Common theif
"Ahhhh it's gone!!!" A woman's voice screams in the distance.
I pause feeding Charles and look towards the interruption; of course it was the annoying blonde princess.
"It's gone! Someone has stolen it!"
"Stolen What?" James rolls his eyes, regretting his question.
"My necklace engraved with the insignia of Enchancia!" she cries.
"The one Charles gave you?" I muttered. He blushed and looked away with guilt.
"Oh Charles! You remember? The one you gave me on my 8th anniversary!"
"Sadly" he sighs.
"Please may you all help me look for it? It is important!"
"Why he's not yours anymore?" Princess Selina mutters.
"Maybe it's for the better you lost it" princess Jessica quips and the girls giggle carelessly. I smile at them in gratitude; we had all become fast friends.
"It was still worth something to me!" she started to cry dramatically.
"Fine let's just search for it because frankly, I grow weary of her cries" her brother Harry announces.
"Well I'm staying here to finish my food. I don't care about her lost jewelry" I roll my eyes. Charles kisses my cheek and walks to look with the others.
High and low they search but still could not find it. Charles eventually pulls me along to help but I refused, so I just leaned against the wall as everyone searched.
"When was the last time you had it?" Charles asks, hugging me from behind.
"Yesterday in this slumber room were we all slept"
"Have you checked everything?" A princess asks.
"Yes except..." Charolette ran over to each bed and started shifting and turning the sheets over.
"You honestly think it would be in any of the girl's bed?" I sigh, amused by her display.
"It might"
"No one wants to steal your useless necklace" I snap. Charles kisses my neck to calm me; he knew I was not fond of her.
Diligently she searches until she goes to the last bed; my bed. She pulls off the covers and lifts the necklace from its covers.
"Ella! Why is my necklace under your covers!"
"You put it there! I didn't take it!" I protest.
"Then explain why it's there." she smiles pridefully.
"Do you think I'm that jealous of you that I would steal an insignificant piece of jewelry? Do you see this ring?" I hold up the huge rock against her face, "I am Charles fiancé with his ring? This is his symbol of devotion to me. What use is a insignificant necklace" I smile proudly.
She fumes with anger as I embarrass her in front of everyone.
"Charolette... this has your name written all over it. You hate Ella for taking your man so you probably framed her" Jessica and Selina defend me.
"Oh really? Than why is your golden hairbrush in the sack of her pillow and your golden ring in her covers?" She wiggles both items out my sack.
"To think we were actually becoming friends Ella"
"We were never friends. Why would I steal these items when Charles can give me 200 more? Your delusional" I laugh.
The guys look to me awkwardly; their suspicions raised as to why the items where discovered in my possession.
"You guys believe me right...?" I announce but the room grows silent. They look away awkwardly.
"Ladies... you were in the rooom with me all night! When would I have even stolen it? Jessica? Selina? Why would I steal it! You know she did this?"
The princesses knew it was Charolette but thought it best not to go against Charolette; for all were scared of the power she held. Ephoria was even more powerful than Enchancia and controlled all the western trade of their kingdoms. Everyone knew best to remain quiet to stay in their good graces.
Charles loosens his grip on me and turns to leave.
"Charles! Charles wait!" I run after him. He turns to me in anger.
"You don't honestly think I would do something as stupid as this?"
"I don't know Ella? You have in the past! Twice I might add."
"So you believe her" I whisper softly; my heart broken from his words.
"I don't know what to believe!"
"Believe me! Believe your future wife and queen"
"I told you Ella... you said you promised" he grabs my shoulders, demanding for my compliance.
"Charles do you hear yourself? I didn't steal it! Why would I? You've given me more jewels than that?"
"I don't know....maybe I was lying and cloaking my vision to see the truth? Today, it's a necklace, tomorrow, it's my throne"
"Charles" I whisper. How dare he accuse me of something I didn't do.
"Timothee warned me...he said stealing is in your blood. You are nothing but a common thief!" he snaps.
"How dare you!"
"Am I wrong!" he yells but I only remain silent.
"I gave up EVERYTHING FOR YOU! Because I love you... I will never see my friends or family... I thought you loved me?" I fume.
"I do Ella..."
"Then how can you believe her over me?" I yell.
"Because you've stolen before!" he whispers. His words pained my spirit even if there was truth.
"Ella...." he towers over me, "tell me now.... did you steal it?"
"No I didn't." I roll my eyes at him, annoyed he would even ask me again.
He arrests my jaw and forces me to look up at him, "Look me in the eye and tell me the truth. Did you steal those things" he grabs my jaw desperately.
"I did not steal it. How many times do I have to say it?" I retort as a soft tear drips from my eye.
"then why can't I believe you?" A light tear strokes his cheek.
"This was a mistake...all of this! I should have never went along with this stupid plan. To think we fell in love over a stupid ring" I snap away from him and run to the stables outside.
"Ella! Ella wait!" he runs after me. I pull of the ring and throw it to the ground in hate.
"Ella!" He yells but I mount the horse and gallop away. My future was clear now.
I would return to my life with the Outcasts and leave the palace of Enchancia, never to return again.
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