Raze x Felix {Lab Rat}
Raze P.O.V
I looked out beyond the cage bars as I tried to find the key. I was stuck in the T.S.P base and infected. Things really couldn't have gone worse for me. They took my hands and ripped off my ear. I know I'm a rat, but T.S.P was using me as a lab rat. My body is now mostly composed of metal. I looked down at my hands that were now large knives. The bottom of my cage was scratched from my multiple escape attempts. I stared at the door that blocked my freedom and I jumped a bit when I saw the doorknob turn. It pushed inwards, as I crawled back like a feral animal. The door creaked open and I saw an orange fox standing there, wearing grey clothing. I remembered him. It was Felix. He was a part of T.S.P. I hissed at him and backed up further into the corner. He put his finger up to his lips and shushed me. The night sky glowed into the cage from beyond the bars and the door. I felt myself relax a bit as he set his hand out for me to grab it. I set the side of my blade hand. I pushed down on it, lifting myself off the floor. I still looked down, not wanting to look at one of the people that had tormented me for so long. I lost so many memories because of them. I don't even remember my name from one of the tests they put me through. It was a mind-control test, from when they first caught me. Felix grabbed my wrist and slightly pulled me out of the cage.
"Come on, let's take a walk, you seem like you need it," he said. My cut up and bruised body reflecting some of the light, I followed behind him like a lost dog. He glanced behind him every once in a while to check if I was escaping. We walked around the path outside of the oil refinery, as he stopped near a bench beneath a streetlight. He grabbed my arm and sat me down next to him. It was so silent that we would hear each other's quiet breathing. The night wind blew past us, making a shiver run down my spine. Felix looked over to me, seeming to be unaffected.
"Nice to finally get out of the cage, huh?" He said, looking into my eyes. I didn't say anything back to him, as I noticed he got closer to me. "Are you not gonna say anything? I thought you would be nicer." His tail curled around my stomach as he got close to my face. "So, what's your name?" He said, grabbing my chin, and turning me to him. His eyes stared into my soul gently, not wanting to miss a piece of it.
"I- uh. I don't remember," I said back as he pulled away. He stared at me for a few more seconds before he looked back at me, his eyes shining with excitement.
"Ooooh! Your name should be Raze! It sounds fitting for you." Felix messed with my tail, as he stared at me, not wanting to miss a detail. I nodded and stared down in embarrassment. "Hey, what's wrong Raze? You look a bit worried." I turned to him and hugged him, having my blades gently resting against his back. Felix flinched, but then smiled and hugged back. My matted up fur rested against his as I started to cry a bit. I don't know why. I'm supposed to hate him. He let them hurt me. He stood back and watched, as I was taken apart, hit, yelled at, and everything else. I want to hate him, but I just can't. He's the only one that has shown me even the tiniest bit of kindness since I got here. Oily tears flowed down my face and I still held on. "Raze, what's wrong? Do you not like your name..?" He asked, trying to pull away.
"No...I love it. Thank you so much, Felix." I said, pulling back from him.
"Then why are you crying..?" He asked.
'You're the first person who has ever been nice to me Felix. Thank you." I whispered, holding him tight.
~6 months later~
I sat down in my cage still, the old scratch marks on the floor are still there, but there were no new ones. I always got excited when Felix would come around here, but I hate it when anyone else does. Willow and Kitty scare me the most. They like to make fun of me and hurt me. The door slowly opened and I saw Felix walking inside. I stood up and ran to him, embracing him into my arms.
"Hi, Felix! I missed you!" I said happily, curling my tail around his leg. He looked a little nervous, almost like he was worried. I looked at him and I raised a brow. "Felix, what's wrong? You look worried..."
Felix sighed and gently pushed me away. "Listen Raze, Willow is gonna send you on a mission, but I'm worried about it." I was shocked. Willow doesn't like me at all. This has to be a trick or some sort of trap. "She told me that you just have to follow me and then we can get this mission started," he said as he grabbed my hand and gently walked out of the room. The oil refinery corridors were empty and echoed our footsteps. I followed my friend and he stopped in front of a door that read "Medical Center". He gripped my hand even further and turned to me.
"Raze there's something I need to say before we go in there. I love you. I've liked you from the moment they brought you in. I've always felt horrible every time they did those tests on you, and how you screamed. Raze, I'm so sorry. I never had the guts enough to stand up to Willow, and now we're here." He gently said, staring into my eyes. I was so happy, but I felt so awful for him... He never wanted me to get hurt. I lifted my blade arm and set it on his shoulder, trying to be comforting. I smiled, breathed in, and leaned to him.
"No matter what, Felix. I will always forgive you and love you. Don't you ever get that out of your cute fox mind." I said, pulling him into a hug. Tears rolled down the back of my shirt and he hugged my back.
"Now, do you wanna go in?" He sniffled, letting go of me. I nodded and he set his hand on the door but then stopped. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me into him. He kissed me, and loosed his grip on my shirt, being gentle with me. I kissed back, wanting this moment to last forever. He laughed a bit once we pulled away. Felix then pushed the door open and took me inside, having his expression change to a serious one instantly. He walked me over to an examination table and sat me down there. This was when I noticed that a panda girl was in the room with us. She had a soft smile and she was wearing a doctor's gloves and an operation mask. The panda walked over to me and poked a needle into my arm. A green liquid flowed into my veins, making me feel a little dizzy, almost like I was going to pass out. Felix sat down next to me and pulled my head onto his lap, laying me down. He looked down at my sleepy state and mouthed the words "I love you".
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