother turned on the television and there was Taylor Swift singing.
The green eyed man began ranting about the woman, and her political party.
Yao moved four large steps towards the stairs that hugged the wall.
"Ayiah." The teen began "Why must we speak about the political party and not enjoy the preformance?"
Bad choice of words Yao.
The older man then began to debate with the younger. He ranted angirly in a close to yelling voice.
The man argued against the democrats, saying how horrible the blonde woman was because she was telling the middle class what to do.
Then Yao debated back trying to keep his voice calm. He didn't really care but he just wanted to enjoy the show without the politcal issues getting in the way just once.
Finally his black haired mother broke in.
"Go to your room." The dark skinned woman said.
The pale teen then huffed saying
"I get it I screwed up!" As he walked upstairs.
The debate had made Yaos heart race. He could feel his cheeks flush.
It was not often Yao and his stepfather argued but when it happened it was normally about debates like those.
Many of them consisted of LGBT rights, the boarders of "Free Speech", and what men and women are allowed to do in the world.
He pulled out his phone from his back jean pocket, turning it on. Not looking at it as he continued to walk up the stairs, turning to the left walking up five more stairs before entering the hallway; thinking about how much he hated it when that man treated him like an iggnorant child.
The young man sighed feeling absolutely stupid about being shaken up by the man.
He walked down the cream colored halls until he made it to the second light wooded door on the right.
He did not bother turning on his light as he flung his bag to the left, hearing it land in his small closet.
Then still without turning on the lights jumped in his bed, and pulled his soft red covers over his body.
He should have put on spme pajamas but he was comfortable in his jeans, and plain black t-shirt.
Yao brought his smart phone up to his face, typing in his code.
He did not want to call Ivan in case he was busy, but he needed someone right now, nd his siblings would only agree with his parents, and not allow the older sibling to vent.
So he called Ivan.
It rang once, twice. Then a voice came through.
"Hello Yao-Yao." The clearly happy male said.
"Can you read to me?" The male asked.
Ivan was silent for a moment, the younger teen knew that when Yao asked that something was wrong, but he could never get Yao to open up until the day after the incident, making the Russian man inwardly frusterated.
Still he could not deny his lovers wishes.
"Of course."
There was some shuffiling, and then the Russian immigrant began to read what Yao believed to be the Russian version of "Cinderella,".
Yao was comforted by the voice of his lover, and soon found his eyelids closing.
"Ivan." Yao said with a yawn.
"I'm getting sleepy."
"I will finish this story for you, and then hang up. "
"Mm." The shorter male said.
"Thank you."
"Anytime Yao." The Russian said "Tell me what happened on the bus tomorrow okay?"
"Okay." The male mumbled as the Russian began to read once more guiding the younger male into sleep.
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