Zizzy x Bunny {Weapon}
Zizzy's P.O.V:
I walked into the metro, very annoyed. Who did Pony this he was to tell me I needed a long range weapon. My fencing sword worked just fine, but he thinks I need something that can get infected from afar. I looked around the empty hallways, for anything that could work better than my fencing sword. I looked down a staircase and I slowly walked down, my shoes patting the ground. I was suddenly in an underground area, probably a maintenance tunnel for staff. The walls were lined with pipes and rust, but I still continued. The first door that I got to, I slowly opened. The door creaked as I took a step in and was immediately met with a crossbow right up against my face.
A high pitched voice said to me, "Are you infected?"
I shook my head quickly as I backed against the now losed door behind me. I looked up and I saw a white haired bunny girl with a light blue dress on. She held a wooden crossbow with a carrot loaded into it. I moved my hand to her crossbow and slowly made her point it towards the ground, away from my face.
"Okay, are you not gonna, like kill me now?" I said, my hand on my fencing sword. The girl put her crossbow at her side, unloading it.
"Yeah, don't worry I won't. Just had to make sure you weren't one of them. Sorry for almost putting a carrot in your head." She spoke with a nervous expression. I giggled a bit, before looking at the crossbow again.
"Wouldn't suppose you have another one of those? I came here because I was searching for a new weapon." I pointed at her crossbow as I talked and she held it up.
"Oh, no I don't, This is a one of a kind thing that I made myself. " She smiled. "Oh my! I completely forgot to intoduce myself! My name is Bunny! I mostly stay at the Metro and I keep it running for any visitors." Bunny extended her hand, signalling for me to take it. I grabbed her hand, smiling and shaking it.
"Well my name is Zizzy! I stay at a safehouse with my friends and sisters." I said, letting go of her hand and tipping my fedora to her. She giggled a bit and looked down at my fencing sword.
"So, if you already have a weapon, then why are you looking for a new weapon?" Bunny said, tilting her head. My ears flattened in annoyance, remembering me and Pony'a conversation from earlier.
"Hm. Well, one of my friends 'suggested' that I get a new weapon, as mine is not long range enough to defend myself against the infected." I spoke, my sentence getting quiet with anger at the end.
"Well that doesn't seem very nice. I think that your fencing sword is perfect!" Bunny said, smiling. "It certainly is better than needed a carrot everytime you wanna shoot something!" I smiled and giggled a bit, as her joke made me feel better. I almost didn't see her face turn red.
"Yeah, that sounds pretty inconvienent...Especially when my friend would just eat all the carrots!" I said, laughing, and covering my mouth.
Bunny smiled as she looked over to the metro train. "Well, I suppose you need to get back to your friends now." She let out a slightly sad smile and pointed behind her.
"...Probably. Hey am I going to see you again?" I said, as she opened the train door for me.
"Not unless you plan on taking a train ride anytime soon!" Bunny joked, as she held out her hand to help me on the train.
Since it was probably the last time I would see her, I just decided to try it. "Well I might if you're still here!" I winked at her as the train doors closed. Through the window, I saw her face turn a bright pink color.
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