There was a chip inside her. That he had implanted. Into her arm.
Raven rubbed her left arm with her hand, having flashbacks and regrets.
Slade had gotten to her, and placed the thing inside her.
Robin lay on her bed next to her, watching her intently. He could tell something was wrong. She never acted this distant, so ashamed.
"Rae, you okay?"
"Hm? Oh, I'm fine."
"You're lying skills are rusty."
He knew about the chip, it was
just that she might lose her arm if Cy or him tried to operate.
There was a toxin in it, that if punctured, would instantly flow into her blood and basically "kill" her arm. He just couldn't risk it.
"I'm just not tired."
She replied, continuing to feel her arm. She could see where he had inserted the thing, a slight needle mark on her skin. She wanted it out, ASAP.
Robin sat up, putting his head on her shoulder, kissing the crook of her neck sweetly.
"We'll get it out, Raven."
She sighed, pulling away and removing herself from the bed. She moved across the room, towards the door.
"I'll be back."
"Where are you going?"
"Kitchen. For tea."
He nodded, staying on the bed until she was out of earshot. He then removed himself, going out the door towards his bird.
Raven stood at the large window, the small knife beside her. She wanted this thing out. It was causing her nightmares, and she couldn't even leave the tower. Cyborg and Robin wanted her to stay safe, and at the tower 24/7.
Those two were the only ones that knew, because they had been the two that had initially found her, and of course Slade told them. So Cyborg and Robin were the only ones who would take turns staying here with her.
They had told the others some stupid lie, telling them Raven's powers were acting up and that she couldn't go into battle. Which was kind of true.
Her powers weren't working at all, except for her healing powers. She didn't know why either. All she knew was that she couldn't use her powers to remove it. And now she was standing there, getting ready to cut the thing out.
She knew about the toxin, she simply didn't care. So what if it killed her? At least he couldn't track her anymore.
She shook away the morbid thought, fingers shaking as she held up the knife. She could heal what damage would be done to her, right? It glinted in the moonlight, and Raven exhaled slowly to calm her nerves.
She started to bring down the blade, but a strong, gloved hand took hold of her own hand in motion.
Raven pulled against her attacker, trying to get the knife down. She needed it out, gone. It was making everything worse for her.
"Raven! What the hell are you doing?!"
She pulled against his grip, knowing it was useless. He had always been stronger than her. She grit her teeth as he used his other hand to hold her free arm behind her back.
"I need it out! I don't care if I won't have a usable arm!"
"Raven! Stop it, it's too dangerous, you know that!"
He struggled to keep her from hurting herself, she was actually pretty strong when she wanted to be. But he was stronger, and had a good hold on her.
He kept her hands still, watching the blade fall to the floor. She looked down at it, trying to reach it, but Robin slid it behind them. Raven bit her lip, feeling her legs give out on her.
She dropped to her knees, tears streaming from her eyes. Robin removed his hands, placing them on her shoulders, watching her cry.
"Robin, please, I just want it out..."
He sighed, hating how he couldn't help much. She had just tried to cut her skin open, and he had almost let her.
"I know, Raven."
She continued to cry, shaking slightly. Robin didn't even flinch when the lights turned on and feet came running in the room.
"Friend Robin, we heard yelling and came the most of quick."
Starfire looked at the back of his head, taking note of the small, shaking lump on the floor.
"What's up with Raven, dude?"
Beast Boy stood next to Starfire, Cyborg on her other side, knowing what was wrong, but keeping his mouth shut.
Robin moved his head to the side, so they could see that he had acknowledged them.
"Star and Beast Boy, go back to bed. It's something that involves Cyborg and I."
Starfire was about to talk, but Beast Boy nudged her, signaling not to argue. She took his sign, nodding slightly, turning for the door, Beast Boy in tow.
When they were gone, Cyborg looked at his "little sister", his heart dropping when he saw the knife and her tears.
"She really wants that thing out...."
Robin nodded, wincing when he heard something in the kitchen shatter.
"I can't stand to see her like this, Cy. I think we're going to have to operate."
"I don't know, man......she could lose her arm..."
Robin sighed, nodding, losing his patience. He trusted Cyborg, knew he could do this.
"Cyborg. You're the only person I would even think of letting do this. I know the dangers, but she's just going to get worse. We need to do something. Now."
Cyborg looked away for a few moments, realizing that if Robin trusted him, that he could do this.
"Okay, I'll do it."
"Thank you."
Robin picked up his girlfriend, following Cyborg to the infirmary. Raven had finished crying, and was now settling for burying her head in Robin's chest.
Cyborg typed in the code, watching the doors open slowly. He went to the supplies closet while Robin tried to get Raven to lay on the white bed.
She was hugging him tightly, eyes squeezed shut. She wanted to get one last hug in, in case she really did lose the use of her arm.
"Raven. We're going to do it, okay? We're going to remove the chip."
Robin set her on the bed, watching her stare up at the ceiling. She nodded slightly, closing her eyes.
He sighed, kissing her forehead. All he could do now was wait. Wait for the best.
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