The Two Birds Sing
This is XxMiraclesxX 's oneshot that she got second place for my contest. Great job!
They came back from a fight with Dr.Light, and it didn't end very well....for Light of course. Raven's emotions had gone haywire, she let the darkness get the best of her. But in order for her to protect her team that's what was needed to happen in order to fulfil that wish. Her teammates were hurt pretty badly, but not bad enough til where they needed to be rushed to the infirmary.
"Rae, do you think you could do some of that healy touchy stuff because I think I broke my arm." Beast Boy had asked, trying to be polite but failing miserably. She disliked him, but she didn't hate him so she healed him like he had asked.
"First, only Cyborg and Robin can call me Rae. Second,...ugh fine." She answered, healing his arm. She had consumed the pain that BB had been feeling. Although, she hid it so well no one knew that it was happening.
Soon, Starfire and Cyborg asked the same thing then went on to their "normal" life. Raven was drained of all her energy, finally the last one to heal, Robin. But where was he?
Raven checked almost everywhere in the Titans Tower, still he was nowhere. Now he would either have to be on the roof watching the sunset like he usually did or cooped up in his room trying to look for Slade. One of them had to be right.
She checked his room first, nothing. Only thing left was the roof, which the others rarely went up to. Now for the roof, Raven leading herself up the stairs one by one.
"Wait, I could just levitate all the way up, why am I walking?" She thought to herself, but then again she somehow required a few broken ribs, a broken arm, and twisted ankle all in the comfurt of her own home so walking didn't seem like such a bad idea after all.
Finally she had limped her way up to the final step and pushed the door open, seeing Robin lean against the rail while his eyes gazed at the Sun's slow goodbye. She would have liked to greet him with a soft welcome, but before making it two steps out the door she had fell down in agony.
Robin quickly turned around and instantly went to assist her. He tried to help her up but with every touch she would cry out in pain, and a building from down town would collapse with her cries. "Raven, what happened?" He asked softly.
"Nothing, just where is you're pain coming from the most." She asked, dodging his question. She quickly wanted to heal Robin then get it over with but he seemed confused. "What? No, we need to get you to the infirmary right now." He insisted.
She couldn't refuse, but she wanted to. She remembered their bond, she used it to find where his physical pain was coming from the most. It showed her somewhere in the chest area, did he bruise his lung? She pressed a hand against his chest using her powers, nothing happened.
"Why aren't you healing!?" She asked, almost shouted, utterly confused. He caught on to what he was trying to do.
"Raven, what you're trying to heal isn't tangable." He informed her. She was confused, he grabbed her hand and placed it on his chest, this time with less tension and force. She could hear the rapid beating of a heart in pain, while her hand slowly moved up and down simultaneously with his chest.
He wasn't hurt physically, but emotionally. She was shocked, he whisked her up bridal style and took her to his room to 'heal' her, the old fashioned way.
"Why is it that you have more injuries than what you had when we came home?" He asked, she answered with "I healed everyone else, and the price was I had to endure their pain for them. It all had to go somewhere."
He understood, then got the first aid kit from his bathroom. Afterwards, he sat down on the side of the bed while she laid there watching him wrap her scars like a present. After they were done she asked "Why is it you have none?"
She was tracing his skin with her finger, noticing no bruises, injuries, or scars. "I do." He lifted up his shirt showing massive cut wounds on his back and a few sorch marks on his chest, "I got these from protecting you in the battle today."
Raven was speechless, he hid it away so well that not even their bond was strong enough to break the love he had for her that protected his mind.
She let one tear fall, and surprisingly there was no random building collapsing or fires started. Just the repeated sharp intakes of breathe when the two played a game of tug-a-war with their lips.
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