🦁 4 🦁
"so... basically, you're telling me that you bought a hybrid?"
"exactly!" ten exclaimed, jumping around sicheng.
"we had a conversation last week, and you already bought one?"
"neither taeyong nor i could wait. and we fell in love with yuta." ten said remembering the day they had adopted yuta.
sicheng snorted. "at least you can have the same boyfriend if you both fall in love with him."
"don't be silly." ten hit sicheng's arm. "he's a hybrid."
"and taeyong and i are humans." ten replied.
"i don't see your point."
"forget about it." ten rolled his eyes. "is kun coming to pick you?"
"yeah." sicheng replied, closing his locker.
"do you want to come to our apartment to meet yuta?"
"i'll ask kun if he's okay with it, but i don't see why not."
"cool!" ten smiled brightly.
"tae, i'm home with sicheng and kun!" ten exclaimed once he opened the door.
before taeyong could answer, a lion cub hurriedly ran to ten, allowing the human to pick him up and hug him tight.
"aww, i missed you my little yuta."
"a hybrid!" kun exclaimed, his ears perking up and his tail wiggling excitedly.
"calm down, kun." sicheng ruffled his hair. "he's still a baby."
"hello guys. i was playing with yuta but he suddenly disappeared." taeyong appeared in the room.
"he's here!" ten held out his arms in front of him, carrying yuta.
"can i play with him?" kun jumped up and down.
"as long as you don't scare him." taeyong warned.
"i'll be the best boy ever." kun smiled happily before transforming into a golden retriever.
ten carefully put yuta on the floor, allowing him to walk towards kun.
"so... a lion hybrid?" sicheng asked, watching the two hybrids interacting.
"we fell in love with him." taeyong replied immediately.
"yeah, ten told me." sicheng said, smirking at ten.
"stop smirking!" ten whined, hitting sicheng again.
"anyway." taeyong clapped his hands. "have a sit in the living room, i'll prepare something to drink."
ten and sicheng did as they were told, being followed immediately by the two hybrids.
taeyong joined them in the living room after a while, carrying a tray with drinks and biscuits.
"have you decided which song you're going to perform at the talent show?" sicheng asked, taking a sip from his drink.
"not really." ten replied.
"i am writing a song at the moment, but i can't seem to have it right..." taeyong explained.
"you'll be both singing?"
"yeah. and dancing too." ten precised.
"we need to be perfect." teyong nodded. "some big companies will be there, ready to pick some people for them to debut under their name."
"this could be our pass to the music world." ten smiled.
"a very well-deserved place." sicheng approved.
the three boys continued talking about music and performances, the three of them really appreciating this world and wanting to have a job related to it in the future.
yuta had fallen asleep on the floor, by taeyong's feet, and kun was still in his animal form, playing with the end of the carpet and sometimes asking pats on the head from one of the three men.
at some point, yuta woke up, yawning silently and stretching.
he happily walked to the couch, ready to cuddle into his owners' side, but he stopped in his actions when he saw kun's position.
the dog was sitting by ten's feet, and he was receiving all ten's attention, the thai male scratching behind the dog's ears and caressing its head.
yuta growled, jumping in front of ten and trying to push the dog away.
kun didn't move, not intimidated by the baby lion.
their small fight eventually caught the attention of the three humans.
"kun, come here." sicheng called his hybrid.
the dog followed his owner's order and laid down on the carpet.
yuta let out a tiny roar, happy that kun had left his owners alone.
"what is it, baby yuta?" ten asked, picking him up and setting him on his lap.
"you were jealous of kun?" taeyong continued, caressing the lion.
as expected, the lion didn't respond, but he snuggled in between the two males, showing how comfortable he was, lying in here.
"don't worry baby, you're ours only, we're yours only." ten smiled at the cute lion, taeyong nodding while caressing its fur.
"oh my god. they're already whipped..." sicheng whispered, earning a nod from his dog.
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