Chapter 12: Mental
Guys this is the last Chapter, I know you guys are like 'OMG WHY IS SHE STOPING THIS TOTALLY AWESOME BOOK' but theirs a reason for that. Their will be a book two for this Robin Assassin series. Their will be 3 books to this series as well. But I must warn you. The others may be a bit PG-13 for blood and gore in the other books!
Anyways lets get in with this last chapter!
Enjoy the book!!
Stay murderous and have fun with contracts!
Dick's POV
"Grayson wake up!" someone said and I ignored them completely. I wanted to sleep, I need it!
"Come on Dickie bird." another said and I shot up, assassin senses. I hated them but they did come in handy at times.
"Woah Woah Woah. Calm done there birdie." another voice said and I saw Jason, Damian, Tim and Black Canary.
" Wha'ppened" I asked in a slur of words. Drugs they had to put me on drugs so that I could get better from Joker. Yeah I don't get that amnesia stuff from the drug affect. But I do have a high tolerance to medication and the Bats (and canary) know this because they gave me one pain killer for the pain when I first got shot, not fun. I was in so much pain and they had to give me the rough amount of 4.
"Well Joker stabbed you with his switch blade, but we put him in Arkham. Then while we were gone Canary fixed you up, you were out for 3 days." he said and I gave an arching eyebrow.
"What?" I asked in a semi loud voice because I was surprised that I was out that long.
"We tested your blood but Joker did get something but we don't know what it is in your system. It should be out in the next couple of hours, roughly 2 or 3." Canary said and I nodded. What the worst that could happen really. I've already had my own mind not with me, been on a memory stealing spree, had my memories stripped from my very being, been beaten with no answer where I got them, torture and who know what else.
"I'm sure I'll live." I responded and they slowly nodded. Tim smiled and snatched me in a hug; I was in a bit of a middle situation before hugging back. He was gently for my stomach stitches.
"Good to have you back Dickie." he whispered and I smiled at my nick name.
"Good to be back, better than before." I responded before he released me.
Damian was next, I was almost as tall as him, and I'll reach him thought.
"Grayson." Damian said and I looked into his eyes, similar to mine at least. His were a bit lighter, like Bruce's. His hair was darker and a bit more in place, mine was rough and shaggy.
"Look Damian go-" Jason was cut off by Damian tackling me in a hug. I was caught a little by surprise, a little is the key word. He held me close, I returned with a light gesture.
"Don't you ever leave us again, alright?" Damian whispered with an emotional voice I have never heard him have.
"I won't plan on it." I whispered and he smiled and released me.
"Now are we done with the little Bat-family reunion?" Canary said and I saw that she held happiness in her eyes.
"What about Babs?" Tim asked and I froze. Babs! I attacked her and judged her word, me and her were close friends. But she had a boyfriend, engaged actually to Gage Dallas.
"Right. How is her fiancé?" I asked and they looked at me and cringed.
"Well Babs is pregnant, engaged and their wedding is in 3 weeks." Jason replied and looked at me, I didn't care. She couldn't stay hooked on me forever. I guess what she said 6 years ago was true.
In the darkest alleyway of Gotham city held Robin and a very mad Batgirl.
"You can't just leave Dick they care about you." she yelled at the small bird and he looked up at her.
"It's not my fault that they hate me for being 13, age is just a number." he said back in a deadly serious calm voice.
"But that doesn't give you a right." she said back her voice still laced with anger
"A right to what, quit because they did kick me off." he returned and she had a confused face.
"No they didn't." she replied and Dick nodded.
"Yes, they did, everyone hates me including you, and you can't stand me. I hear what you say." he replied and he had struck a nerve.
"That all you ever do Robin! You cut people out of your life who actually care about you! You never get close to them, I care, but that's it, it's like you don't even care! I'm done! I'm done watching out for you, you could die for all I care." she yelled at him and he had a straight face. She had put a specific emphasis on some words thought. This isn't the first time he's been yelled at ya know.
"Well I'm sorry if the first people I've ever loved are dead." he mumbled with a bit of sadness and venom lacing the tone. He threw a smoke pellet to the ground and disappeared and was never seen after that.
|||End Of Flashback|||
"I don't want to talk to her." I mumbled and they looked at me.
"Why not?" Jason said because he obviously heard what I had said anyways and I don't care is he had heard me.
"Because she doesn't care." I replied in a calm voice, don't slip up Grayson.
"Why would you think that?" Tim asked and then she walked in.
"Because I simply don't Tim, nice to see you again Traitor." Barbra snarled as she walked right through the double doors.
"He's not a traitor." Damian said and got in front of me. OH the older bat verses the slightly middle aged bat.
"Why not? He has killed people, innocent people I might add. He's not some innocent child that should just be roaming the streets." Barbra said and looked me dead in the eyes.
"That wasn't him." Jason said after.
"Like I care, he's still a traitor" she said and I was done.
"I'm going in the training room, if you need me." I replied and shoved the double doors. I heard them yelling at each other and I subconsciously walked down the hall to the Training Room. Then I black out.
Jason's POV
"It wasn't him! They had him in a medical endured coma and stole his memories! How would you feel if you were in his position?" I yelled at Barbra, she stood there, arms cross. Whatever Dick did, it was serious.
"Guys do you hear that." Tim asked and I looked at him.
"I don't-" Barbra started before I put my hand over her mouth. I heard the sound of metal against metal and soft muttering.
"Let's go see." Canary said before we quietly walked through the double doors. We walked silently down the corridor and it was in the Training Room. I opened the door and saw Dick with a dagger in his hand and carving words on a wall. He softly muttered to himself as he finally finished carving.
'-Cut out people-'
"Dick?" Damian asked and his hand dropped to his side as the teen turned around. His eyes were open but he looked like he was to calm. He started walking towards us and started talking.
"Loneliness...Loneliness cascades down upon us, what do we do but walk by?" His voice was so soft but it seemed to echo through the cave.
"All pride has left our wild, hating souls, just as all violent cities kill all statues of porcelain. Those cities....are cities that worship flesh and finality." he started walking behind us as we stood there as Barbra watched wide eyed as he walked behind her.
"Fear...fear fueled by the passion of those in its grip...all brought forth for reckoning." Dick said and traced the back of her neck with the blunt side in a pattern that I couldn't recognize.
"Society is unseeing, each with one's own turmoil, characterized by death and darkness. Suddenly... isolation creeps in...A simple solider of fear, then comes forth...the master." he whisper yet it sounded like yelling in the mountain. He then moved to Black Canary, he traced her shoulder blade with the blunt side.
"Fear becomes real...beyond ones impaired sight, beyond ones love. Fear...comes forth and wraps it's icy, pinged fingers around ones neck." he said after and Black Canary stood still and had a shy but of fear in her eyes about what he was saying.
"Fear then releases its grip, preying on one's hunts and laughs until, once more, it has ones soul...eventually spirit dies in one's soul, the war taking its toll." he whispered before he got out of my line of sight.
"But one forgets..." he started before a cling of metal hit the floor.
"Death is the winner of any war."
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