Jacklyn ageplay - Hospital visit
Request by Jack Pov:
Since two days I've been feeling pretty sick but we had to do lots of filming, so I don't have time to be sick. But last night it got so bad that I started spitting blood when I threw up. I also knew that I had to control myself as I haven't been in headspace for some time. It was horrible. I just had to go through it.
When I woke up, I felt nauseous and I had a massive headache. When I threw up in the bathroom next door, I knew that I slowly started to slip in headspace which wasn't good at all cause I wasn't in control of myself. As I started to clean my mess of blood and the threw up, I heard steps from the other side of the door. Small steps but heavy ones which could only mean one person. Brooklyn.
"Jackie? Are you in here? We have to go to the studio and work on our vocals for the first album." I stayed still, of course, I was cleaning the floor but more silently than before, but somehow Brookie knew that I was in here. I knew that because he opened the door and stared at me and my mess. "Oh my - Jack, is that blood on the floor?" I looked on the tiles not daring to look into his eyes. Yet I still nodded, for him to know that I really did it. Suddenly I felt his strong arms lifting me up which was quite a funny thing to watch as I'm still taller than him. But he did it and set me on my bed when I started to slip. Brook didn't notice as he went back to the bathroom and cleaned everything up.
Only a few minutes later, I saw Andy at the door. "Brook said that you threw up blood. Is that true?" I nodded ashamed and Andy went away again, only for Brook, who came back, to sit in front of me. "We have to get you to the hospital Jackie, maybe you have something extremely serious and we need to make sure that you will be okay." I nodded and stood up with Brooks help.
When we came to the car, I was almost in headspace and I tried to drag it out as long as possible as none of the boys knew about me being a little. I do have a pacifier and I steal the stuffies from Andy. I start giggling when Brook looked at me. I smiled at him and soon we came to the hospital when I saw a stuffie on the floor. I ran to it and sat on the floor playing with my new friend, Cormac. Like my best friend back home, with who I used to sing and post covers on youtube. But then I noticed that Brook was still there with a doctor talking while looking and smiling at me.
After some playtime with Cormac, Brookie came back with the doctor. "Jackie boy, can you come with us to talk about you and to get you checked up?" I nodded and said "Up pwease Bwookie". He smiled to me, put me on his hip and we walked to the office and got me checked up.
After the doctor did some weird things to me, I finally was back in Brooks lap. The doctor said things but I couldn't concentrate cause Cormac needed more attention. Till I felt Brook tickling me and I started giggling and looked up at him. "Jack, you are alright. you just have an infection. But I'll take care of my little one. But we have to wash your new friend here before you can sleep with him, okay?" I nodded. "Otay. You my new daddy now?" He smiled at me excitingly. "If you want me to, I'd love to take care of my little baby boy right here and his best friend." I hugged him. "Tanks daddy."
And this is how I got my daddy and he spoilt me lots and even got me lots of toys and pacifiers. EVEN diapers. I just love my daddy. Love you daddy if you read this. Till next time,
Sincerely little Jack Richard Daniel Duff (Wyatt)
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