Nightmare's Cruelty
Okay, before I start this, this isn't a robrae oneshot. Not at all. A couple weeks ago I had to write a short story for my English class, so if course I chose something scary and demonic. So yeah, this is a short story I wrote, hope you guys like it!!
Max awoke with a cry, heart racing as the nightmare burned into her mind. She sighed heavily, looking around to confirm she was safe. Her body relaxed as she spotted her black walls, covered in pictures and articles, most of which were about ghosts and hauntings. Max reached to her left, feeling her way to the blackbased lamp that sat on her small nightstand. One click and the room was introduced to a small yellow glow. The sixteen year old leaned back against her headboard, the cold wood touching her neck. Max's heartbeat returned to normal, her dark brownalmost blackeyes staring towards the wall. She found her fingers coming into contact with her necklace, the metal pendent bringing her some sort of solace.
The piece of jewelry was given to her by her father, before he had passed away three years ago in a car accident. Max's father had understood her more than any of her friends and, dare she say, her own mother. He knew all about her love of spirits, in fact, he had actually encouraged her to look into the paranormal. He would sit with her and discuss new evidence of ghosts, the conversations sometimes lasting hours. Max was convinced her father still lurked inside the home, watching over her and her little brother.
She resembled much of her father, looks and personality. She had his dark brown hair, tall figure, small nose and intense stare. She was adventurous, determined, just like her father. But after the accident, no one would know he was her dad. He held no resemblance while in the hospital. Max would look at him and see a broken man with a failing heart. She knew he wouldn't make it, but for some reason she held onto a small sliver of hope. And then that hope was ripped from her soul as she watched him die, holding her hand, a forced smile on his face. No pain could compare to the day she lost her father. No physical, mental, or emotional pain could ever compare. When he passed, Max lost a piece of herself, a piece she knew she would never get back.
Max let a tear slip down her cheek as the memories of the past washed over her like a wave. She unclasped the necklace, holding it up in the air, inches from her face. She examined the chain itself, covered in a velvetsoft black material. The metal pendent alone was breathtaking, at least in her eyes. It was shaped like a small coffin, as thick as her pinky finger, measuring at about three quarters of the length of the small appendage. The top of the coffin was gray, a metallic silver cross adorning the center. Behind the cross, there were dots of silver and with a bumpy gray background. The top actually lifted up, and when it was, it revealed a small, 3D looking skeleton. Whoever had made this had made sure the skeleton looked as real as possible. It had all of the bones, dusted in a dirty gray to signify age. The inside surrounding of the coffin was a jet black, making the skeleton pop out against its dark surroundings. On the inner top of the coffin, there was something engraved in the metal. It was her name in cursive, and beneath her name was her father's initials: R.W. The sides and back of the dead holding pendant had a stitching pattern on them. It was the kind of stitching that appeared in comics or cartoons on people, the one long horizontal line and then the three short little vertical lines. Usually it would look stupid or simple, but on the necklace it gave off an eerie, dark look.
Max set her feet on the carpeted floor, pulling the sheets of and standing up. She stretched her arms, raising them up and yawning. One glance at her clock told her it was six in the morning. She rolled her eyes, knowing she wouldn't be able to crawl back into bed and sleep for any longer.
"Might as well stay up."
She mumbled, pulling her fingers through the tangled mess that
was her hair. Her stomach growled, reminding her of a cat. She stayed standing for a few minutes, listening to the soft buzzing of her air conditioner. It was May in her hometown of Phoenix, Arizona, and the temperatures were rising. She felt the monstrous heat everyday when she made her way to school, her car's own AC broken. The high school was slightly better, but still the scorching heat had always seemed to crawl in through the windows and small spaces, attacking Max and her fellow students. Her mom had invested in three new air conditioners, the other two in her baby brother, Tove's room, and in her mom's room. Max's home was not huge, but it wasn't small either. There were three floors and a basement, Max on the third one directly across from Tove. Her mom inhabited the second one, also home of her study and greenhouse. The bottom floor held the kitchen, living room, and Tove's play room. Each floor also had their own bathroom, Max being lucky enough to have her own along with the other one on her floor.
She made her way to her door, pulling it open, the oak wood groaning as she did so. She knew her mom would be at work, tending to her patients at Mayo Clinic Hospital. Her mom was one of the most well known doctors at the hospital. Everybody loved her, her patients were always excited to see her, no matter what condition they were in. Max's mother, Kali, was the complete opposite of her daughter. She had short, very blonde hair and a blindingly happy attitude. She was also a lot shorter than Max, who took pride in her height, 5'8. Kali was only 5'1. Her blue eyes were welcoming and filled with empathy, a small twinkle constantly present in them. She was tan (unlike Max who was paler than any normal teen) with a smile that seemed glued to her face. The only time Kali seemed to be upset was when Max had nearly failed Algebra in ninth grade, and even then she was calm and collected. The two were so different, some people would come up to Kali with the audacity to ask if Max was really her child. Kali always responding politely, Max standing awkwardly to the side, a small frown gracing her features. Max's sarcasm contrasted with her mother's understanding. Somehow, though, Kali was never able to comprehend Max's infatuation with the dead. Max didn't blame her, after all, it was her dad's job when it came to those sort of things. Nevertheless, Kali was an exceptional mother with amazing abilities to cure anyone's unhappiness.
Max felt a small smile tug at her lips as she came to that thought. Her mother, though never able to fully understand her, could always bring her out of her funk. She made her way across the hall, knowing Tove would need to be tended to. On the days her mother had to leave so early, Max had the duty of looking after the nine month old. She didn't mind, one could say Max even liked watching after the bubbly baby. He was adorable. His chubby cheeks, semitan skin, little smile, and sparkling eyes were enough to make a stranger fall in love. Taking a look at the family, you wouldn't be able to tell Max was a true, biological part of it. She didn't even look like her brother. For one, he had bright green eyes, which was weird considering no one else in the family had that color, Max harboring her father's. He also had his mom's dangerously blonde hair and the exact same mouth. The only thing that would be somewhat similar between the two siblings was their nose, and you had to look very close to see the comparison.
Max walked into the room, surprised to see her little brother staring at the wall to her left, reaching for it as if someone was there. She cocked her head, tapping into her abnormal abilities that allowed her to see, feel, and speak to spirits. Yes, she was a medium. Sometimes it was a blessing, other times a curse. She had never seen her father, but had felt him one time or another. The problem with being a medium was that sometimes ghosts liked to interrupt her during the most embarrassing of times. While she was shopping, eating lunch, or even when she was in school. She ignored them most of the time, putting up a mental barrier to block them out, but sometimes a certain spirit would latch onto her and demand help. Max had never dealt with evil spirits, thankfully. The medium looked towards the wall, sensing nothing. She decided it was probably nothing and went for Tove, picking him up, placing his pacifier in his mouth. She patted his back, his baby chatter making her chuckle lightly.
She was halfway down the stairs when it hit her. A huge rush of ice cold air slammed into her body, assaulting her senses. She was pushed backwards, her foot catching on the step behind her. Max held Tove tightly, keeping him out of harm's vicious claws. Her rear end hit the step, and she landed with a thud. She stayed in that position, holding Tove against her chest, panting as she caught her breath. Time seemed to stand still as she stared out into the house, her mind caught on somethingor rather someone. Tove began to laugh, his tiny hand grasping the air behind them. His laughs turned into baby talk as he tried to converse with whatever he saw. Max was too busy searching her mind for an explanation to notice her brother. She had just been attacked by an unseen force. Definitely no Casper The Ghost. Most people would start running or crying after what had just happened, but Max stood her ground, picking herself up, turning around slowly to face what Tove was giggling at. Her dark orbs widened as she looked up, a black figure standing at the top step. It had little substance to it, and as soon as it appeared, the strange thing was gone.
She exhaled slowly, deciding not to go after the entity. Max continued her trek to the kitchen, biting her lip in concentration. This thing was obviously out to hurt her or Tove. Finally in the kitchen, Max sat Tove in his highchair, preparing his bottle for him. He had a huge stomach for such a small body, and had to have soft baby food, a banana, a bottle, and baby food puffs to fill him up. Max worked about the kitchen, placing the blue bottle, filled with formula, into hot water. While she waited for it to warm, she fed Tove his puffs, watching him smack his mouth open and closed, delighted as the taste of strawberries danced on his tongue. Max herself got a bowl of cereal, trying her best to not let her mind wander to the incident. She found herself distracted by it, though. Her brain worked on over time to figure out what the creature was. It had been pretty tall, sort of hunched over, looking as if it were ready to pounce on Max. A shudder passed through her spine at the thought of anything hurting Tove. Spirits were unpredictable, especially if they were intelligent. The other type of spirit, residual, couldn't be staring at her as the creature had been. Residual spirits were those that were stuck in their time, not able to see or hear humans, going about their day as per usual. Intelligent spirits however, were able to talk, touch, attack. They knew they were dead, at least most of the time. They could roam around in a mortal's world, attaching to people or places.
Max was brought out of her mental explanation by Tove's crying. He wanted his bottle right then, not able to wait.
"Okay, okay, stop crying, I'm getting your precious bottle!"
Max winced at her tone. She never yelled at Tove. She shook it off as a result from the spirit and retrieved her now sobbing brother's formula. She watched him open his mouth as she placed the tip of the bottle into it. He sucked, deciding to hold the bottle himself. Max sat back and watched the child enjoy the warm liquid, speaking into the air as he did so.
"I don't know where you keep all that food, Tove."
She smiled, trying to comfort him, but she could never do what her mother could.
Said mother came home at nine that night, plopping herself on the living room couch, watching Tove crawl around the floor with his many toys Max had gotten out earlier.
Kali called out into the air, waiting for a reply. When none came, she decided to find her daughter. She picked up Tove, not too happy Max had just left him there. He held onto his mother, his smile brightening Kali"s mood. She wandered around the house, coming to a stop in front of her study. The door was open a crack, and light had filtered in through the small opening. She knocked on the door, opting to go in when nobody came to the door. Her eyes were met with her laptop on, a body hunched over at the desk in front of it, sitting in the wheeled chair. Kali sighed as she watched the figure's breathing, obviously sleeping. She walked quietly towards Max, coming up on her side. Sparing a glance at the computer screen, Kali saw that Max had been doing research on evil beings. To be honest, the mother didn't want her daughter caught up in such things. These things caused paranoia, a thing Kali had dealt with at the hospital on the daily. The last thing she wanted was for her daughter to end up in a white padded room. She looked down at Max, forgetting about the screen for a moment. Her daughter's face wasn't peaceful like she had expected. Instead, it was twisted with terror, a tear escaping her eye.
Kali's eyebrows knitted together as she shook her daughter's shoulder lightly. When Max did not awaken, Kali began to speak into her ear as well.
"Max, honey? Wake up, it's mom, I'm home."
She repeated her words like a mantra, finally getting through to her eldest child. Max lifted up her head, eyes glazed over with sleep and what seemed like pain. She looked around the room, then to the screen and finally to the floor, sighing with relief.
"Just a dream..." she mumbled sotto voce.
"What?" Kali asked, concerned for her daughter.
Max looked up at her mom, eyes returning to normal. She shook her head,
a shiver passing down her spine. "Nothing, it was nothing."
Kali frowned, hating the way her daughter closed herself off from everyone. She knew she shouldn't push the issue, so she just helped her daughter out of the chair, holding her hand in her own, the other latched onto Tove. She led the two children up the stairs, telling Max to wait while she tucked in Tove. Max complied, not really tired anymore. She had her mind on the nightmare that had wriggled its way into her sleeping mind. She watched her mom close Tove's door, opening her arms for Max. The teenager smiled hollowly, stepping into her mom's warm embrace. Her posture stiffened as Kali spoke.
"Why are you researching demons?"
Max was taken aback by her mother's bluntness. Usually she would beat around the bush, slowly gaining information. Max sighed, lifting her head up and looking into the older woman's gentle blue stare.
"I've decided to expand my knowledge on ghosts, even the evil ones."
It was a lie, of course. She couldn't tell her mother what had happened earlier. She was a skeptic and a doctor, she would assume Max was sick, or worse, insane. So Max lied, her fib rolling off her tongue. Kali searched her eyes, deciding she wasn't lying, Her mistake.
"Please be careful, looking too deeply into those things could cause you mental harm in the future."
"It was a one time thing. I've learned enough tonight."
Max waved off the research, hugging her mother one last time before disappearing into her room.
"Goodnight, Max"
"Night, mom."
When she heard Kali descend the stairs, Max let out a breath she didn't
know she was holding. She paced around her room, glancing at the clippings and photos she loved. Her gaze caught one particular article, the words popping out to her. She read them aloud, her voice going hoarse.
"The human mind can be easily infected by a demon. The evil entities will latch onto a soul, usually female, and proceed to take their life from them, often in the form of possessions. Extensive research has been done on demons, but these beings have proven to be the most unpredictable of spirits. Along with that, they are the strongest type of spirit, causing disease and death. It has been said that such beings can alter the future, leading humans to an early death."
She felt something brush her neck, her hairs raising. Max whipped around, seeing nothing. She swallowed the lump in her throat, backing away from the wall. Crawling into her bed, Max flicked on her light. For once in her life, she was afraid of the dark. She closed her eyes, counting sheep until finally, her mind drifted off into sleep.
Fire nipped at her legs, giving her blisters, the pain agonizing. She walked through the maze, the red surroundings reminding her of Hell itself. Sweat beaded on her forehead, the sweltering heat gripping to her skin. Max turned left, seemingly going deeper into the hellfire maze. She stopped at a dead end, jumping as someone spoke.
The voice rippled through the air, sending a shiver down the girl's spine. She heard the thing speak again, this time with a certain vicinity.
She turned back around, but in place of the emptiness was a wall of flames. The flames began to move forward, closing in on her. She pressed her back against the dead end, quickly removing herself as something clawed into her back.
"What are you?!" she screamed into the smoky air, feeling her breath escape her body as a bloody claw wrapped around her throat.
She gasped for breath as she was lifted up and thrown against the scorching wall of flames. Max wrapped her hands around her burning throat, feeling it close. She struggled to breathe, every intake of air threatening to be her last. Something smashed into her chest, causing a white hot pain to erupt through her body. She shook violently, not able to stand. Max found herself looking up, up into the eyes of the creature she dreaded the most.
A demon.
Her eyes widened at the being's sharp toothed smile, mouth bloody and unnaturally wide. It's head was covered in veins, ears pointed, horns protruding from it. It had claws painfully long, sharp enough to tear through human flesh like tissue paper. It had a human torso and feet, legs bent violently backwards.
Max cried out as the demon smiled viciously at her, his words tearing through her body.
"Your time is near, Max."
with one swish of his hand, the ground opened up, swallowing Max into that never ending hole she knew too well. It was what most of her nightmares consisted of. A hole where she could never hit the ground. Max looked up, the hole's top[ sealing, leaving her in complete darkness. She fell forever, the demon's voice ringing in her ear.
"Your time is near.....near.....near...."
Max shot up in her bed, falling onto the floor, tears streaming down her face. She rocked back and forth in a ball, not sparing the world a glance. Only when she felt the burning sensation on her back did she stop her outburst. She picked herself up, trembling. Her breathing was ragged as she clicked on her light.
"I-I had that on...."
She shook her head, not wanting to think about the possible presence of a demon in her room. Walking into her bathroom, Max turned on the light, the soft glow calming her nerves. She removed her shirt, her mirror allowing her to see what was burning. On her back were three, very red scratch marks. She felt her blood turn cold and her throat go dry. There were many times she had heard of this. In the world of the paranormal, three scratches was the mocking of the Holy Trinity. Demons marked their victims with the scratches to prove themselves. A choked sob left her throat as she touched the wounds. She was horrified, this had never happened to her before.
Max pulled on her shirt, taking a look at her clock: four A.M. She couldn't go to school like this, that left the chance of a mental breakdown. She would have to fake being sick. It was the only thing she could do. Max made her way down the stairs to her mom's room, opening the door. She spoke into the air, sounding as sick as she could.
"Mom?" She paused to add a cough. "I don't feel so well."
Kali sat up, turning on her light. She looked at her daughter, who was holding herself, eyes downcast and shivering. Kali got out of her bed, reaching for her daughter. Max felt her stomach churn as her mom assessed her, feeling her forehead and frowning.
"You're burning up, Maxess."
Max winced as her mom used her full first name, knowing she only did so when she was seriously worried.
"Honey, go lie down, I have work off today so I can stay here to make sure you aren't coming down with anything."
Max nodded, making her way up the stairs, crawling back into bed. Maybe she really was sick, no doubt from her encounter with the being who had been the cause of nightmares.
For the rest of the week, Max stayed home, fever rising, nightmares getting worse. One night she was dreaming and the demon, who had identified himself as Nightmare, had told her he would be coming soon. The following night her nightmare consisted of being ripped apart by Nightmare's talons, all while he laughed at her. She wasn't spared one night. One night.
Now it was Friday afternoon, and Max was well enough to walk around and eat solid foods. She walked down to the kitchen, pulling a PopTart from her cupboard, strawberry. She placed it in the toaster, waiting patiently for it to pop out. Her mom was at work, promising to stop by on her lunch break at around two. The current time was twelve thirty. Max was about to check on her strudel when she heard something crash behind her. Her eyes widened and her whole body froze, the familiar voice making its way through the air to her.
"It's time, Maxess." He mocked her, slowly stepping closer.
Max picked up a solid bowl, fingers grasping at it tightly. Her teeth were gritted together as her small yet strong voice filled the air.
"Time for your demise."
She flung the bowl towards the evil, red, horn bearing creature. She
watched it crash into his face, breaking into a million pieces. Nightmare's loud roar filled the room, sending Max flying backwards. She picked herself up, scrambling up the stairs, her necklace bouncing against her chest, the metal burning into her chest. She practically flew into her room, locking the door. Max leaned against the door, shaking with fear. She didn't want to die, she was too young, her life had just begun. She fiddled with her pendant, cursing her father for not protecting her.
"Where are you, dad?! Why aren't you here helping me?!" She yelled into the air, tears spilling from her eyes. "Where are you....."
She wanted her father, needed her father. Her mother wouldn't be able to do anything. Anger overcame her, and Max found herself ripping her articles and photos off her walls, kicking at her bookshelf, tipping it over. She threw books across the room, her teeth clenched as she cried. She might die tonight, and it was her father's fault.
"This is your fault! I'm going to die because of you!" She cried out into the destroyed room. The scene before her roughly reminded her of the destruction of Carthage, the city the Romans destroyed in 146 BC.
It then dawned on her that Nightmare hadn't come to get her yet. Was he waiting? Did he leave? She highly doubted it. She sat there, in her ruined room, silent for what seemed like hours, but in all reality had only been two minutes. That's when she heard it.
Tove. Crying.
Max's face contorted with horror as she ran out of the room, crashing into her brother's. The wind was knocked out of her as she witnessed Nightmare run a crooked nail along the baby's cheek, holding him in his crimson colored hand. Tove was scream crying, hitting at the malevolent demon. Max stood frozen, realizing her brother may be the one killed today.
"Leave him alone, Nightmare!"
His head snapped up to meet her gaze, his snakelike pupils narrowing with delighted rage. To Max's horror, Nightmare threw the child into the air, his razor sharp teeth ready to tear into the innocent soul's flesh. Max found her anger return , her adrenaline pushing her into action. She pushed the foul demon away, catching Tove in her arms and falling onto the floor, protecting him from further damage. Nightmare dusted himself off, looming above the children he despised. He growled, ripping the child from Max's grip. She let a sob escape her throat as Tove was held against his will, crying once more. Nightmare's fangs grew longer, sharper, more deadly. He stepped back, speaking to the broken hearted girl on the floor.
"I have a proposition for you, insignificant child."
His voice was low and filled with a dark evil.
"The infant will live, under one condition..."
Max snapped her head up, her tear streaked face pleading with this
monster. She would do anything for her brother, he was younger than her, way too young to fall into this demon's trap. She stood up, her shaking not stopping as her hoarse voice cut into the tension like a knife.
"I'll do what you want, please, just don't hurt him....please."
She looked into Nightmare's eyes as he pulled something from his pocket. A dagger. The dagger's hilt matched her necklace perfectly. The decoration? Her pendant. The coffin that opened, the skeleton, the stitching, everything. She was shocked. How did he have a matching dagger? The pendant seemed to brand her neck, it's heat too much for her. Nightmare saw the confusion in the young girl's eyes, explaining briefly, disdain touching his tone.
"Your father stole that pendant from demonic grounds. My pendant. He took it from me. Every demon has a pendant to go with their dagger. I have been watching you for years, waiting for the time to kill you. Without that pendant, I will cease to exist. That shall not happen."
Max tried to tear the thing from her neck but it latched onto her, unmoving. Max wanted it gone. Off.
"Take it then!"
Nightmare laughed, his voice booming and echoing throughout the house. "Stupid human. It has bonded with you. The only way to remove it is if you
Max shook violently, her hands clammy as he slid the dagger towards her.
She eyed it warily, scared. She knew what his little proposition was. The demon smiled darkly, interrupting her train of thought.
"It is your choice, Maxess. Sacrifice yourself, or live with the death of the infant."
Max gulped, picking up the dagger. It felt right in her hands. Tove reached for her, his face covered in tears and snot, somehow knowing his sister was not going to be there for him later on. Nightmare scowled, becoming impatient.
"Make your decision before I kill the child." Max spoke up, deciding.
"I have made my choice." Nightmare cocked his head, waiting, ready to snap the infant's neck at any moment.
Max held the dagger up, it's point aiming towards her heart. The next few moments seemed to pass in slow motion.
I choose to die a hero, not a coward.
She brought the point down, feeling it pierce into her chest, through her heart. The pain hit her hard, filling her senses as she heard a ringing in her ears. She fell slowly, her body crumpling, the dagger still in her heart. Her eyes felt heavy, she wanted to sleep. Forever. She knew she was dying, knew her life was coming to a halt. Somehow she imagined her death to be less dramatic. But here she was, sacrificing herself to a demon to save her brother. Her finger felt numb, legs unable to move. She looked up at the smiling demon as he set Tove down in his crib, the baby crying loudly, wanting his sister. Max smiled, knowing she had done something good. She watched Nightmare lick his lips and rip the dagger from her chest, letting her bleed. He took the necklace from her neck, vanishing into thin air.
Max looked down, watching her blood pool onto the baby blue carpet. It was such a lovely red, dark and shiny. She smiled at her brother, not able to speak. The last thing she saw was her mother rushing in, tears streaming down her face. Then, just like that, Maxess Rhi Winters inhaled her last breath, her soul leaving her body forever, never to return.
Kali dropped to her knees, her hands shaking. She held Max in her lap, her pulse nonexistent.
"No, no, no....." She felt the blood underneath her, but didn't care. Her eldest baby was dead, gone. She watched a tear fall down her face, hitting Max's closed eyes. She was taken back to when her daughter was searching up demons last week. She looked as though she were sleeping, just like that night. But, this time, Max's face held a small, peaceful smile. Kali found herself smiling, happy her daughter had at least died in peace. She placed Max down slowly, grabbing Tove and cradling him as he cried.
"It's okay, Tove. Sissy is okay. She's asleep, baby."
Kali cried silently, holding her baby to her chest, staring at her daughter. She crouched down, placing a small kiss on Max's cold forehead.
"We love you, Maxess."
Kali sighed, looking around the room as something cold brushed against her left cheek. She felt Tove jump as if something touched him. Kali swore she heard someone whisper in that moment, someone familiar.
I love you too, guys.
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