Billy x Badgy {Date Night}
Billy P.O.V.
I adjusted my red bowtie in front of the mirror as I wore a dark blue suit. The reflection of the setting sunlight was reflecting off the mirror and onto the carpet. It made an orange glow as I looked over to the clock to check the time. It was almost time for Badgy and I's date! I practically ran out the door and I locked it quick. My hair blew from the wind, as I breathed heavily, getting into my red car and driving to Badgy's house. I got out and tried to stay calm, but I felt so nervous. My heart was beating quickly, and I felt like I was going to throw up. I stepped up to the door and I knocked on it gently, not wanted to cause an unnecessary fuss. I fidgeted there while I heard his footsteps approaching the door. Badgy looked through the peephole, then unlocked the door. I waved politely, and he gave me a big hug. A light blush ran across my face as I hugged back. He pushed his grey suit further into the hug as I picked him up.
"So, are you ready for our date night?" I asked Badgy carrying him to the car. He smiled wider and buried his face into my chest. I opened the passenger side door and I set him in gently.
"Thank you," he said as I closed the door. I got in on my side and started to drive. We were on our way to a fancy restaurant. It was a big restaurant, that had orange fairy lights lacing the walls and corners of the building. I turned my head over to Badgy, as I saw his red and green eyes sparkling, looked at the scenery, taking it all in.
"Do you like it? I tried to find a restaurant that you would like." I quietly said as we headed over to our table. We sat down on the velvet seats and Badgy had a small smile on his face, as he moved his white and black fur out of his eyes.
"Hey, I don't care where we are, as long as I'm with you," Badgy said with a blush. I laughed at his silliness and the waitress came over. She was human. She had grey skin and black hair with rainbow ends. Her nametag read, "Kit".
"Hello hello hello, gentlemen! How may I help you today?" Kit said enthusiastically, handing us our menus. I looked over at Badgy as he said what he wanted. Kit got my order too and she ran off to the kitchen.
"So, what have you been doing these past few days Billy?" He asked, putting his hands in his lap. I told him all about the new powerplant the construction team would be building.
"Yeah, we're building it inside of the military outpost, so it should be secure. Whoever would want to get in there would have quite a lot of trouble from the soldiers!" I messed with the edges of the tablecloth. Badgy looked at every movement I made, not missing one. I guess that new robotic chip he had was working. It made sure that you wouldn't get tired easily, that you have a higher alert to sounds and movements, and that you could fight better.
"Hey Billy, you okay? You look really nervous," he asked, resting his hand on mine. I gave him a reassuring smile and looked down. Badgy knew something was wrong but he didn't want to push the subject. The waitress ran over with our food quickly, dodging tables and chairs, not even stumbling. She jumped over to us and sat our food on the table. Kit gave a warming smile and ran off with the tray she carried food on. "Enjoy your food gentlemen!" She disappeared into the kitchen, setting her tray by the table next to the door. Badgy and I ate our food mostly in silence, as it got awkward. As soon as we finished, I paid for it and we left. On the drive back to his place, we saw the night sky fall in, covering up all sources of sunlight. The dark blue lights reflected off the windows of the houses then onto the ground. Badgy's eyes shimmered as he stared. I drove back to my place and we went in, as I helped him up the front porch steps. He may have had a glass of wine or two. So, he was a little tipsy He knocked off of one of the corners in my house but he tried to pretend that he was okay. I'm glad I didn't drink anything. If I did, who else would drive us home? I walked over to the couch, where Badgy was sitting. I sat down next to him and he rested his head on my shoulder. I turned over to him and he looked up at me with his red and green eyes. Badgy moved his hand up to my head and messed with my hair and horns. I just decided to let him, since he was probably just curious. After a few minutes, he patted me on the head and stopped.
"Your hair is so softttt," he said, hugging my arm. His green and red eyes still stared up at me softly. He got on the couch fully and turned his body to me. He grabbed my tie and pulled me close to him. His lips were met with mine and he let go of my tie. We kissed and he pushed me down to the couch. He let go of me and he laid down, still on top of me.
"I love you." His voice said, trailing off near the end. I laughed a bit and put my hands on his back, pulling him into a laying down hug. Badgy hugged back and rested his cheek on my chest.
"I love you too Badgy," I said with a smile.
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