5 times Dick sleepwalked and 1 time he didn't because I need this CONTENT
Bruce was sat in bed going over a few case files when he glanced over at his alarm clock. 4 am. The red numbers seemed to emphasize the fact it was way too late - or early - to be looking at a murder case. He stifled a yawn as he began shuffling all the evidence and reports together before slipping it into his drawer. He was exhausted and sleep sounded much too tempting to refuse. Having Dick around meant he was spending a lot more time running around after the boy and it felt like the acrobat never got tired by some sort of medical marvel. The kid could shut his eyes for ten minutes and he was ready to go another twenty-four hours without stopping. He was sort of jealous of him but he supposed Dick wasn't spending his nights fighting crime. Not yet anyway. He didn't know why but he had a feeling he'd soon be chasing Dick around Gotham rather than just the Manor. He shrugged to himself, shaking his head of the thought. No, he was much too young to be out there fighting.
He laid down and began getting comfortable but just as he found the comfiest position, he heard a thump. Anxiety flared upon hearing it but he tried to be rational. A thump this early? Maybe it was Dick going to the bathroom or something. Dick's room was an ensuite a voice nagged. It could just be the house settling. Houses don't thump. He strained his ears, listening for something else.
There was another thump. Harder than the first one and it was followed by complete silence. Bruce didn't like the silence. He got up and walked to the door before peeking his head out into the hallway. He was met by quite an odd sight. Dick, eyes half-lidded and mouth slightly open, was continuously walking into different walls and only changed direction if his head slammed against the wall. Ah, so that was the cause of the thumping. That was one question answered but it only brought forth more. Why the hell was he walking into walls?
"Dick, you okay there?" he called. The boy didn't respond and continued his walk which seemed to be dedicated to giving him a concussion. Bruce frowned and chased after him before he seriously hurt himself. "Chum?" He really hoped this wasn't some sort of possession because that was way too much to deal with at this time. He watched as the boy got to the end of the hallway and lay down. After a few moments, he heard a soft snore and he assumed whatever he'd witnessed was over now. He supposed he should Google it but right now that sounded like way too much effort. He yawned to himself and plucked Dick off the floor. He could already see a bruise forming in the soft light from the sunrise. He tutted to himself, knowing that would be a CPS red flag, and returned the acrobat to his bed. "Seems like you really can't stay still even in your sleep hm?" Bruce asked, smiling fondly as he tucked him in. "Let's hope you didn't crack your skull or something."
With that, the billionaire trudged to bed and slept for a solid couple of hours before his alarm woke him back up. Great.
"Robin, please go sleep before you pass out. You'll make yourself sick," M'gann begged. Everyone had been noticing the teen's drooping eyelids and him catching himself just as his head fell forward because he was dozing off but she couldn't stand to see him battling sleep for much longer. The hero shook his head furiously only to let loose a yawn.
"When was the last time you slept?" Kaldur asked, already fearing the response. Robin simply shrugged. "That's not a reply."
"I drank a coffee," the younger answered.
"That's not sleeping. It's preventing you from crashing," Connor pointed out.
"I slept Tuesday," he replied.
"It's Friday today." He yawned again as he nodded, not even attempting to hide it. That's how tired he was. The couch just felt so comfortable and his eyelids felt so heavy. It was a deadly combination for someone who hadn't slept in so long. "That's it, you're having an early night," Wally announced as he got on his feet.
"Noooo," Robin whined. "'M fine! Prom...promise." The ginger didn't bother to give him a response because that argument was weaker than an old woman's bones and it simply wasn't worth the recognition. He scooped the younger up and ignored his weak protests about not needing sleep as he walked towards the door.
"You're going to bed you lil shit."
"Fuck you!"
It'd been a few hours since Wally forced Robin to go to bed and the team were watching a movie quite happily. It was considered "culture" by the resident speedster and it was "of the utmost importance" that anyone who wasn't human needed to see. This movie was of course the infamous Bee Movie. They'd gotten to the part where Barry's friend was in the hospital after stinging someone when they heard the pattering of footsteps. At first, they weren't recognisable. They were sluggish and there were sounds that sounded like stumbling. It was only until the person making the noise walked into the room that they knew who it was. Robin, dressed in a long oversized hoodie and what could've been Wonder Woman baggy shorts - they couldn't conclude whether it was or not because the logo was obscured - that swallowed up his skinny legs from the knee up, walked into the room. He was missing his signature mask as well as his sunglasses which made Wally jump up and stand in front of him.
"Robin, what're you doing?" he asked. The teen must be really tired if he was just walking around without the very thing that concealed his identity. So tired that as well as doing that, he was also walking with his eyes closed.
"Cheese," Robin mumbled. "Cheese sticks." Wally stopped him from walking past him and studied his features. He was asleep? He had to be asleep since his body was so slack, not rigid like it usually was. The ginger grabbed his shoulders to stop him from moving past him on whatever mission he was on. Probably one to get cheese sticks.
"You're sleepwalking," he concluded aloud.
"Sleepwalking?" Artemis repeated. "Even when he's asleep this guy can't be normal."
"No one look whilst I get his glasses. I don't know how long he'll be up for." The team nodded and looked away as he ran off. Robin may be a brat sometimes and their curiosity was nearly overwhelming to catch a glimpse of what was under his mask but they respected his privacy. Also, the prospect of Batman finding out they took a sneak peek whilst his protege was in a vulnerable moment was much too scary for any of them to take the risk. Wally was back within seconds and placed his friend's glasses back in their rightful place. "There we are. Much better," he stated. Robin mumbled something he couldn't quite hear and moved past him to get to the kitchen. "You guys can look now."
"Now that's sorted, what do we do with Sleeping Beauty over there?" Artemis asked. Her question was met with silence. What did they do next?
Whilst they were thinking of what to do, Robin made himself busy climbing onto the marble countertops to get to the cabinets. M'gann quickly flew over and stood beside him in case he fell. The last thing he needed was to crack his head open whilst sleepwalking.
"He won't fall," Wally assured her. "I've seen him do a backflip on the edge of a building so I doubt he'll fall off that."
"But he's asleep?" she pointed out. Robin got onto his knees and began opening the cabinet doors, seemingly looking inside, only to hum unhappily and move on to the next one. He kept doing this until he got to the middle one where he grabbed a glass before closing the doors. Once he had his glass, he got off his knees and sat down, letting his legs swing as he held his glass with both hands.
"I'm confused. What's sleepwalking?" Connor asked, staring at the youngest hero curiously.
"It's where, when you go to sleep, you end up walking or doing things even though you're not awake. I'm guessing Robin's sleep deprivation has caused it in this instance," Kaldur explained. "I was unaware he did such a thing."
"So was I," Wally replied. He almost sounded hurt. Like he was upset not to have been told of this ability. They guessed since he knew so much about Robin in the first place he got somehow offended when there were parts missing.
"Should we just let him sit there?" M'gann inquired. She'd never experienced something like this before. It was rather interesting if she was honest. She wondered if only humans could do it or if any species displayed such odd behaviours. Was this common? Seemingly not by her friend's confusion but it must be known since Kaldur knew what it was. She cautiously held out her hand and let it hover over his arm. Would touching him hurt him?
"Google says to lead him back to bed and try not to wake him up," Artemis announced, looking up from her phone. "Apparently if we leave him to it he should go back on his own."
"I could-"
M'gann was cut off by Robin dropping the glass, making her fly up with a yelp, before slipping himself off the counter. His feet connected with the glass, making a loud crunching noise that none of them liked. He barely reacted to the feeling of broken glass under his bare feet and simply stood there for a few moments.
"Thanks," he said in a cheery voice. He began to walk away, limping as he did. M'gann quickly flew over by his side and she picked him up, revealing the bloody footprints. He kicked his legs a few times when he realised they were off the ground before his eyes snapped open. He panicked upon finding he wasn't in his bed or his bedroom and his head whipped around as his eyes tried to take in where he was.
"M'gann you woke him up! I said not to do that!" Artemis exclaimed.
"He is bleeding all over the floor! What am I supposed to do?" she shrieked, trying to gesture to the floor as Robin wiggled in her arms. The shouting really didn't help him come to his surroundings. He knew the voices, he was sure of it, but he couldn't place them. They could be some villain's voices that he recognised and or some heroes. Either way, he didn't like the fact his feet were off the ground and the black tint to everything really didn't help.
"Stop shouting you're freaking him out!" Wally announced.
"You're shouting too!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"What's going on?" Robin interrupted. M'gann looked down at him and lifted him onto the countertop to keep him off his feet. Although he was rather light, almost too light she had to keep an eye on that, she couldn't hold onto him much longer with all the moving he was doing.
"You were sleepwalking Birdie. Dropped a glass and fucked your feet," Artemis explained bluntly. He nodded slowly and looked down at his feet which were indeed fucked. He could feel the blood drip down to the tips of his toes before dripping onto the floor.
"Huh. Thought I didn't do that anymore?" he muttered to himself. He brought one of his feet up and inspected it, pulling bits of glass out with the smallest of winces. M'gann had to look away as the sight was turning her stomach. She decided to make herself useful and get a first aid kit.
"Dude you got blood all over the floor," Wally complained.
"Oh, I'm sorry to inconvenience you in such a way. How awful it must be," he replied sarcastically.
"Hush up brat. You could've told us you go on strolls to smash glasses. What were you even dreaming about?" Artemis inquired.
He went silent as he moved onto the next foot. He glanced around and smiled to himself when he realised the sink was right next to him. He checked there were no plates in it beforehand then put his feet in it and turned the tap on to wash off the blood. Without the crimson gushing out, they didn't look too bad. They were cuts and it would be an arse to walk tomorrow but they didn't need stitches.
"I was uh I was just dreaming about when I was a kid. Dropped a glass." There's something distant about his voice that makes them all cringe.
"Oh. I was hoping it'd be something funny," Artemis replied awkwardly.
"Ha jokes on you, everything is depressing about my life! Point for Robin."
"That's not a win!" Wally exclaimed.
Robin didn't sleep. They were convinced of it. There were very few instances where someone saw him sleeping - even then they couldn't be fully sure since the lenses of his mask didn't close all the way - and they always heard him moving. The myth that the guy never slept was busted one night when he couldn't stay awake much more. He blamed it on Starfire. They were all watching a movie together when Starfire yawns and rests her arm around him, pulling him closer. He chuckled at first, counting how many movies she'd seen where a guy pulled that move on their girlfriend. He decided to humour her and leaned into her touch. Then she played with his hair. Of course, she didn't know that this was his secret weakness. He relaxed further and ended up drifting off with his head on her shoulder. She was just so warm and he was so tired and it was so soothing to have someone play with his hair. Starfire admittedly jumped a little when she heard the sound of soft snoring. So did the rest of her teammates. They glanced around since the noise definitely wasn't coming from the action-packed movie they were watching only to find the source was their very own leader. The guy who didn't sleep.
"Nobody move, I need to record this," Cyborg announced though in a hushed tone. He used his robotic eye to begin recording the rare moment.
"Woah, Star you have the magic touch!" Beast Boy whisper-yelled.
"I am not magic, I am an alien," she replied, confused.
"No I- forget it. Point is, you got the guy to sleep. Never thought I'd see it." He was quiet for a moment. "Imma get a marker."
"You'll do no such thing," the alien snapped. "Or I shall throw you across Jump City."
"C'mon, please? I won't get this opportunity again," he whined. She shook her head and scowled at him. Robin grumbled at the movement and snuggled up closer to her. "We could at least take his mask off. He won't even know."
"You're not doing that either," Raven growled. "You wouldn't even know who you're looking at."
"How do you know?" he sneered. She tutted at him. He wasn't going to get anything out of her. "Ugh, you guys are no fun."
"You should take him to bed before this one gets any more bright ideas," Raven said.
"I suppose that would be best," Starfire sighed. She kind of liked having him pressed against her. He was hardly this cuddly when he was awake. Maybe they could work up to that. She carefully got up and plucked him off the couch. He grumbled as he had before when he was disturbed but remained asleep. At least she'd be able to get him to bed without a fight. Not like he slept when he was in bed.
After tucking him in and sneaking out of the room successfully, Starfire returned to the group with a triumphant look. She sat down and they continued to watch movies together with the thought that they wouldn't see their leader until morning. That was until two hours into their next movie in the marathon, they hear someone come down the hall. They all sighed and got ready to hopefully bully their leader back to bed. It never worked but it was worth a shot. One day it might work. They turned towards the door and saw him but he didn't seem all there. He was moving sluggishly and they could've sworn his eyes were closed behind his mask.
"Robin?" Beast Boy called. He didn't reply. He walked over to them like he was on a mission despite his odd stature. They watched as he passed by all of them until he got to Starfire.
"Robin? Are you alright?" she asked worriedly. She'd never seen him like this before. Was this a human thing that she was unaware of? She glanced over to her teammates for answers as the teen just stood there.
"I don't think he's awake," Raven said.
"What makes you say that?" Cyborg asked.
"People sleepwalk right? Some don't reply, they can have their eyes closed and they usually have something off about their appearance. I wouldn't be surprised if he did," she explained. They thought about it for a moment. Yeah, it didn't seem too odd that he'd be a sleepwalker. It would make sense that what they hear at night isn't actually him moving around consciously but him just moving. Huh. That wasn't nearly as fun as him never needing sleep. Robin decided he was done standing there and climbed onto the couch. Only, he didn't stop there. He then climbed onto her lap and made himself comfortable. He leaned into her, going so far as to grab her hands and place them around his waist. Once he was happy with her hand placement, he leaned into her and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. He smiled in contentment and relaxed.
"This is perfect blackmail material," Cyborg stated, recording him again. Starfire didn't take any notice of him. Her attention was fixed on her boyfriend sitting on her lap! Her lap! He sleepwalked all the way back to her just to sit on her lap! She was never letting this go. She tightened her grip on him just so he didn't fall off in case he wriggled around to get more comfortable. His slow breath tickled her neck. He just slotted into her arms so nicely, like he was a jigsaw piece.
"Who could've thought he'd be so clingy?" Raven said, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.
"Oh, he is often clingy when we sleep together."
"I really hope you mean actually sleeping," Beast Boy replied.
"What else would I mean?" she asked. Then she thought for a moment. "Ohhh, you mean sex!"
"Star no-"
"You need not worry about me revealing our sexual exploits. Robin remains a virgin to my knowledge. Though I intend to change that," she said with a wink.
"Wow, I hated that," Raven deadpanned, gaining nods from her two teammates.
Schoolwork was keeping Damian up late. He was supposed to be resting as he'd gotten injured the night prior but he wasn't one to rest like the rest of his so-called "family." He'd been told to refer to them as such but it wasn't easy. He'd only known the meaning of family to be that of blood. People are connected through genes. Though, he supposed this mismatch of people was his family in the sense of community. What family was supposed to feel like rather than the strict rigid family he'd known before. He wasn't the only one home on bed rest. Dick was ill and with no one to look after him, he'd been forced to stay at the Manor. From what Damian overheard, he was in a bad way but not bad enough to go to the hospital. He had a bad fever, one that left him exhausted and forced him to sleep much more than he would usually. He'd been sick a few times too. There'd been panic earlier because he'd thrown up in his sleep and had choked on the vile substance. He managed to wake up and rush to the bathroom to finish throwing up whatever was left of his last meal before passing out beside the toilet. Alfred assured everyone it had been a bad stomach bug but Bruce insisted on testing him for any poisons. He hadn't heard the results. Judging by everyone going out, he guessed that he hadn't tested positive for everything. If Damian was honest with himself, and he wasn't, he'd admit that he was rather worried for the older. He didn't get sick often and he'd never seen him in such a bad way before. It was almost scary.
Damian was brought out of his thoughts by the sounds of walking around. He strained his ears as he tried to recognise the footprints. He didn't need to rely on them though because he heard Dick call for him. He raised an eyebrow. Just an hour ago the guy was bed-bound but now he was moving around? Talk about a speedy recovery. Then he thought over the call of his name. It was a desperate call. As though Dick knew he wouldn't get an answer when he called for him. The footsteps grew closer.
"I'm sorry!" the acrobat shouted. Sorry? Sorry for what? The tone of the shout made Damian tense up. It sounded pained. He'd never heard something so full of sorrow. He stayed in bed for a moment. Should he go out there and see what was going on? It felt right to do so. Then again, he didn't do so well at the lovey-dovey stuff. Perhaps he should just wait. He couldn't wait, he reasoned with himself. Dick shouldn't be up in the first place so he needed to go out there simply to force him back to bed.
Deciding he needed to do something other than sitting there, he moved his books to the side and swung his legs around so he could get out. He winced as soon as pressure was put onto his right ankle. It'd been sprained badly, his fault for panicking. He'd been rather close to a bomb and had moments to run out of its range. In his panic, he tripped and sprained it. Luckily Dick was there. He scooped him up and grappled out of there, the explosion thrusting them to the chosen rooftop faster. The older had joked about being ill back then. Said he was running a fever higher than the fires. Damian shook his head and told him he'd be dead if that were true.
"There's so much blood- Oh God!" His sprained ankle immediately slipped Damian's mind upon hearing that cry and he sprinted to the door. Sure, he limped awkwardly but he was still fast. He opened the door quickly, the hinges creaking as he threw it open, and he rushed out into the hallway. There he saw the hero staring at something on the ground. His eyes looked completely unfocused and were half-lidded which didn't match the completely horrified look on his face. His hands hovered halfway between going to cover his mouth and touching whatever he'd seen. His breath was going a mile a minute and if he didn't catch it soon, he'd have a panic attack.
"Grayson? What's wrong?"
"Damian's dead!" he shrieked. Damian's eyebrows furrowed together. He wasn't dead. But he had been. Oh. Oh shit.
The dawn of this realization created a pit in the young teen's stomach. He didn't like to think about what happened. It haunted him some nights. He'd sit there looking at the ceiling, his hand resting on the large scar on his chest. His fingers would trace over it repeatedly and he'd always zone out. When he zoned back in, his face was wet and half the night had passed. He supposed he never thought about how other people felt. Everyone had seen at least one person dead and the cases they worked on definitely led to much gorier bodies but this was Dick and the person dead was his little brother. The boy he'd practically raised whilst Bruce was nowhere to be seen.
"I got too close," Dick whispered. Damian snapped out of it and moved to get closer. He knew what was happening. Dick was sleepwalking. He'd seen it before when it was just them. Though those times were happier, amusing almost. He had fun leading him back to bed and listening to whatever he babbled on about even though in the morning he would act like it was the most irritating thing on earth. It wasn't. It was something to do. Something to make him feel important. If he wasn't there to bring the older back to bed, anything could happen. He was helping. It felt nice to be so crucial. Now, he didn't feel in control as he once had during these events. The acrobat was distressed and that wouldn't aid in his sickness. Damian could see the sweat sticking his bangs to his forehead and his skin looked far too pale to the point where his white scars almost blended in. The teen gently took his hands in his own, careful not to wake him. He'd done that once and Dick nearly fell down the stairs because he was so disorientated. As funny as that was, it wouldn't be very funny now. Dick's eyes jumped up from the body only he could see and stared right through the younger. It was eerie to see those bright blue eyes suddenly dull and unfocused.
"It's okay Grayson. It's just a dream."
"But he's dead! Look!" Tears rolled down his cheeks, mixing with the sweat droplets. Damian needed to get him back to bed because if he passed out in the hallway, he wouldn't have the strength to get him to bed. Not with his ankle in the shape that it was. It was excruciating to just stand there.
"I'm alive remember? I came back."
"No! No! No!" the older cried. "He's dead like them! J-Jason- where- I?" The younger sighed and limped closer so he could wrap his arm around the other. He kept a hold of one of his hands, for moral support he supposed, and tried to turn him around. Alas, he wouldn't budge. His room was far down the hall too. Damian didn't know if he could drag him that far. He thought for a moment. Dick could always stay in his room. Of course, that meant he could get sick. They hadn't figured out if this was contagious or not.
After thinking for a few moments, he decided Dick would bunk with him for the night. If the older woke up from this nightmare, he'd be better off in his bed than alone in his room. Plus, he could sleep on the pull-out mattress that was still out since Jon slept over. Yes, Dick could sleep on the floor and Damian would be able to watch over him for the night. That was the best option he had and he could lie in the morning.
"Grayson just walked into my room. I didn't touch him because I don't fancy getting whatever he has." That was good, he could do that. Now he just had to get Dick in his room and onto that temporary bed. "We're going to bed now okay? You need rest," he told him.
"But Damian! He's Jay but-but Jay is different. He's-he's," his sentence trailed off.
"Shh Grayson. I'm right here. Let's get you to bed, yes?"
"I don't want to lose anyone else," came a small cry. It broke Damian's heart. Something so simple had shattered his cold heart to pieces. Dick had lost so much but his attitude wouldn't have you believe it. He'd lost his parents, Jason, Bruce, Damian and Tim. There was probably more than that in his long history of being a hero. Perhaps not all of them were because that person died and nearly all of them came back but that didn't stop the original loss from hurting. It simply meant he couldn't know if someone was going to come back or not. He didn't know when he was going to really lose someone. The thought of that must be terrifying. "You're not-" Damian paused. He couldn't promise that. He couldn't say you're not going to because he most likely would. Life was unpredictable like that. He sighed.
"I'm here now. I'll be here for you now." There was a whine in response but not much else. Dick's eyes began to close and when Damian pulled on him, he followed.
With a sigh of relief, the younger lead his "brother" back to his room and helped him onto the mattress. He climbed into bed himself and watched Dick curl up with a few sniffles. He whimpered a little which Damian attributed to either the last of his nightmare leaving him or his fever making him feel sick. He felt sorry for the man. Dick was evidence of what happened to a kid who was put into the hero business. Sometimes you had to wonder if he was better off somewhere else. If someone else had brought him up, would he be better? Would he be happier? He'd certainly be safer.
"D'mian?" Dick mumbled, half awake and his voice laced with hoarseness.
"You were sleepwalking Grayson. You're staying in my room tonight. Go back to sleep." He stared at him, silently checking him over. When he was happy with what he saw, or more accurately didn't see, he hummed and turned over. A few minutes later there were snores. Damian smiled to himself and went back to his schoolwork. He'd keep him safe for tonight at least. "Goodnight Grayson."
It was a rare night off for the couple and Wally intended on making sure it stayed a night off so his boyfriend slept for more than two hours. He told every League member that they could only call them if it was a real emergency and he sent a text off Dick's phone - because if he did it off his own he'd probably wake up tied to a chair and lectured for hours - to all his family members saying he was having the night off and unless they were dying he was staying home. His plan seemingly went off without a hitch. They had dinner together - Wally cooking because Dick even on his good days could only cook pot noodles half-decently - then watched a movie together before "exercising" (wink wink nudge nudge) and getting a shower. After, Wally dragged the acrobat to bed and caught him in a hug so he couldn't wiggle away.
"M not even tired!" Dick whined. The speedster had heard it all before. "I'm not tired!" and "But I have so much work!" were the two most common ones. He just tutted and pulled him closer.
"You're a big baby. Just close your eyes. If you're not asleep in an hour then you can do whatever you want," he assured him. Dick huffed and put his head on his chest, quietly listening to the other's heartbeat. Regular. Good.
"Not a big baby," he mumbled as he moved closer. He sighed happily when he felt the other's arms wrap around him protectively and let his eyes flutter closed. "One hour then I'm done."
"Mhm, that's the deal."
"I'll humour you then."
Wally didn't remember falling asleep but he had as in the middle of the night he suddenly woke up only to realise the familiar wait of his boyfriend was no longer pressing against him. They always slept tangled with one another. One of them laying on the other's chest or holding onto the other in some way or another. He frowned and glanced over to the bathroom, wondering if Dick was in there, only to find the light was off. He groaned. The acrobat had snuck off to do work. He got up and checked the wardrobe.
Oh. The Nightwing suit was still there and so were the spares. He raised an eyebrow. So Dick didn't go out. That was something he supposed. He walked into the office but there was no one in there.
Oh. Wally tried the living room, expecting to see the acrobat sitting at the breakfast bar hunched over his computer. Yet again he was met with an empty room.
"Dick?" he called. He shivered, feeling a sudden breeze to the room and glanced over to the balcony. The doors were open which was odd because he was certain he'd closed them. He didn't concentrate on the doors however because sitting on the edge of the railing was the man he was looking for and he was looking a little too unsteady for his liking. He ran over and stood by the railing, his hands out ready to grab him. "Babe, what's up?" he asked. He studied Dick's face. Luckily the lights of the city made it easy to pick apart his expression. Blank. His eyes were open, looking but not seeing. He was mumbling something but the wind and traffic were much too loud for it to sound coherent. Wally had a feeling it wouldn't make much sense anyway. "Dickie? Are you awake or are you having a wander?" He knew his boyfriend sleepwalked. There'd been a few instances where he'd gone out of the apartment on his little adventures and fell back asleep before he could make it back home. He'd usually be found in an alley or, on an oddly common basis, inside their car. "Can you hear me?" There wasn't a response. "I need to get you to bed sweetheart. It's dangerous sitting out here."
"M waiting for B," Dick stated. He swung his legs a little. "Gonna go on a big mission!"
"Can you wait for Bats inside? It's much warmer in there," he offered.
"Gotta wait right here. He told me so." Wally hummed to himself in thought before snapping his fingers.
"Well I just talked to him and he wants you to wait inside so you're nice and warm," he replied.
There was a long pause before Dick swivelled around and jumped down from the railing. He shivered at the feeling of his feet touching the cold concrete balcony.
"There you go. Come on, I've got you," Wally assured him. He wrapped an arm around the smaller's hips and guided him back inside. He got him inside and immediately locked the doors behind them. He knew Dick could unlock them but he'd rather not leave them open to a burglar on their night off. Dick wandered off as he did, mumbling something again. He had to go somewhere or something like that. He was walking towards the bedroom so that was something. Wally ran after him but was relieved to find that he was climbing back into bed. "Done for the night then?" he asked with a laugh.
"Covert," Dick stated. He shook his head to himself and joined him, lifting up the blanket and covering them up. Dick was freezing after being out there for however long he was so Wally made sure he was completely covered. Hopefully, he'd warm up soon. He snaked his arms around him and held him close, hoping the acrobat would steal some of his warmth for himself. Dick stopped muttering and relaxed into the other's touch, seemingly falling asleep. The truth was he'd never woken up. Wally kissed his forehead and held him a little tighter. They really needed to find a lock this guy couldn't open. The last thing he wanted to see was a headline read "Billionaire's Sleepwalking Ward Kidnapped On Midnight Wander!" He played with the younger's hair to help him relax and eventually went back to sleep.
Dick walked into the empty apartment, numbly locking the door behind him. His body was on autopilot. He couldn't believe it. His boyfriend was dead. Gone. Never to come back. It'd been about a month and he still couldn't believe it. He yawned to himself. He hadn't slept much. He didn't want to. Without Wally there, he was afraid his sleepwalking adventures would take him somewhere. He could get himself killed. So he usually stayed up most nights. He trudged past the kitchen, ignoring his growling stomach and heading straight to bed. Dick took off his clothes, not even trying to throw them near the laundry basket. What was the point? No one was around to see it nor to tell him to do it. So why do it?
Dick sat on the bed and sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. This was so wrong. Everything is so wrong. Dick gulped and tried to hold back the floodgate of tears. He didn't want to cry anymore but it seemed like all he could do. He got in bed, pulled the covers up and reached up to the headboard. There were handcuffs there. One end was shut around the poles of the bed whilst the other was empty. He locked it around his wrist. This was the only thing he could think of to keep him safe he sleepwalked. It was uncomfortable and was beginning to cut and rubbed raw skin around his wrist but he continued. A little pain was nothing he supposed. He locked it and put the key back on the bedside table. He hoped he wouldn't figure out how to unlock it in his sleep. Dick hugged his pillow and closed his eyes only to whimper as tears were let loose onto the fabric. He bit his lip to hide the sobs but he didn't know why he did it. There was no one to hear. No one to listen. No one to help.
Dick didn't sleepwalk that night. In fact, he didn't sleep. He just laid there and cried for someone he wasn't getting back. How cruel the world was.
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