🦁 27 🦁
"sicheng, taeyong and i may have done something wrong..."
this was the first sing ten said when sicheng picked his phone up.
"something wrong? something wrong?!" sicheng yelled on this other side of the phone. "it looks like much more that just 'something wrong', ten."
"how do you- "
"yuta came to our house sobbing just minutes ago."
ten let out a relief sigh he didn't know he was holding.
"he's at sicheng's taeyong, don't worry!" he yelled across the house to warn taeyong who had been desperately searching for yuta.
"do you realize what you have done?" sicheng asked.
"something wrong, obviously..." ten massaged his temples.
"you completely destroyed him." the chinese boy said firmly. "when you came home a few days ago, i told you to voice your feelings out to them. not to make out with one of them in front of the other!"
ten sighed, sitting on the edge of his bed.
let's say he hadn't followed exactly sicheng's steps.
and now, everything was messy.
"yeah, i kind of fucked up..." ten admitted.
"you didn't 'kind of fucked up', ten. you truly fucked up." sicheng snorted.
"well, i'm sorry. i didn't expect for taeyong to be this tempting!"
"you are spilling bullshit there, ten."
"it's not my fault if he came in my room and prevented me to get hurt by hugging me while we fell backwards!" ten yelled.
"well, it's not yuta's either!" sicheng replied on the same tone.
ten didn't answer immediately.
he let sicheng calm down on the other side of the line – and himself too, actually.
"yuta is with you?" ten asked calmly.
"he's in kun's room at the moment. but he's home, yeah."
"do you think taeyong and i could... come here?" ten asked hesitantly.
"could?! you must come. it's an order!"
"let me tell taeyong then. we're leaving the house in a minute."
ten didn't wait for sicheng's approval to hang up.
the thai male immediately ran to the kitchen, where he saw a worried taeyong.
"he's at sicheng's. let's go." ten told, putting on a coat.
"wait. are you sure we should go now?" taeyong asked. "shouldn't we leave him... a bit of time on his own?"
"no." ten answered firmly. "the more we wait, the more he'll think we don't love him. we need to go. now."
"but- "
"i love yuta as much as i love you. and i don't want him to feel left out because we kissed." ten snapped. "i don't care if you actually love me or not. i just want yuta to know that we love him. or at least that i do."
ten turned on his heels, ready to walk out of the house, but he was pulled by the wrist and collided with a firm chest.
"do not doubt that i love you or him, ten. my feelings may be confused between you, yuta and jaehyun, but i know very well my priorities. and at the moment, yuta is my top one."
"took you long enough." sicheng snorted, closing the front door behind ten and taeyong's backs.
"where is him?" ten asked, ignoring sicheng's words.
"in kun's room."
ten speed walked to the hybrid's room, taeyong on his heels. he opened the door without bothering to knock, revealing his hybrid cuddled into kun's arms, tears straining his beautiful face.
"yuta, baby..." ten whispered, approaching the hybrid.
at the sight of his two owners, the hybrid started tearing up again.
"no, baby don't cry..." taeyong said when he saw tears forming into yuta's eyes.
kun coughed, standing up and heading towards the door. "i think you three should have a talk..."
kun walked out of the room, leaving ten, tayeong and yuta alone.
needless to say, the atmosphere wasn't very pleasing.
"yuta..." ten broke the silence, kneeling next to the hybrid.
"no!" yuta whined, letting hot tears fall out of his eyes. "ten and taeyong don't love yuta anymore... they love each other... there is no place for yuta with them..."
taeyong ran next to the hybrid as soon as he heard what he said.
"no baby, you're wrong. it's not like that."
"but yuta saw ten and taeyong kiss with the tongue and then say 'i love you'." yuta said, crying harder.
"yuta, baby, look at me." ten said, cupping yuta's face with his hands so that both boys were looking into each other's eyes.
yuta's eyes were shining because of the tears they held in them, but they looked so deep and so beautiful.
ten wiped the tears away with his thumb as he smiled softly, trying to reassure yuta the best he could.
"taeyong and i love you. we love you more than anything else. but we also love each other... you have to understand that our heart can't decide. we both love you and each other..."
ten didn't truly believe that, but he said it anyway.
he wasn't sure that tayeong loved him as he said.
however, he was sure that taeyong loved yuta.
plus, now wasn't the time to debate whether taeyong liked him or not.
yuta was their top priority at the moment.
"s-so... you still love yuta?" the hybrid asked in a timid voice.
"of course, we do, baby." taeyong replied.
"b-but... you never do what you do together with yuta..." the lion pouted.
"everybody has their way to express their love. and depending on the persons you are with, you don't act the same, that's why..." taeyong explained.
yuta nodded slowly, sniffling and wiping his tears with the back of his hand.
"and- "
"taeyong?" sicheng's voice asked from the other side of the door, cutting yuta that was about to speak.
"i'm sorry, i'll come back immediately."
taeyong left the room, closing the door behind his back and leaving ten and yuta alone, in a pleasant atmosphere this time.
"what did you want to say, baby?" ten asked, caressing the hybrid's cheek softly.
"is it really true that taeyong and ten love yuta?"
"it is. why don't you believe us when we tell you?"
yuta lowered his head. "i don't know... i feel like... it's weird..."
ten chuckled softly.
it was rare when yuta addressed as himself using the first-person pronoun. it was very rare actually. and it could only mean one thing: yuta's mind was going crazy.
and what ten was about to do couldn't help.
"tell me, baby." ten spoke, lifting yuta's chin up using his finger.
once again, their eyes met, and ten was completely immersed in the immensity of yuta's orbs. their faces were so close, and yuta couldn't keep his eyes focused on ten's. his eyes kept travelling across the thai male's face, often ending on his lips. and unconsciously, he licked his own lips, wondering if he would ever feel these lips against his. it seemed to be the only thing he wanted at the moment.
"i..." he mumbled, not really knowing what to say, or what to do.
ten smirked, knowing exactly what to do.
he used the hand that was under yuta's chin to bring his face closer and gently lay his lips on yuta's soft ones.
yuta closed his eyes immediately, enjoying the warmness of ten's mouth against his own.
it felt so weird and yet so good.
the kiss was chaste. only mouth to mouth, lips to lips. no particular moving, no tongue involved. but they enjoyed it fully.
"do you believe me now when we say that we love you?" ten asked once they had parted.
yuta nodded energetically, his cheeks a crimson red color, and his eyes still closed, as if he was still feeling ten's lips against his.
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