I haven't felt it in forever. I don't think I'll feel it ever again. Everything is dark, I can't feel anything. I've been like this for awhile now; at least a week. I was 6 when I last saw my mom.
There are men in white coats, the same kind that doctors wear. I think they're scientists. They do bad things to me. They inject me with things, and sometimes they take my blood. The last thing they injected me with made me fall asleep, and when I woke up, everything was gone. None of my senses work anymore.
I don't know what they did.
When they weren't doing things to me, they would build what looks like a metal body. A lot like my body, only older.
After awhile, I was finally able to see. I'm in a classroom, and there is a brown haired girl in front of me.
"Hey guys, I think it turned on" she called out. What turned on..? "Wh-who are you? Where am I?" I asked.
"I'm Ochaco Uraraka. Your in UA high"
"UA?! But that's the number one hero school in Japan?! Why would I be here?"
"Cus your a robot designed to save people." Said a voice, as a purple haired girl walked over. Followed by 16 other kids. "What are we supposed to call you?" Asked a blond boy with a lightning design in his hair.
"I'm Izuku. Izuku Midoryia."
"Hey, Kirishima", Uraraka said suddenly, "can you go tell Bakugou that the robot is on?" Bakugou? That name is familiar.. "sure" a redhead, presumably Kirishima, stood up and left the room.
"Hey, um.. what do you mean by I'm a robot? Last time I checked I was just a quirkless kid"
"No, your a robot. Maybe its a glitch?"
Then, the door opens up, revealing Kirishima, and a spiky haired blond boy. I know who that is?
"Deku?! What did they DO to you?!" Kacchan yelled. Everyone seemed suprised to hear him yelling.
"I don't know... everyone is saying I'm a robot, I'm scared.."
"Hey, De- Izuku, its ok. We'll figure this out."
"Wait" Kirishima said, "Bakugou talks, and the first thing he said is to a robot?" Kacchan.. Stopped talking? Why would he do that? "And, how do you know each other?"
"We went to school together, but.. Izuku.. he went missing when we were 6. Now, he's here, and he's been turned into.. this.." Kacchan seemed... upset? I can't let him be upset. I stood up, and walked up to Kacchan, giving him a hug. "Izuku? What are you doing?"
[Bakugou pov]
Izuku's touch was cold, lifeless. It was like he really was a robot.
Why did they do this too you?
"Kacchan... how long has it been.." Izuku whispered, his voice sounded desperate.
"Eight years..."
I swear, it sounded like he was crying, but no tears came. "If.. if I'm not human... Kacchan, what am I?"
"The heroes said that your an AI, programmed to save people... but I know its still you, Izuku. Ok? Your still human"
No response came, other than Izuku cuddling up closer.
[Time skip]
It's almost the end of class, and Izuku had to stay behind, so he could charge over night.
"Hey, Kacchan?" Izuku asked, "if I'm an AI programmed to save people, doesn't that mean I can finally be a hero, like I wanted to be?"
"Actually, yeah." I nodded, "you can be a hero, now"
Izuku smiled at me, it was nice to finally see him happy. Then the bell rang, ending the day. "Wait, Kacchan.. I um.. I don't know how to plug myself into my charger... could you help me, please?"
"Heh, nerd can't charge himself" I teased him jokingly, "'course I'll help you, Izuku"
I walked over to his chargers, Izuku right behind me. "Any idea where it plugs into?" I asked. Izuku shook his head. Then I began looking around on him, until I found a series of ports on the back of his neck.
[Izuku pov]
Kacchan plugged each cord into my neck, each of them marked by color. There were a couple left over, that were larger than the ones on my neck. I apparently also have ports on the palms of each hand, and on my ankles, again, marked by color. It felt weird, having cords plugged into me, but I guess I'd have to get used to it, seeing as I'm a robot now. This is just how I'll have to function.
"Nothing's happening... I don't think its working" I said. Kacchan looked over to the plug on the wall, and replied with, "thats because it's not plugged in.. and the charger isn't on." I watched as Kacchan plugged it into the wall, and switched my charger on.
It sent a jolt of electricity through me, which startled me, although it didn't hurt. As the waves of electricity continued, I started to relax, and eventually got sleepy. I muttered, "night Kacchan" just before I shut down.
[Bakugou pov]
I looked at my friend-turned-robot a while before leaving. I don't understand why this happened to him, or why the heroes did this. Sure, he's now a robot designed to save people, which is what he always wanted to do, (save people, not be turned into a robot), but they just experimented on him without his permission!
Auntie Inko gave them permission. Thats why she didn't seem to upset that he was gone.
I left the school, and headed for Auntie Inko's house. I needed to know why she allowed this. I knocked on the door lightly, and it opened, revealing Inko. She was tall, and had dark green hair and eyes, similar to Izuku's. "Oh, Katsuki! What a pleasant surprise!"
"Auntie Inko. We need to talk, its about Izuku."
"What about him? Did you find him?"
"Sorta. He just showed up in our class. But he wasn't the same. He's a robot"
"Where is he?"
"He's in the homeroom classroom, charging. That's not what I'm here to talk about, though. He.. he was turned into a robot.. by the heroes. They did it to create an AI meant to save people. I have a feeling you already knew this was happening."
"... I did... the heroes... they threatened to have me arrested if I didn't let them use him. They said he was the perfect candidate, due to his quirklessness, and his caring nature."
"Why didn't they just program a normal robot?"
"It wouldn't have been real enough. They wanted to make a robot that seemed.. human, so it could comfort the people it saved. So, they took my baby and downloaded his mind into a computer."
"Well, thanks for telling me the truth." I said, and began to walk away, when Auntie Inko grabbed my arm, "when you go to school, tomorrow, tell Izuku I'm sorry?"
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