Touched Part II
The sequel to the last ficlet
Raven sat, staring at the stitches on her side. She had been trying to heal it, but it wouldn't heal.
It itched, burned, stung, oh how it stung. Robin had yet to stitch her arm. He knew it would hurt, bad.
He was sitting in a chair next to her, watching her find a comfortable position on the infirmary bed.
He was surprised when she talked. "Stitch my arm." She was obviously in pain, a lot of pain. Robin cocked his head, unsure. "Are you sure, Raven?"
She nodded, scared. "It will hurt less after." Robin sighed. "Yeah, but it'll hurt a lot right now. Do you want Novocain?" Raven shook her head no.
"I need to learn to accept pain." Robin nodded, grabbing supplies. He cleaned the wound, not wanting to hurt her. He and Cyborg were the only ones who could do this.
And quite frankly, Robin was pretty possessive. He wanted to be the only one who touched her.
He went back to the task at hand. Her arm needed to be tended to. More specifically, her left arm, just a little bit lower than her shoulder.
Robin looked up to her face, trying not to wince. "Are you ready." Raven was too scared to speak, so she just nodded.
He positioned the wire and pushed it in. Raven tensed, clenching her jaw. She let a soft yell escape her throat. Robin looked at her, afraid to continue.
She urged him on, and soon he was starting a rhythm. Raven cried, her eyes shut. Robin gulped, noticing how this wound would need 30 stitches.
He leaned down, kissing her throat. She calmed a little bit, clenching his arm. He turned back to the stitches.
He began counting to himself. 25.......26.......27......28... He stopped when she cried out in pain. His voice was next to her ear. "Two more, sorry, Rae."
Raven nodded weakly as the wire went in again, then out. Robin cut it, and finally, after one more, he was done.
He gauzed it up, telling Raven to still. "If you move it too much, the stitches may break." Raven gasped, frightened.
Robin kissed her chakra, rubbing her right hand. She sighed, trying to stay calm. "Never again." Robin chuckled, trying to keep a straight face.
Raven scowled. "It hurts." He sighed, kissing her cheek. "I know, Rae. I've had Alfred do it to me." She sat up, and he heard the sharp intake of air, indicating that she was hurt.
He helped her, propping up her pillows. She spoke sarcastically. "Gee, I'm so lucky to have a boyfriend who can stitch wounds. Yay. You just couldn't have let it be." She turned, crying out in pain as her left shoulder hit the pillow.
He sighed. "You told me to do it." Robin sat her up, upset. "Rest, Rae. You're hurt bad." Raven nodded, touching the wound on her arm. "I hate him."
"We all do, Rae, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that you're safe." He kissed her lips gently, pulling away when he felt her pain through the bond.
"It'll get better." He said, running a hand through her hair. Raven used her good hand to push through his gelled hair. "Oh joy." She kissed him, yelling when he touched her side.
Robin removed himself from her, once more kissing her cheek. "I promise."
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