My MayMay.
Here I am in an empty house alone. I can't even call it a home because a home is where a family lives And I haven't seen mine because they are dead. Well, not exactly alone.
My best friend Reese or should I say Jayden.
He hated his name, so he changed but he couldn't change it on his birth certificate.
My parents died when I was ten years old. I still remember the day that it happened like it was yesterday
Not many people would understand how is it to be someone like that. Some who is always being judged by people because of the way they see me.
A bad boy with tattoos.
People will judge you without caring or even getting to know you except her. But where is she now?
What does she look like?
I know I know, a bad boy like me shouldn't have someone like her in my life but I want her, I need her.
Where are you, MayMay?
I hope you don't have a boyfriend because he would not last long with you.
You are mine, MayMay.
Only mine.
Sign, Roc.
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