OT7 - Castle on the hills
Andys Pov:
Today is the 14th of October and it is officially 12 years since Roadtrip started and ended way too soon. So I decided to do a Livestream on the official Roadtrip account as I was the only one who actually decided to stay in the music industry. I broke off with my relationship with Blair and found a label. But not everybody was as lucky.
I lived with my mum in the Roadtrip house, knowing I couldn't just leave her. The problem was that Roadtrip wasn't just a band. We were lovers too and it hurt knowing I couldn't save any of them. I put my laptop in front of me on the window sink and started the live stream and. I took some deep breaths as all the Roadies came in and also some people we met during the journey of Roadtrip.
"Good day dear Roadies, today is October 14 and 12 years ago Roadtrip started where Rye and I first uploaded a cover. I am Andy Fowler, the last member to survive in the music industry." As I read the comments, I could see how sad everyone was until I read one comment that changed everything:
Harplyn4lifetogethaforevaaa: What is everyone doing?
"As I stated, no one is in the music industry anymore. I want to share with you what went down with who. Please carefully listen and try to remember at the time they made their own decision, they were only in their 20s. Harper was barely 20 and never had a real chance to know what life in the band actually meant. They had no idea this would be the end of our era.
One friend left to sell clothes. Mr. Michael Patrick Cobban as we know him. Being around so many people didn't bring him any joy, so he took his money went to a small village somewhere around Bristol, and started working at a clothing store. May he be happier than he ever was.
One works down by the coast. Mr. Ryan Derek Powell Robertson. He has been our sun while it lasted. He took his bags, said bye to his family, and went to Brighton, working with children on the beach. I hope he gets everything he wants.
One had two kids but lives alone. Mr. Brooklyn Gibson David Avraam Creaven Clienthos Wyatt. The one who would always make everyone laugh but at the same time most times no one took him seriously. He should have been taken more seriously as he has suffered the most. When his girlfriend got pregnant with the twins, Lee and Harry, she left him after the birth with the twins, taking them away from their dad. He has turned to alcohol and living alone in a small flat somewhere. He named his children after his dad who passed away and after mine. May they rest in peace. Maybe some of you can put Brook in your prayers, hoping to hear from him at some point. We miss you, Brook, you were our light when we would go around circles in the darkness.
One's brother's overdosed. Mr. Ryan Leonard Beaumont. A beautiful soul with so much more than anyone bargained for. His brother Sammie overdosed at the age of 16. The Beaumont family has been silent ever since and no one knows Rye's location. I hope he finds his way back to our house.
One's already on his second wife. Mr. Jack Richard Daniel Duff. The purest boy I have ever met and then he grew up, got involved with drugs and too much alcohol. His first wife, Kirsty, left him after he almost overdosed on Fentanyl. And his second wife, Callie, is filing a divorce because she found someone new who is better. I just wish he would come back into our arms and realizing that all he needs is true love.
One's barely getting by. Mr. Harper James Hunt Dark. He changed after the band broke up. He had no idea what he was supposed to do, no one could give him an actual answer. He was barely 20 without any career. There are no shreds of evidence where Harper might be but I just hope he comes back to us because we love you, Harper."
After answering a few more questions, I had to end the live for my own sake. I crawled into my bed when I heard the doorbell. I stood up and went downstairs when I saw two very familiar faces. Jack and his mum. I started running the last meters into Jack's arms. "Oh my god, it's you, Jackie." He giggled as we just stood there cuddling together. "I am sorry Fovvs, I didn't want to leave but you know I had to but now she is filing for divorce and I just had to sign the papers. My sister saw your live stream and since we live in London I immediately came back home." I looked up into his beautiful green eyes and kissed him. "I love you, Jack." "I love you too, Andy."
As we settled, the bell ran again. What could it be? I didn't order anything. I left Jack's arms and went to the door and as I opened the door, I was more than shocked. Five tear-stained faces stood in front of me with their bags. I ran to them, engulfing them in a hug. "JACK, COME DOWNSTAIRS!" I yelled through the whole house as my mum came as well, giving them a hug.
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