He could tell something was bothering her, his detective skills were enhanced by the bond when it came to these types of things.
She had been hidden away in her room for a week, only coming out at night to eat. He could feel her sadness and depression, and it alarmed him.
She was usually so calm, so composed. But lately, things had been breaking and words had been pushed aside.
She didn't want to talk, he had tried already. He had knocked on her door and, to his disapointment, received a very flat, very dry, "Go away."
Today, he was at her door, ready to try again, a cup of tea in his hands.
"Raven, it's me. Can I come in?"
He heard her shift before he heard the response.
"Go away."
"Come on, Rae. I'm worried about you."
He heard her slight intake of air and some rustling of fabric.
"I know. I'm fine, just leave me be."
"I brought you tea."
He was met by a long moment of silence before the door hissed open.
She was sitting on her bed, facing the window, legs to her chest as she inhaled softly.
To him, she looked hopeless.
He walked over to her, placing the tea on her nightstand and settling down next to her.
He held her hand in his, placing a soft kiss on top of her head.
"You wanna tell me what's bothering you?"
She didn't look at him, instead looking out the window, staring at the ocean below.
"Not really."
Robin sighed, taking her cheek in his hand and turning her so she could look at him.
He had discarded his mask the minute he came in, so now, she was forced to stare into those clear, blue eyes she had fallen in love with.
"It might make you feel better. Isn't that what you always tell me?"
She closed her eyes, her emotions running rampant at the moment. She really didn't know if she wanted to tell him. But he was right, she did always tell him that.
"Robin, please don't force anything on me."
He nodded slightly, his voice comforting and quiet.
"I'm not trying to, Rae. I'm just saying it helps to open up to someone."
She finally caved in, deciding he was right and that opening up wouldn't kill her.
"My mother would've been 42 today."
Robin's eyebrows raised. So that's what this was about, her mother's birthday was today.
He understood. When it was his parents' anniversary of death, he stayed in his room all day and sulked. Regretted.
"And now, you're doing some grieving."
She nodded, leaning her head against his chest.
"Yeah, I guess."
He rubbed her back, staying silent for a few moments.
He knew how to approach her about things. She was sort of like a scared animal. He had to slowly get closer, and try not to scare her away.
Even though he knew she hated to admit it, she was sensitive. She still felt fear, sadness, guilt. And he knew it tore her apart. Not being able to stop herself from feeling how she did.
"How are you holding up?" He finally asked, keeping his hand on her back.
She shifted slightly, so that her mouth wasn't against his shirt and she could be heard better.
"Wanna tell me the truth?"
She sighed, picking at her fingers (a nasty habit of her's) and closing her eyes.
She should've known better than to try to lie to him. He knew all of her tells, some of which she didn't even know herself.
He was a detective, after all. And he was her boyfriend. It was his job to know when she was lying and when she wasn't.
"I'm not holding up at all. I feel like I'm caving in..."
He nodded, noticing how cold her skin was. He reached behind him for one of the blankets she kept at the bottom of her bed.
He ended up grabbing a light purple fuzzy one, and wrapped it around her form, covering her up, her head the only thing visible.
"Well, that's to be expected. All you can really do is try and hold on. Of course, being around people who love you really helps."
She smiled a very small smile, her eyes wet with un-shed tears.
"Yeah, it does."
He wrapped his arms around her, giving her a tiny squeeze of protectiveness.
"You know, Rae, you can always rely on me. Especially with things like this."
She exhaled slowly, her body becoming warm with love as she did so.
"I know. Robin, can I ask you something?"
"Yeah, shoot."
She opened her eyes and looked down at the floor, stating intently at a small stain on the carpet.
It had been from a year ago when she was all banged up from Slade bots and had told Robin not to take her to the infirmary.
She ended up bleeding on the carpet. He had offered to replace the thing, but she didn't let him.
"Does it ever stop hurting?"
He thought about it, cocking his head and taking interest in the ceiling. When he had his answer, he nuzzled his nose to the back of her head before responding.
"No, it doesn't. The pain starts to turn into a dull ache, but it never fully leaves. All you can really do is remember who you have right now and try to soften the blow."
Raven sighed, lifting her head up and turning do she could face him.
She stared into his eyes, seeing the concern floating in them. Her own violet orbs held hurt mixed with gratitude.
"Thank you."
He furrowed his brows, planting a soft kiss on her cheek before questioning her.
"For what, Rae?"
Raven kept her eyes on him, her hands in his own, memorizing the curves and rough patches.
"For sitting here with me. For caring."
He smiled, pulling her into a hug and whispering into her small ear.
"I'd do it again and again, Rae."
He kissed her on the lips, keeping it short and sweet, yet full of love and meaning.
"So would I."
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