"How do you mess up so bad?" She asked, her voice laced with venom as she stared at her lover, rolling her eyes in annoyance.
He did his best not to flinch at her harsh tone, keeping himself composed, willing to take the blame for his mistake.
"I didn't think she would see us, Raven."
Raven exhaled slowly, her fingers on the bridge of her nose, pinching slightly. She stared down at the teenager lying on the bed, unconscious, for her own protection.
"Nightwing. You broke into her room while she was sleeping. What did you expect?"
"I expected her to be a heavy sleeper..."
He rubbed the back of his neck, glancing at the lifeless body, wincing a bit at how bad the situation was.
They were supposed to be in and out, collecting a bit of information to analyze the child and then go. It would've been relatively simple if he hadn't knocked over her standing lamp.
He had caught it, but of course the teen had been awakened from her slumber, and she saw them.
She knew who they were, but it terrified her, and rightfully so. It's not everyday your OTP pops into your bedroom, presumably from a different dimension.
She screamed, he panicked, Raven hit her in the back of the head. Of course, things could've gone smoother, but they didn't.
"Did you not read her files? The one thing in there that was important was that she was a light sleeper. Why else would she wake up just to write more stories?"
He sighed. She had a point.
"I might've missed that part."
"I'm sorry!"
Their plan was ruined now. They had to retrieve the information somehow, and she had no idea how she would do that. The original idea was to search through her phone and her room, but now the child would definitely know, and besides that, she was laying on her phone.
They would have to wait for her to awaken, and actually ask her questions. Pretend like it was all part of their plan. But for right now, they needed to hide and wait things out.
They saw the child begin to stir, and Nightwing quickly pushed himself behind her tv, Raven joining him, her hood pulled up to conceal her in darkness.
"You better hope she doesn't remember anything." Raven whispered harshly, gripping his arm tightly, a bit too tight for him.
She would rather come back later and then retrieve the information the proper way, and she was hoping-begging-for that to be the case.
The kid began to wake up, a small noise coming from her throat. She opened her eyes slowly, pushing herself up, her hands against her mattress as she pushed the blanket off of her feet.
She rubbed the back of her head, cursing beneath her breath as she felt a sharp pain. She sighed, sitting up in her bed, eyes scanning around the room.
The blue-haired girl stopped at her closet, her eyes squinted together as she looked around the tv.
She sighed again, sitting up a bit straighter as her pained voice broke the silence.
"I know you're there. You guys suck at hiding." She listened for the rustling of fabric, and then she saw the two step out from behind their hiding place, Raven with her hood up, Nightwing with his head hung slightly.
The girl raised a brow, her breath hitching in her throat as she looked at the two people standing before her.
She took it all in, her eyes widening at the two superheroes in her room. Was this real? Was she awake?
She pinched herself, realizing that this was indeed happening to her in real life.
Raven stepped forward, clearing her throat and glancing back at Nightwing with disdain.
He shrugged, his hands behind his back as he watched Raven eye rhe girl warily.
"Do you know why we're here?"
Raven decided to play it like they meant to wake her up and ask her questions. It would be easier on both of their parts.
The girl shook her head, her voice confused and surprised, "No, I mean, you guys just broke into my house and knocked me out. That doesn't give me much to go off of."
Nightwing spoke up, his voice tinted with concern and carefulness, not willing to give up too much information.
"Well, Janette-"
"It's Janelle." The blue haired girl interrupted, not at all impressed with his lack of knowledge for her.
He sighed, pulling a digital recorder from his utility belt and turning it on, ready to document.
He watched her look him up and down, one eyebrow raised at him, her lips set in a slim line as she observed him.
"I made you seem a lot smarter in my stories."
Great. That's the first thing to be documented.
"You'll have to forgive him. Nightwing isn't exactly good with these types of things." Raven explained to Janelle, earning a questioning gaze from her.
Raven went on, looking to her boyfriend for a few moments before turning back to Janelle.
"We had to visit another writer a couple weeks ago. Not for something similar."
"Bethany." Nightwing interrupted, a small smile on his face as he spoke. Raven rolled her eyes at him, feeling his pride from remembering her name.
"At least you can remember someone's name, Dick."
"Listen, I remember a lot of people's names."
"Not mine." Janelle scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest and watching the two adults exchange a look of surprise.
Raven shook her head, finding herself sitting on a chair that was in front of the tv, glad to be seated. Traveling through dimensions really took a lot out of a person.
"Anyways, we need to ask you a couple questions to update our 'Teen Titan's FanFiction' data. We like to check in on the writers every now and then."
Janelle made a weird face. One that held a lot of confusion. Which was to be expected. She had never been questioned by these guys before.
"Wait, why do you want to know about the writers?"
Nightwing smiled lightly, deciding it was his turn to talk. That, and he wanted to prove his intelligence on the subject.
"Well, you guys let our legacy live on. The stories you tell keep people interested and then they want to learn more. And from there, it's a domino effect. They pass down information to their families and friends, and so on and so on. The more you write, the longer we live on."
Raven placed a hand in his, showing her pride in him for memorizing something that he was supposed to. She swallowed before speaking, her voice soft but at the same time filled with gratitude. She was really nailing the whole "winging it" plan.
"And for that, we are extremely grateful. So, in return, we like to learn a little bit about you guys, like you learned about us."
Janelled nodded, changing her position so she was sitting in a meditation pose. She looked at the two, smiling as she noticed that they were indeed a couple.
"That's pretty damn cool."
Raven nodded, and Nightwing did the same, clearing his throat so he could begin asking questions.
"So, are you ready for some of our questions?"
Janelle nodded, getting comfortable, before glancing at her phone to check the time: 2:25 AM. She had school tomorrow...
Oh well.
"Ask away."
Nightwing nodded, going through a mental set of questions, making them up on the spot, picking out a simple one to start.
"How old were you when you started writing for us?"
Janelle knew the answer to this question instantly. She often found herself thinking about her fanfiction from the past, laughing at how cringey it was.
"When I was twelve. I sucked at it, but I kept writing anyways."
Raven interrupted, a soft look on her face, with a somewhat proud disposition.
"You've blossomed into quite the writer, Janelle."
Janelle smiled, embarrassed but accepting of the compliment tossed her way.
"Okay, next question. Do you plan on continuing with your Oneshot collection?"
Janelle had to think about that for a second. You see, there weren't a lot of prompts for RobRae, and she also had so many other stories to write.
But she couldn't just abandon the story that brought her the most joy, the most positivity from readers. So, would she continue the book?
"Of course. It gets harder each day to write, but I love the challenges, and I love making people happy with the oneshots that I write. If I were to stop, what kind of writer would I be?"
Raven smiled as she nodded, her own voice deciding to ask a question. One that she felt was the most important for their data.
"Janelle, how does writing affect your life?"
Janelle was surprised by the question. It was sort of deep, really. She expected light, fun questions with little to no meaning behind them.
But this, well, this was something she hadn't thought about much before.
"To be completely honest, I haven't really thought about it. But, now that I do, I'd say it really affects my life in a way that reading or singing can't." She paused, exhaling slowly, thinking about her words. "I've made a few friends from writing on Wattpad. One of which I've collaborated twice with now. And I love writing with her. It's a lot of fun and really cool to see someone so interested in what I'm writing and vice versa.
And then there's the writing itself. Writing has made me a stronger person, in the respect that it demands hard thinking and a positive attitude. It pushes me to become a better writer. Last year I got a one hundred on a short story I made, and I do think I owe it all to the fact that I had been strengthening my writing for two years.
And then there's the people that come along with it. Kind of relating back to the whole friend and collaboration thing. When I wrote these stories, I wanted to please people who read them. And when I did/do, it's so damn rewarding. I love seeing people vote on my stuff, and I definitely love seeing the thoughtful comments on my stories. These people take time out of their day to sit down and read my stories. And I think that has greatly affected my in the respect that it makes me more grateful and pushes me to work harder for my lovely readers."
Janelle smiled sheepishly as she finished, adding one last part to her answer.
"I love the writing community. I absolutely love every part of it. Especially the fanfiction part. It's like, we all come together and write these awesome stories for each other over a similar interest. It's amazing, and I'm extremely lucky to be a part of it."
Raven nodded, Nightwing looking genuinely surprised by the teen'a answer. And he was. He had been expecting something short with little thought. But Janelle really thought about it, and that surprised him.
"It seems like you really care about the readers and what they think." He said, scooting Raven over and plopping down next to her.
Janelle nodded fiercely, her phone going off with a Tumblr notification as she spoke.
"Of course I do. They mean a lot to me. Some have stuck with my book for over two years. That's a long time. And then others are just now joining the ship, and I care for them just as much. Because at the end of the day, we're all just a bunch of people rooting for something we love."
She cleared her throat, grabbing the glass of water she always refilled before she went to bed on her nightstand and sipping the liquid from it.
She put it down, inhaling deeply, then breathing out slowly, a habit she tended to do.
"I'm sorry for such long answers. I know it must be annoying."
Raven shook her head, laughing slightly at the apology.
"No, we love the long responses. It helps us to get to know you better. I want to ask you a couple more questions, and then we have to go, because we need to visit some other people tonight before the sun rises."
"Okay, that's chill."
Nightwing yawned,having not slept in two days because of going around getting to know these writers. He looked down at the digital recorder in his hand, not bothering to pause it, knowing Raven was ready to ask another question.
"What do you wanna be when you grow up?"
It wasn't meant to be a hard question, but Janelle often over thought everything. So, for five minutes straight, she sat there thinking about it.
"Well. I think hobos are pretty cool."
Nightwing coughed, the answer surprising him, somewhat concerning him. He eyed her warily, his eyebrows furrowed.
Janelle smiled, shaking her head and feeling a small bubble of laughter surface.
"I'm just kidding. I really want to be either a photographer, a teacher, or a sfx makeup artist. I really enjoy the makeup stuff."
"Can you show us one of your makeup looks?" Raven blurted out, surprised at her own question. She apologized quickly, her eyes scanning the dark room.
"I mean, if you wouldn't mind..."
"I don't mind at all. I actually have quite a few. I can pull up a liquid latex look, or a paint job. Your choice."
Nightwing watched Raven contemplating what she wanted. He knew she was into the darker stuff, but he had no idea she liked makeup. She rarely wore it.
But, then again, he often found her watching those scary movies with a lot of sfx makeup stuff in them.
He was startled when she answered, having been enjoying the quiet between them all.
"Could we see one of both?"
Janelle smiled, picking up her phone and scrolling through the pictures.
"Sure, let me just find some."
Raven watched as she pulled up a picture that was relatively dark. She couldn't see anything at first, but then, when she took the phone, she could see the face of a nun watching her.
Raven smiled, a small chill going up her spine as she looked at it. The beauty and creepiness of it was in the transparency of the look.
Nightwing shivered. He didn't think it was beautiful at all. It creeped him out, considering that he had gone to see The Conjuring 2 just a couple of days ago with Raven.
"That's amazing. Can I see the other one now?" She asked quietly, handing the phone back to Janelle.
She took it, doing another scroll through, and coming across a picture that she liked very much.
"This one is from last year. It's one of my favorite latex looks because I got to use the paint, too."
Raven retrieved the phone, her face lighting up at the image. It was dark, evil, and she loved it. It reminded her of a demon from another world.
Nightwing tilted his head, confused as to where Janelle's eyes were supposed to be. He looked a little closer and realized that they were closed.
What an idiot he was sometimes.
Raven gave the phone back to Janelle, her small smile growing wider as Janelle looked at her.
"I like those. They're so dark and creepy, but also beautiful in the fact that it's all makeup and hard work."
Janelle blushed, not used to the compliments on her work. It was something she didn't share often.
"Thanks, it does take a lot of time." She laughed and looked down, waiting for another question to hit her.
Nightwing stood up, stretching about and looking around, noticing the mirror to his right, and then another to his left. He looked forward, seeing a a couple quotes painted onto the wall.
To the left of the quotes was a giant painting of a band, a black circle with five tally marks and "SOS". Underneath was what he thought was the band's name, and then beneath that was four heads, silhouettes, the faces white and the hair black. It must've been her favorite band, and one he didn't recognize.
"Yeah?" She followed his gaze, her eyes widening a bit and then realizing what he meant to say.
"Oh, yeah. That's 5 Seconds of Summer. They're one of my favorites bands next to Twenty One Pilots and Melanie Martinez. She's not really a band, but I still love her songs. I went to a mini-concert of hers back in June. And then two of 5SOS' concerts last August and then this July."
"You must really like music, then."
"Yeah, I like music a lot, haha."
Nightwing nodded, looking to Raven, who was admiring the darkness of the room. The walls were completely black, save for the quote areas and the 5SOS mural.
Even the ceiling was black.
Raven snapped out of it, her eyes meeting Janelle's as she asked her final question for the night.
"What other ships do you enjoy?"
Janelle didn't even have to think about that question. She was currently obsessed with one other ship other than RobRae.
"Brohm. Bryce and Ohmwrecker. They're two YouTubers who I absolutely adore. I'm currently stuck in Brohm Hell, which is some ship terminology. I also ship Vancat, Vanoss and Wildcat, also two YouTubers."
Raven nodded. She wasn't familiar with the people, but she knew about YouTube. She would make sure to check out these people on her own time.
She sighed, looking towards the window, her eyes sad for a split second. She didn't want to leave. But she had to.
"Well, it's about time we get going..."
"Yeah. We don't want to get stuck in New York for too long. We have to head over to Pennsylvania after this." Nightwing added, looking down at Raven as she began to move.
They received a small nod from Janelle, who was trying to hold back her own sadness. Such an amazing experience that had to end too soon for her liking.
Raven removed herself from the chair, nodding to Nightwing before going towards the window. She stopped and turned towards Janelle, smiling that small, comforting smile she rarely sported.
"Promise me you'll keep writing, Janelle."
Nightwing nodded, looking towards her, so that there were now four eyes staring in her direction.
"Let our lives live on through you." He added, smiling also, his smile slightly larger.
Janelle nodded, her eyes going from Raven to Nightwing for a few seconds before she confirmed the promise at hand.
"I promise."
With that, Raven and Nightwing hopped out the window, disappearing into the night, leaving Janelle to come up with yet another oneshot.
And she just couldn't wait to write one up.
So I wrote this for the whole celebrating 100k thing, taking the idea RobRaeforLife offered up, but also adding some of my own little things in there, like some facts about me you guys might wanna know. So yeah, I really enjoyed writing this. I'm still dumbfounded by the 100k, but it's finally setting in, and I just wanted to thank you guys one more time for reading, voting, and commenting<3
I hope you enjoyed this little celebration chapter!:3
The Best People Are Crazy,
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