[4.2] can someone speed this up already
starting with cleo again, cool
i love how uncomfortable Hope is trying to let them all vote on her idea and whether or not to do it, i love it, it feels a lot like if klaus were asking his siblings if they're all ok with the plan, just pure awkwardness and you definitely know she'd prefer to do it herself bc it'll go quicker
jed is taking notes, i love him
hi wade
no catchphrase
no hand team thing
thank you for cutting out of there
oh? we're going into town? amongst the humans? please lets do this
i do love kaleb's thoughts of humans, it's so much fun
sorry MG, i know two of your crushes going out together will definitely leave you sad but could you maybe not listen in on private conversations that dont have anything to do with you?
Hope dealing with the two cuties that are Jed and Wade is adorable
oh hey it's clarke
honestly, not hating clarke anymore, he's a nice spin from the usual clean-cut prepsters around here
honestly, Landon helping Cleo is nice to see, could Landon just end up being Maliwhore instead? like pull Maliwhore's mind out, put it in some random asshole like a serial killer or smth, kill the guy, then let Landon live in his body merged with the Maliwhore body, like sure he and Hope will have to get over not being together physically but the kid will live and visit Raf and get him out of the prison world
Hope and Clarke are actually a pretty fun duo
Ethan, i like you, but only if the superhero stuff stays in conversation not in action, m'kay?
also seeing Lizzie smile is so cute, at least Ethan can do that
ah, Hope has hope
Jed and Wade just being bros
i love it when Dr. Douche is proved wrong
Kaleb having to listen to Lizzie's relationship problems is hilarious
is MG hiding behind a Nosferatu cut out? that's a tad on the nose
Clarke and Hope against Mailwhore
Hope having trust issues, what else is new
yes, Kaleb, MG is jealous over both of them, bc he likes them both
no, it's not a date with his 'ex-boy wonder' just 'ex' no boy wonder, just 'ex'
ik i hate Dark Josie and everything the character stands for making it seem like a character and thus a person you're writing is so two dimensional that they are literally divided between good and evil like as though she were Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde but Josie being scary and snuffing out that candle was hilarious and hot
Hope being nice to Clarke is sweet
yes, talk about Klaus
talk about how she's the only Tribrid ever
"None of us want that." Dr. Douche doesn't want it because it'd be even more difficult to control Hope or kill her if she got too far.
and the way he said it, "You don't want that." sounded so rehearsed, like if he says it enough times then she'll believe that's what she thinks
Hope talking about how she thought she'd do anything for Landon but can't bring herself to be the Tribrid and she questions it. Honey, it's ok to choose yourself
hey, leave Jed alone
another monster? seriously? i dont need this right now
ah, now Dr. Douche wants to kill Clarke like immediately. sounds about right
Peanut Butter Blast milkshake? Lizzie and Hope have the same taste in milkshakes, coincidence? i think not.
i like how much Kaleb is into the movie
oh Lizzie found Clarke
oh gross
i didnt need another monster right now
aaaaaand Ethan's dead
oh he's not?
seriously? we're doing the old school horror movie theme whilst they're watching an old school horror movie? damsel in distress captured by horrible beast only to be rescued by a dashing h-word whilst the actual film is playing out? that's a brand of meta that ya'll aren't allowed yet, not until you finally have a good NEW villain
ahahahahah, yes, take Dr. Douche out Hope
Hope talking about she gave Clarke her word (yess Elijah nostalgia) and Dr. Douche not even caring to let her keep it, "And I respect that." code for "I'm going to break your word and not give it a second thought."
Dr. Douche talking about making the hard decisions, listen buddy, you're proven to be incredibly biased and have a prejudice on supernaturals, you shouldn't be involved making decisions for them, sure you're daughters are involved but let your daughters decide on it just as well
Hope taking him out has made my day, i only wished it was more violent
MG, save your boyfriend yess
what the hell did Hope do?
im so confused, if she pulled the spirit out of Clarke, then where'd it go?
Kaleb, don't put Dr. Douche on a pedastal. wait, actually do it, then face how it is to be disappointed by him
whats with the focus and zooming in on their mouths and eyes? what's it mean? someone tell me i'm dense
yeah, thats why you love Ethan so much, MG, i thought it was obvious
oh gross, now Maliwhore is tricking Ethan into helping
oh gross
and he doesnt have vampire blood incase Maliwhore kills him, dammit
aw, Finch told her she loves her
oh shit, leave Ethan alone
dont call him a supervillain, Ethan
for fucks sake
leave Ethan alone
but also, don't, could'ya maybe kill him rather horribly as a message to everyone?
what's that?
you're going to completely demolish the potential of his character? what else is new
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