Willow x Reader {Hostage}
1st P.O.V.
I just got back from a restaurant and I was walking down the street. I was humming just a random song that came to my head as I heard police sirens in the distance. I covered my ears as they got closer and closer, the loud ringing pierced through all of the loud noises of the city. But, just as it was about to drive past me, a van did first and pulled me inside. I squealed as my ears were forced to be uncovered. The sirens were loud for a second before the van door was closed and a hand was put over my mouth.
"Drive faster Rash!" A woman's voice said. I looked up and I saw the most wanted criminal in Lucella, Willow Wolf. She's been hiding from the law and robbing people for about 3 years now. Anxiety raced through my chest and I immediately started kicking and struggling for my freedom. A loud groan came from Willow as she slammed me on my back on the van floor. "Great, I just had to pick a fighter didn't I? Can you stop that!?" She shouted as she pulled something out of her pocket. I kept kicking her and trying to get up as I felt a cold object touch the side of my head. I heard a growl come from her as she gripped my face, forcing me to look at her. "I said STOP!" She yelled as I realized what the object was. It was a gun. She smiled, her sharp teeth in my view.
"Well that sure got you to hush, didn't it?" Willow laughed and pulled the gun away. "Listen, you'll be fine, as long as you just stay put. We just need a hostage, and as soon as the police get off our tail, then you're free to go, little lady. Okay?" I nodded with her hand still on my mouth. But then she leaned in. "Or you can stay if you want. We always could use more members." Before I could even react, the van stopped. The raccoon who I heard was Rash looked in the back.
"We're here, and the police are gone." Rash started to walk back to us and looked down at me. "So, what do we do with her?"
"Well, she already agreed not to leave, RIGHT." She spoke and looked down at me. I nodded again as she put the gun in her pocket. "Right! So she's gonna stay with us and not go anywhere!" Willow smiled and helped me up. "So what's your name!"
"It's (Y/N) (L/N), and-," before I could finish my sentence, she made a shush sound.
"That's all we need to know! Come on, lets go in!" She pulled me out of the van and we were outside the abandoned oil refinery on the outskirts of town. She pulled me inside as Rash followed, tapping a crowbar on his hand. Chills ran up my spine as an air conditioner blew on me as we first walked in. Willow didn't react of course to the air, because of her jacket. She took me to a room with her name on the door and she opened it, allowing me to go inside. "Okay, you can stay in my room with me!" Holding my wrist, we walked in, closing the door behind her.
~A few weeks later~
I woke up in Willow's bed again, like I did for the past few weeks. but today is a special day! Today is the day that I am officially being in the T.S.P! As Willow's new girlfriend, I need to be an official member in order to help out on missions! I changed into some grey clothing and went into the cafeteria where all of the other members were waiting for me, including Willow. I smiled and ran up, kissing her on the snoot.
"Everyone!" She spoke, getting everyone's attention instantly. "Today marks the day that (Y/N) is offically being welcomed into the T.S.P!" Her eyes shined with happiness as she held my hand. Willow turned to me before continuing, "(Y/N), from this moment on, you will be in our group. Are you ready?" She smiled as I nodded.
"I am!" I said as I looked into her eyes.
"Good choice!" Willow said as she pulled me in for a kiss.
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