She lie there, shoulder bleeding, eyes shutting. It was a bad idea, sure, but she needed to get her anger out.
And now you're bleeding in an alleyway, good job, Raven.
She laughed at her self, a humorless laugh, feeling the pain.
Beast Boy had pissed her off, so Raven ended up running, directly into a shootout. She had driven away most of the criminals, but one managed to clip her shoulder.
Rave tried to move, but the pain was unbearable. Her blood was pouring out, and who would help her? No one.
She had already told them to stay. And no one would decide to go after her.
Raven bit her lip, coaxing up her healing power, but it was all gone, to the victims.
She heard someone coming down the alley, and maneuvered herself to blend into the wall, dark.
The figure walked towards her, and she realized who it was.
Her voice was hoarse, barely above a whisper.
"Raven?! What happened?!"
He saw the blood on her hand, and quickly but gently began to lift her up.
The small cry from her throat made him stop.
" that a bullet wound?"
She nodded, wrapping her good arm around him, her eyes squeezed shut.
"Robin's in the car, he'll know what to do."
Raven sighed, knowing he would question her. He always did.
Cyborg opened the back of the car, setting her on the seat, propping her arm up.
She sucked in breath, pain blurring her vision.
Robin's mask widened as he looked to her torn shoulder.
He touched the area around it, flinching when she cried out.
"Robin, please."
He nodded, pulling her head into his lap.
"Rae, that's bad.
"no, it's just a scratch."
Robin chuckled, voice filled with concern.
"Luckily they only grazed you, but it's still pretty bad."
"Fix it?"
"Of course, Rae."
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