Chapter 08: Manipulation
Nightwing's POV
Black Canary was consoling me.
"Richard, tell me what happened?" She asked and I squeezed my hands into fists. The anger boiling in my blood, I hated counseling, and when people tell me to tell them my problems. News flash. It's my life, not yours. So butt out.
"Richard, you're going to be ok." she said and put a hand in my shoulder and I shrugged it off and looked at her.
"I don't understand. Have you ever had someone take your brain and play? Pull you out and send something else in? Do you know what it's like to be unmade?" I said and she was confused.
"I don't understand." she said and I nodded.
"Exactly Diana, you don't understand because my case.... it's something you've never dealt with before." I yelled at her and she flinched, I've never been known to be violent.
"Then tell Me." she said and I looked at her with a deadly glare.
"Why should I?" I questioned and she gripped the armrests on the chair.
"Because I want to know." her voice had a trail of anger in it.
"Fine." I replied and the memories began to surface from the deep fragments of my mind, I wanted to bury them there, never remember the horrible things I was forced to do.
"They would get a syringe and give me a mental mind blocker so that they would block me out... it was clear that they were playing with my brain like a puppet.... An externally terminator puppet. I can't remember what I did to any of my victims I've killed. They would amnesia me after every mission and put me under a medical induced coma until there was another person they wanted me to kill then they would bring me out again and restart the whole process. I don't know. I wasn't in control of my own actions." I yelled at her, I was calm in the beginning and began to rise as I spoke. She stood up and got into a fighting position.
"Put down the gun." she said and I saw I had a gun in my hand and my hands were shaking and the gun dropped.
"I'm sorry I....I didn't." I sputtered out at my own actions and she walked towards me cautiously and crouched down.
"Richard, breath." she said slowly and my hands were still shaking and some certain were moving in slow motion. Panic attack.
"Breathe." her words were clear and I took a deep breath and released it shakily and things started evening out. I took a couple more and they were.... somewhat normal again.
"Whose they?" she asked and she stood up, I knew.
" Ra's, DeathStroke and Owlman" I replied back and she put her hand over her mouth. But pulled it back down shortly after.
"We can try to help you get your memories back but it will take som-." she was cut off my people entering the room. Jason, Damian and Tim came in. They were a lot older. I was 18 and Jason was 21, Damian was 23, and Tim was 22. I was the baby of the Bat-Family; I really hope I didn't make any of them mad.
"Dick!" Jason yelled and Damian, Tim and Black Canary tried to hold him back.
"You killed her!" he yelled and I remember her name Callie Henderson, I killed his girlfriend.
"Jason. He wasn't him" Black Canary said and he stopped. His eyebrows knotted in a slightly confused expression.
"What do you mean?" he said after and she sighed, this wasn't going to be easy to explain but I knew she would do it perfectly.
"Ra's, DeathStroke and Owlman had injected him with a serum that would block out his true sense of mind. They would amnesia him after every mission and stall him away after he was done. Like a coma induced medicine but when he was needed again, they would bring him back and use him again. Then after they would repeat the process." she said and his eyes widened and I tried to advert my eyes from all theirs. Tim, Damian, and Jason all their eyes were wide and looking at their broken and shattered brother.
"Dickie." Jason muttered and engulfed me in a strong hug. I didn't return still trying to avert my eyes from him.
"Why do all the bad things happen to you?" he muttered under his breath and released me. He grabbed my chin and made me look him in the eyes. I looked the other way.
"Look at me Dickie." he said and I slowly made eye contact with him. I saw regret and loss in his eyes.
"I'm so sorry Jay." I whispered and he shook his head, his eyes held regret in them.
"That wasn't you Dickie." he said and I looked at the white hair strip at the front of his hair.
"That wasn't you Dick; you have nothing to be sorry about." Damian said and Tim nodded. Bat Family reunion.
Jason's POV
"Dickie." I muttered and pulled my little brother into a strong hug, he didn't returned and he wasn't looking at me.
"Why do all the bad things happen to you?" I muttered under my breath and released him. I grabbed his chin and his face turned towards me but his eyes weren't.
"Look at me Dickie" I said and he slowly made his eyes look at me. His deep sky blue eyes looked darker than before. He looked so broke, so shattered from himself. I hated when bad this happened to him. It felt like I was being gutted alive, and Dick spoke.
"I'm so sorry Jay." he whispered loud enough for me to hear.
"That wasn't you Dickie." I said and his eyes moved to my white strip of hair at the front of my black hair. It came from when Joker killed me, I got a souvenir.
"That wasn't you Dick; you have nothing to be sorry about." Damian, my eldest brother spoke. Like the wise 23 year old he is, Dick looked at him and looked back down. They finally broke the youngest bird, slowly peeled away his true state of mind. I heard him groan and grab his stomach. Dick fell to his knees and gasped, he paled up a lot and he hissed in pain.
"Canary what's happening!?" I yelled and rushed to his side; I looked and saw he was coughing up mixtures of blood and water.
"How is he drowning!? There's no WATER!" Damian yelled and I looked around. Dick went unconscious still coughing up a lot of water and blood.
Unknown's POV
" nworD eht drib" I spoke out silently and I saw Richard gasp and drop to his knees coughing blood and water.
"How is he drowning!? There's no WATER!" Damian yelled loudly and I smirked, revenge was best served cold and deadly.
"That's what you get, for killing Jeremy." I muttered and walked away, from the scene and walked in front of the zeta-tube and walked in.
" Zatanna A-19"
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