Willow x Zizzy {Choices}
Zizzy P.O.V.
My purple dress flapped in the wind, while Pony, KittenDrinksTea, and I stood in the clearing in the woods. Willow Wolf had stepped out from behind a tree as various other people surrounded us, making it impossible to escape. Willow got out her revolver and held it in her hand, ready to shoot.
"Well, well, well. Look at these familiar faces," Her golden eyes glowed in the fall sun. Pony stared in awe at her. I knew why. Pony knew her. Not sure how, he didn't fill me in on it, he only said who she was and what she does. She tapped the revolver against her leg and looked at all of us.
"Pony, the ex-member. It's a shame that you left us. You were a good friend. Too bad you mean nothing to me or the rest of us now," Willow turned to the right and stepped over to KittenDrinksTea. She had to bend down to her level to look into her eyes with intimidation. Willow laughed as she looked at her.
"KittenDrinksTea, the officer who took me away from my family, must've felt great to rip me away from those I cared about, correct?" Willow stood up straight and walked over to me. She took a long pause and looked at me up and down before staring into my eyes. She made a small "Hm" sound. She took a few steps closer to me and got inches away from my face. I heard her black shoes tap against the grass. I tried to back up, but she grabbed my wrist and kept me in place.
"Who are you, you're certainly a new face. What's your name and what are you doing with a bunch of jerks like them, hmm?" She asked me, pulling me over to her and away from Kitten and Pony. I pushed her off of me and backed up.
"I don't have to tell you anything, wolf," I growled at her, giving her a piercing glare. She seemed untainted and just grabbed my chin, making me look at her.
"Hmph. Such a pretty girl with an awful personality. It's really a shame, I thought you'd be nicer. Oh well, we can fix that personality real quick, Sweetheart." She let go of my chin and grabbed my wrist instead. "I'm taking this Darling with me. Leave those two to rot," she said, gesturing to Pony and Kitten. I struggled to get out of her grip, as Pony stomped over and tried to protest against her.
"No! Leave her alone! Willow this is crazy!" Pony said, trying to get close. Willow pulled out her gun and pointed it at him.
"Keep walking horse, we'll have to take her, and your dead body back to the base, you want that? You son of a-" I cut her off and got close to her.
"No, no, it's alright, I'll go with you, you seem nice!" I said, trying to act excited, but silently was about to be sick. She looked at me, with an approving smile, and put her gun away.
"Good girl, see she understands. Now let's get going," She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and started to guide me out of the forest. I growled at her a few times and tried to run, causing various other T.S.P members to hold me still instead. She walked in front of us and I tried to kick her a few times, but Kitty or someone else would either dig their nails into my arm or twist it. They took me inside the old abandoned oil refinery and took me to an interrogation room. Kitty pushed me in the chair, forcing my hands behind my back. She handcuffed me to the chair as Willow watched, happy that I was helpless. I struggled, trying to get out. Willow waved Kitty off, leaving just me and her alone. She sat on the edge of the table closest to me. She set her gun down next to her on the table, making sure I could fully see it. She leaned over me, looking into my eyes.
"Aren't you just the cutest, Sweetheart?" She narrowed her eyes at me, then kissed me on the head. I pulled away from her, not able to cover my blush.
"No, I am not you gun-obsessed wolf." I glared at her, making her look disappointed. She got off the table and crouched down to get in my face.
"Oh, I think you are, Sweetheart, don't even try to lie about it." She said, kissing me on the nose. I blushed more, looking into her eyes. Willow giggled and sat on my lap, making me push back into the chair in surprise. She pulled me by my shirt and kissed me on the lips, making my eyes widen. I relaxed a bit in my chair and kissed back gently. Surprisingly, she was being soft with me, making sure I was okay. I looked up at her and she looked back. Her tail was wagging and she smiled at me, uncuffing me from the chair. Willow got off me, helping me to my feet.
"So, what's your name Sweetheart?" She cooed to me, moving my hair out of my face.
"My name is Zizzy. Zizzy Zebra," I said, looking at her.
"Well, Zizzy Zebra, I think I wanna keep you around Sweetheart. Interested in joining the T.S.P?" I smiled at her and looked up into her eyes. I nodded, and she giggled.
"Now this, will be the best choice you've ever made, Sweetheart."
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