Not A Couple
"Let me go, Robin!"
He had her in his grip, one arm around her waist, the other under her arm and on the back of her head, which was currently in his direction.
"Raven, stop!"
She was losing control, and he had to help her regain it. When she spoke, her voice was not human, and her demon half was apparent.
"Robin. Let me go. Let. Me. Finish. Him."
She was talking about Slade, who was watching with joy as the girl slowly lost all control.
The man had reached her breaking point. Bringing up Terra, Trigon, Malchior. Every single person who did her wrong. He called her a monster, told her she was worthless. A demon inside a shell.
He had flung such disgust at her she had broken down, perfect for him. And there he was, continuing to laugh at her.
"Why, Raven. You're letting go, turning into the demon everyone knew you'd become. Your father would be proud."
Slade chuckled, watching as Robin continued to try and keep her from running after him.
"Raven, listen, he's not worth it. Please, stop."
She struggled in his grip, finally finding a weak spot.
She kicked his shin with such force, Robin actually let out a yell.
He let her go, and she ran towards Slade. The man was so unprepared, that he lost his balance and fell off the ledge he was currently standing on.
Raven ran up, gripping his throat with inhuman strength. She squeezed hard, smiling as he began to choke.
Dark energy swam around her free hand, and she brought it up to his chest, sinking her nails deep into the flesh, past the bone, cutting through ribs.
The evil energy gripped his heart, tearing it slowly from his body. His one eye widened, and she could hear the blood gurgling out of his covered mouth.
Raven was pushed back by a sudden force, recognizing it as a birdarang. But it was too late. Raven had killed the man. She stared down at the lifeless body, eyes blank, mouth set into a slim line.
Robin pulled her away from the dead corpse, wiping away the blood from her hands and face.
"You killed him...."
He held her closely, keeping his voice even. Raven seemed to snap out of it, and suddenly reached up to touch Robin's cheek.
"I-no-I-he...." She stuttered, looking into Robin's mask with pain and regret filled eyes.
Robin nodded, pulling her up to her feet, and walking her out of the cave.
She shook with fear, that he could tell. He would have to do something with the corpse, but not there. Not then. Not when Raven was unstable, likely to collapse at any time.
He sat her down on the ground, where she huddled herself into a ball. He watched her rock back and forth, shakily whispering her mantra that would bring her some type of solace.
Robin pulled out his T-Comm, clicking Cyborg's face. The metal man answered on the third ring.
"What's up?"
Robin looked over his shoulder to the ball of blue, then back to the screen.
"I found her....."
"But?" He asked, trying to see Raven in the background, he couldn't though. All he saw was Robin's worried face. At least what he could make from the mask.
Robin sighed, his eyes closed underneath the mask as he spoke.
"She killed Slade."
Cyborg froze, shocked by the information. Raven, his "little sister", killed someone? She could barely hurt a fly, unless that fly were Beast Boy, of course.
"She killed him."
Cyborg exhaled slowly, not sure of what to say. Robin sliced through the silence with his voice.
"Cyborg, get the infirmary ready, and come with the T-Car, quick."
Cyborg nodded, ending the call. He ran to the infirmary, setting up supplies for the Dark Girl.
Meanwhile, Robin was next to Raven, his eyes staring at her.
She was still rocking slowly, her voice coming out painful and thick. The Boy Wonder crawled in front of her, gripping her shoulders lightly. She instantly winced, stopping her rocking.
Raven looked at him, her voice filled with regret.
"R-Robin. I....I didn't mean to.....I-he.....please..."
She pleaded with him, hoping he'd understand. Robin just sat there, still for a few moments.
Then, he pulled her into his arms, her body in his lap, her head and arms on his shoulders.
Robin let her mumble into his uniform. There were no tears, he knew that if she cried, things would be worse.
He held her for what seemed a very long time before Cyborg screeched to a halt in front of their current spot at the cave.
Robin picked her up, bridal style. Her head was buried in his shoulder, and she was still mumbling.
He opened the door with a leg, carefully setting himself down with the broken girl.
Cyborg looked at him through the mirror, but said nothing. He knew that Raven was in no condition for talking, so he didn't speak. He just returned his eyes to the road, and drove.
Away from the cave, away from the blood, and away from Slade.
I'm back! It's just me and my one shots again. Thanks to everyone for sticking with this, and thanks for all the reads and likes and comments as always! You guys are awesome! Love ya!
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