Not a couple
Raven glared at him, trying to get him to flinch, but he was unfazed as he stared with an equal amount of anger.
She hissed as he moved closer. Robin sat down next to her on the couch, and Raven scooted away, continuing her hiss fest.
Robin spoke, his voice even. "You're not a cat." Raven narrowed her eyes, stopping her hissing, and settling for glaring.
He blamed her. They had gotten into an argument after Raven slapped Beast Boy. Robin had tried to talk with her, but that only resulted with him getting slapped across the face.
So now he was pissed at her, trying to get her to apologize. Raven watched him move closer, before sending him flying back with her magic.
He hit the wall, flipping on it and landing on the ground. When he stood up, Raven was in the kitchen.
Robin walked towards her, trapping her at the counter. Raven glared harder, feeling small.
Robin crossed his arms over his chest. "You know you're wrong." He said, smirking. Raven pushed him, walking away.
He grabbed her hood, pulling it down. Raven hissed, yelling. "I'm not wrong, you are!" She kicked his shin, causing Robin to yell out in pain.
Raven snickered, and Robin tripped her. She got up, charging. Her fist connected with his chest, and Robin stumbled back, but ran back towards her, kicking her stomach.
Raven fell to the ground, holding her stomach. She slowly got up, using her powers to hold Robin. She tried to punch him, but his hand wriggled out of her hold, and caught her fist.
She cried out in pain as her hand twisted. Raven let him go, and he let her hand go. He backed up a few steps. Raven held her right hand, breathing hard. She tackled him to the ground, straddling him.
She slapped at him, ignoring her hurt hand. Robin caught her hands, and Raven used her dark magic to tear away from his grip. She slapped his face, making Robin grunt.
He suddenly felt weird being under her, so close. Before he knew what he was doing, Robin kissed her. His lips searching hers. His hands ran up and down her curves. She wasn't pulling away. Why?
His lips attached themselves to her neck, and she gasped. Their positions had switched somehow, so that Robin had ended up on top. He suckled gently on the juncture of her neck.
His teeth nipped at the skin, and Raven sucked in her breath. He kissed her neck, soothing the sting. Robin would've kept going, but was stopped.
"CYBORG!!!! ROBIN AND RAVEN ARE GETTING KINKY IN THE COMMON ROOM!!" Robin sighed, cursing under his breath. He got up, pulling up Raven.
Cyborg yelled back to Beast Boy through the hallway. "WHAT? DON'T MAKE ME COME OUT THERE!" Raven blushed, pulling up her hood. Beast Boy called back, "THEY STOPPED!" and went to the couch.
Robin started to leave, but Raven pulled on him. He turned, receiving a confused look. He simply kissed her, and walked away, leaving Raven to mutter something under her breath. "Damn him and his lips."
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