Not a couple
A/N: I don't know why, but I've been in a RobRae angsty/sad writing mood. I guess I've just been a little upset myself lately. But anyways, on with the story.
(Set during birthmark)
Raven watched as the red patterns glowed on her body, marking her soul as her father's property. She shuddered angrily, scratching at her skin.
Why? Why her? She knew it was her destiny, but she wished it was all just a nightmare. Her father had used her mother, to make herself. His gem.
His portal. She swallowed the lump in her throat, getting up to look at her bookcase.
She found one of her spell books, and clenched it. She couldn't go to Azararh at the moment, it was too dangerous.
She placed the book in its rightful spot, breath shaky. Her hands went up to her face, where she eyes the matching marks on both palms.
How dare he? How dare he mark her? She felt rage consume her, and she toppled over her bookcase.
Raven sighed, sitting on her bed. "He's winning." She said to herself, her eyes following the blood red patterns on her legs.
"He's winning. Consuming me." Raven paced her room, avoiding the books scattered on the floor.
"Damn him." She seethed, eyes filled with tears. She was angry, so angry. At him. At her father. He was using her.
"Oh Azar, help me." But Raven's temper boiled over. "DAMMIT!" She yelled, holding her head.
The marks marring her body glowed brighter, a symbol of her loss of control. She hugged herself, shaking.
"I hate him." She whispered, facing her mirror. For a brief moment, she saw him staring back at her.
Raven's fist collided with the fragile glass, the mirror breaking into shards and falling towards her feet.
She panted, staring at her distorted reflection, and again she saw him. Raven threw the mirror towards her wall, hearing it crack and bend.
She stared at her knuckles, torn and bleeding. The same deep red as the marks. Raven closed her eyes, but they popped open when she heard his laugh.
"GO AWAY DAMMIT!" She put her hands to her ears, falling to the floor, her knees crunching the broken glass.
Her powers lashed out, exploding vases and tipping statues. She felt her other bookshelf tumble down, landing in front of her door.
Raven let the tears stream down her face, the marks shining brighter than ever against her pale skin.
His eyes flashed in her mind, and Raven screamed, crawling away towards her bed.
Once next to it, huddled in the corner, Raven dropped her hands from her ears. She whispered into the dark a single plea, dry and scared.
"Please, let me go."
Her hands shakily found her hood, where she slowly pulled it up. Her powers slivered towards her bathroom, and she heard the mirror crack.
She looked around slowly, assessing the damage. Her room was littered in books, shards of vases and statues, broken furniture, and her walls were torn.
Raven hugged her knees to her chest, shuddering. Her knuckles bled, the blood falling in her skin and carpet.
The marks started to fade, and slowly Raven calmed. But then she heard his voice leak into her ears.
The prophecy shall be fulfilled, no one can stop it. No one will hear your screams.
Raven cried out, her voice hoarse. "Why me?" She cried, but no one answered. Raven rocked back and forth, shaking from her sobs.
The marks on her hands pulsed, and she knew it was happening to the rest of her body too.
She heard someone knock on her door, but didn't have the strength to walk over and open it.
The knocks turned into bangs, which turned into worried yells. She shook violently, afraid of who it was at her door.
She tucked her head to her knees, trying to ignore the banging and yelling.
Raven chanted her mantra, trying to gain some control. Only when her intruder kicked down the door did she stop chanting.
She didn't dare look up, instead she focused on the throbbing of her hand. She heard his voice and instantly she shook harder.
"Cyborg. Leave." He commanded, slowly crawling over the toppled furniture.
Cyborg silently crept away, worried. She didn't look good, and judging by the damage, she didn't feel good either.
Robin moved closer to the figure huddled next to the bed, and he noticed the drips of blood on the floor.
He saw the red pulsing through her cloak, and instantly knew why the damage happened.
Robin crouched down, pulling down her hood. "Raven?" He whispered, noticing her tear stained face.
She shivered, and Robin pulled her to him. He saw her bleeding hand, and the glint of glass in her knees.
He kissed her chakra, watching as the red marks faded. He heard her sobs, and slowly pulled away.
"Hey, you're all right, Rae, I'm here."
Raven looked up into his masked eyes, her violet orbs slightly puffy. She gripped his arm, the emotion in her voice heart breaking.
"Please, don't leave."
Three small words that made Robin's breath catch in his throat. Three simple words that made him lean closer to her.
"Never, Rae." His lips connected with hers, and Raven stopped shaking. Robin's arms stayed at her back.
Raven's frail hands found their way around his neck. She leaned against him, eyes closed.
Her fear and anger turned into comfort and belonging. She melted into him, pulling away when she realized she needed oxygen.
Robin put his head on her shoulder, kissing her shoulder blade. She relaxed against him. "Rae, I'm not going to leave. I'll always hear you." He touched her hand, and she inhaled sharply.
He pulled something out of his belt, and Raven saw the white material. He wrapped it around her hand gingerly, then using a clip to secure it.
He moved to her knee, seeing the shards. She clenched her teeth as he moved her leg to lay flat.
He pulled out tweezers and slowly pulled out the pieces of glass.
Raven bit the inside of her cheek, watching as he pulled the last shard out of her other leg.
He deposited the pieces into a plastic bag, tucking it away. He picked her up gently, setting her on the bed.
"You'll be okay, Raven. We'll make it through this." He kissed the top of her head, smiling at her.
Raven smiled back, whispering to him. "Thank you." He was about to go, but she tugged on his glove.
"Robin. Stay?"
He saw the pleading look in her eyes, and crawled into the bed next to her, wrapping an arm around her waist.
Raven snuggled into him, Trigon's voices left behind her.
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