The sound of bullets filled the field, under the lighter haired mans feet was mud and blood. His sisters bow at his feet, along with his other sisters button.
In front of him the smoke made it hard to understand who the approaching figure was, he could sense what was happening though. He could smell the nuculear powder in the air.
"YAO!?" He called out in a frightened voice, placing both hands around his mouth.
There was a fimilar cocky laugh.
"Hey there Commie." An American voice echoed.
"I-I'm sorry to tell you this..." he said stepping from the smoke.
"He tried to protect you." the blonde said sadly "He kept begging you to stop. You got so mad at him, I know you didn't mean to hurt him that badly but...he couldn't breathe, you nearly killed him. I came to save him like the Hero I am, but... You won't ever be with him again."
The American smirked as the smoke cleared. He saw the bodies of his sisters, mutilated and covered with an exterme amount of their own blood. The Baltics, they were there too, little Lavatia slowly dying as blood dripped from his mouth.
Yao. He stood there with large purple bruises around his throat, his head down, his dark hair hanging down from him. Slowly the Chinese man looked up tears coming from his eyes. He walked up to Alfred throwing a sword at the Russians feet.
"Why?!" He yelled at the white haired man, the dead bodies got up, there heads tilted.
"Why?" They all asked. Ivan looked down at the sword to see it had changed too his pipe.
The blue eyed American grabbed the brown haired mans hand, and turned around. Yao followed, allowing the blonde to snake his arm around the mans waist.
The purple eyed man suddenly felt his hand raising on it's own, he saw a gun in his hand and he was aiming for the brown haired male. Ivan tried to resist, he was shaking his head, yelling at the two to move. They didn't.
The sound shattered his world as he watched the older Nations body fell to the ground, he had hit the mans shoulder. The other Nations blew away as a soft breeze came through the field, then the Russian picked up his pipe ran towards the brown haired man. Yao now laid on his back, holding his shoulder, he looked up at the Russian with tears in his eyes. Ivan raised his pipe towards the air, swung it back down, and began to hit the man beneath him. Once, Twice, three times, four, five six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, tweleve, thirteen, fourteen.
The Russian shot up in bed, tears streaming down his face. He felt numb. He looked towards his right and saw the smaller male sleeping soundly, looking peacefully handsome. The Russian leaned his head against the headboard and cried as silently as he could as he stared into darkness.
When China woke up he expected Ivan to be holding his naked form tightly, maybe wanting to 'do it'. What he did not expect was too see the Russian already up, looking at the wall with a blank numb stare.
"Ivan..?" The brown haired man asked sitting up, the older male used his right hand to touch the Russians shoulder, and the other to go towards his hair. Ivan jumped away from the other male, fear in his purple orbs.
"Ivan?" China said even more worried for his lover.
The taller male began to cry as he rushed to the bathroom closing the door behind you.
"Ivan aru!?" Yao said shocked as he went after his lover, he knocked on the door.
"Ivan open up!"
"Go away!" The Russian said his voice full of fearful sobs.
"Ivan what's wrong!"
"Leave!" he sobbed out
"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's wrong with you!" Yao said stubbornly crossing his arms.
"If you don't go now, I could hurt you!"
"Aiyah..." China sighed. He understood what was happening now. Toris, and Ivans sisters had told him that even as a child Russia had nightmares about hurting the ones he loved.
"Ivan," Yao said calmly "Please come out. I won't leave you, and I promise you that I know you won't hurt me."
"How can you be so sure!?" The Russian said through the door.
"Aiyah." China said with a small tender smile forming on his lips "I know because I know you. You are no more a monster than America is out of debt."
There was a small 'click' of the bathroom door, Yao knowing Ivan would very well not come out, walked into the bathroom, seeing his lover sitting beside the big tub, those large violet tear soaked eyes looking up at him, his scarf around him, surprisingly clothed with blue and white striped pants.
Yao sat on his lovers lap, not saying a word, and held him tightly. The Russian returning the hug, not as tight in fear he might actually hurt his smaller uke lover, his eyes screwing tight as he held back his tears, taking in Yao's scent.
The larger man took deep breaths, the two not saying anything as they held each other. Yao giving his Russian the occasional kiss on the shoulder, and cheek.
They didn't know how long they were there until Yao broke the scilence.
"You're not a monster no matter what anyone says."
The violet man sighed, kissing the Brown eyed man on the cheek.
The two looked at each other for a moment, their foreheads together. Just being their together.
"Are your legs asleep yet?" Yao whispered, with a smirk
The Russian nodded with a amused look.
Yao chuckled a little as he tried to get up from his lovers lap. Ivan not wanting him to get up grabbed Yao's waist, pulling him back down.
"Not yet," he said "I like you here."
The brown eyed man blushing,
"W-We can do this in bed. Your legs need blood flow, your heart can be satisfied in a moment."
"But why wait when you're already like this?" The paler man said with a smirk.
"Because it's not even sunrise and I'd prefer to lie in bed next to you for at least a few more hours, before we start anything."
Yao said rolling his eyes at his lover. Ivan was shocked to hear such honesty from Yao. Yeah his lover was still tired.
"Okay." The Russian sighed, as he allowed his lover to get up and walk away, looking at his lovers nude form, drinking it up as if he was looking at it for the first time.
After Yao left the bathroom, and blood began to flow to his lower half, he realized he might use his lovers tiredness to his advantage, only if Yao wanted the same thing.
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