Normal Day.
About twelve countries sat around the room in desks arranged into a U.
The rain hitting the window, the sky dark. Not a very ideal day for a student council meeting, but they were inside so it didn't bother them.
They chatted separately ready for the meeting to start back up. It was a normal chaotic student council meeting, nothing special really in China's opinion.
The meeting started back up again, and almost immediately China felt a pair of eyes on him. He didn't need to check to know who it was, he knew his boyfri-crush-friend. Friend. His Russian friend had been starting at him, and while he would've loved to normally throw something like a piece of paper at him, telling him to knock it off, he couldn't, he was to in tuned with what was going on around him. They were talking about debts, which he needed to listen to.
Wait a second when did Russia join the council?
"Russia." America said, "Your turn dude."
The Russian, looked away from the Chinese man, unsure of what was happening then returned to reality, and nodded.
Many became visibly excited wondering if the Russian would give the American some form of an insult, ready for the meeting to break out into chaos.
"China," Russia said making his way towards his crush.
"I require your help for this."
The brown haired man gave his friend a questioning look, then hesitantly got up, and followed the man to the front of the room. The white board behind them, in front of them was the start of the U.
"HIT IT KIKU!" The Russian yelled to the shorter male.
Kiku pulled out his phone, and a very large speaker, and hit play on a song.
The Russian, opened his coat, and pulled out a microphone, and then taking the coat off.
China could've hit him right now, but he was too busy trying to hold in his laughter seeing his friend dressed in a black vest, and black, sparkly, loose, pants.
Now a little known fact that Ivan can sing, but when he gets nervous he flounders up, so with the song playing he sang as well. Praying that he would not get nervous.
"I've always said I could never fall, because I love them all." The Russian sang, taking the shorter males hand, walking around the room. Purple, nervous eyes never leaving embarrassed brown ones.
The other countries in the room began watching, some swaying to the beat. Japan, and Hungary (Who snuck in with his siblings) were videotaping with whatever device they had on them.
The American trying to coax the "British Dude" into dancing with him. (he was able to literally pull the man away from the wall, and dance with him).
Ivan spent the entire song, dancing with the petit male, Yao almost giving into the urge to just die laughing right then, and there.
It was bout two minutes, and five seconds into the song, when it slowed down.
Ivan stopped dancing, and walked towards Yao, who was blushing extremely. (Yao was only an arm length away, so he could take small steps towards him, but decided on regular sized ones, to get closer to him quicker.) Once Ivan got close enough, he placed his hand, on his left crushes cheek, noticing a stray hair from the ponytail, he pushed it back behind the males ear. Their foreheads touching.
Then Yao did something he never though he would have the courage to do, just before the chorus came back, he got onto the nearest desk, his knees on the desk, he kissed him.
Ivan kissed back, wrapping an arm around the brown haired males waist. He threw the other fist in the air.
Yao's siblings began clapping, along with Ivans sisters, and the rest of the room. Belarus was given a five from Estonia who had a deflated look on his face.
God only knows when they broke apart, but once they did. Ivan pulled out a small piece of paper from his vest pocket, and gave it to Yao.
Yao took it, and opened it. The led, and the letters gave birth to the word:
Yao gasped, and covered mouth with his hand. He looked at the Russian, and nodded.
"He said yes!" The Russian said in a loud voice, that wasn't exactly yelling sense the room was so small.
Everyone cheered, and Yong Soo was seen handing Francis a dollar.
"Wait a second!" England yelled "How the bloody Hell did everyone get in here without us noticing!?"
The Russian, whistled an unfamiliar tune, grabbing the male with softer lips than his, and ran out of the room, including half of the other people in the room (including America).
Yao was protesting of being held like a child as the two ran to the library, Ivan got tired of the protesting so he set the male down, just for a moment. Then picked him up bridal style.
Yao sighed, as the two went to the back of the library.
Ivan set him down for good this time, and hugged the Chinese man.
"I suppose I should ask if we could date?" Yao asked, loving the coolness of his friends body.
Ivan broke the hug, to peck the male on the nose, and nodded.
Love blooming in the world, two people confessing their love, madness going on at the Hetalia academy, to Francis it was a normal day, but to Yao, and Ivan it was an extraodinary day
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